Team:GreatBay SZ/Implementation

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Proposed Implementation

Basic Implementation

The basic implementation will be to utilize our product as a power source supplied by moisture-driven e-PNs that continuously generate power. The power-generating module below can then be connected to a capacitor to store power for future usage, supplying small electronic devices.

Design hardware to harness the power of the ambient environment

To test whether our BIOT could be utilized in reality, we did some further design on the hardware.

1. Connect more, achieve higher.

We firstly connected more than one basic BIOT modules in series. 

Figure 1: Voltage output from connected nanowire devices in series.

At first, we made a board that can be used to connect multiple batteries in series, with the designed copper sheet structure on top of it. Using this board, we can easily connect multiple batteries in series. As seen in the video,and with four of them, we managed to increase the output up to 1.6V. It proved that it could work, which means it is going to work with five, ten and even more of them, etc. 

Figure 2: (a & b) The board with the designed copper sheet structure on top of it; (c) Connected nanowire devices in series lead to higher voltage output.
Connected 4 nanowire devices in series lead to 1.6V output.

We then calculated the theoretical output power of the BIOT connected in series through a simple mathematical model, and the value can reach a maximum value of 1KW/m3. This value is theoretically higher than the existing solar cell based on solar power(typical power:100W/m2), because the drawback of solar cells is that, unlike our BIOT, they cannot be superimposed on the vertical axis, which limits the maximum output power of solar cells.

Figure 3: The theoretical output power of the BIOT compared to solar cell.

2. Stable the output for more scenarios.

In order to better stabilize the output power of BIOT, we decided to add a PMIC module into the circuit.

Power management integrated circuits (PMIC) are integrated circuits for power management. The environmental energy itself has the characteristics of unstable power output, and the PMIC module specially developed for environmental energy technology (such as BQ25570 or LTC3588) can store and manage the energy from the environment, and output electrical energy in a more stable way.

Figure 4: Using PMIC module to stable the BIOT output.

In our design, PMIC will temporarily store BIOT's output power through its power management chip and power the IOT devices stably. The PMIC module will further enable BIOT to meet the needs of more scenarios. Below is an example to power the LED using PMIC.

Figure 5: Using PMIC module to power the LED.

Using PMIC module to power the LED.

Product's Outlook

We now envision supplying power to two kinds of devices with two separate operation modes:

1. Low-Power Operation Mode

This requires continuous power input, so devices that need constant, stable, and low power supply usually employ this operation mode. We can attach to such devices with our charging module directly without intermediate capacitors.

Environmental Monitoring

Environment monitoring usually involves sensors that track and send data related to environmental parameters. Normally, some sensors need to locate in less accessible regions, and send real-time date 24/7; typical sensors are used for detecting smoke for forest fires, precipitation level, soil health, air quality, water quality or advanced signs for natural disasters[3]. Since these detectors require a consistent operation, they usually function in low-power mode. In this case, by connecting our charging module to these devices, e-PNs can sustain those sensors with low, stable power input for a considerable period.

Smart Shipping and business

Smart business and shipping—the application of IoT technology in enterprises to maximize profits and efficiency—are growing at a rapid pace. Some devices are used for monitoring business processes, secure cargos, or track inventories in transit—examples include shipping tracker, RFID tags for merchandise, and connected cameras[1]. These devices are suited for low-power, sustainable operation since they need to send real-time data through the IoT network. Our e-PN modules, since adapted to low-power generation, can again supply these devices in a durable, sustainable way.

2. Intermittent operation mode

This mode switches between standby and standard operation. Such operation mode enables IoT devices to switch back and forth between sleep mood and activation mood, but

Smart City

Smart city is an urban area that uses electronic methods and sensors to collect data that improves the operation of the city. Some devices in smart city settings are optimal for intermittent operation. Because they mostly involve remote sensing and control—like wireless transceivers, smoke detectors, smart lightings, thermostats. These devices function at extremely low voltage and current as in their standby mode (+0.5 V or less); only when activated, will they operate at a standard voltage (+3.0 V to +3.5 V)[2]. In this case, by connecting the e-PN module to a capacitor, we can store power for future releases when devices are awakened from sleep mode. Our plan guarantees both low power consumption and a sustainable power source.


[1]Sears, Alec. “8 IoT Tools for Your Small Business.” OpenMind, 20 Dec. 2017, Accessed 25 Oct. 2020.

[2]“IoT-Based Environmental Monitoring | Impact on Sustainability.” Conservation Folks, 11 Feb. 2019, Accessed 25 Oct. 2020.

[3] "StackPath." Www.Electronicdesign.Com, Accessed 25 Oct. 2020.