Team:GreatBay SZ/Part Collection

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We developed a BIOT toolbox, which includes the basic genes collection for a complete BIOT-WildType system, as well as various mutated RBSs and pilin genes. The collection of RBSs consists of parts with different strengths, ranging from twice to one hundred times stronger than the original. It can be used to further explore the optimized combination that yields the most protein nanowires. The 17 mutated pilin genes can be helpful when the output voltage of the protein nanowire needs to be tuned in any future experiment. By making use of this toolbox, different mutated RBSs and pilin genes can be combined randomly to create new modified strains.
The following is the parts included in our collection:

Part Name Part Code
PpdD Signal BBa_K3596000
Pilin Gene BBa_K3596001
hofB RBS BBa_K3596002
hofB+hofC BBa_K3596003
hofM RBS BBa_K3596004
hofM+hofN+hofO+hofP+hofQ BBa_K3596005
ppdA RBS BBa_K3596006
ppdA+ppdB+ygdB+ppdC+gspO BBa_K3596007
ppdA RBS mut1 BBa_K3596008
ppdA RBS mut2 BBa_K3596009
hofB RBS mut1 BBa_K3596010
hofB RBS mut2 BBa_K3596011
hofM RBS mut BBa_K3596012
Pilin Gene mut 1A BBa_K3596013
Pilin Gene mut 1B BBa_K3596014
Pilin Gene mut 1C BBa_K3596015
Pilin Gene mut 1D BBa_K3596016
Pilin Gene mut 2A BBa_K3596017
Pilin Gene mut 2B BBa_K3596018
Pilin Gene mut 2C BBa_K3596019
Pilin Gene mut 2D BBa_K3596020
Pilin Gene mut 3A BBa_K3596021
Pilin Gene mut 3B BBa_K3596022
Pilin Gene mut 3C BBa_K3596023
Pilin Gene mut 3D BBa_K3596024
Pilin Gene mut 4A BBa_K3596025
Pilin Gene mut 4B BBa_K3596026
Pilin Gene mut 4C BBa_K3596027
Pilin Gene mut 4D BBa_K3596028
Pilin Gene mut thin BBa_K3596029