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Nitric oxide induced Biofilm Allayer


What are their suggestions about our implementation fields?
——Lets listen to the answer from Doctor , Pipeline engineers and public

Pipeline engineers from Chenming swimming pool

1. In most swimming pools that use ozone as the disinfectant, especially in those gyms. Because ozone is harmful to human body, it can only be added to the swimming pool in closed hours, and in the daytime, the swimming pool will not use ozone. One disadvantage is that there is no guarantee that a certain concentration of disinfectant will be maintained in both the pipe and the pool water all the time. So during the opening hours of the day, the lack of ozone provides an opportunity for bacteria and biofilm to grow in both the pool and the pipelines.
2. In the water outlet pipelines and drainage in swimming pools like Chenming Stadium. These are the places that lacks the high concentration of hypochlorous acid. Biofilm is easily grown in these environments.
3. In the sand tank and the dilution tank for filtration and biochemical reactions. The concentration of hypochlorous acid in these cylinders is lower than that of the water inlet pipe. These two tanks are mainly used to dilute hypochlorous acid and filter precipitation. The water flow in sand tanks and dilution tanks is also slower and may be contaminated by biofilm. Our engineered bacteria are also more likely to survive and play a role in degrading biofilm.

Doctor Chai in Peking Union Medical College Hospital

Dr Chai was also positive about the application prospects of our project, but he also pointed out that if our project needs to be applied.
1. we need to carry out an all-round assessment of the potential medical and environmental problems caused by our engineered bacteria. For example, if our engineered bacteria are not cleaned thoroughly, will they cause an immune response in humans. For now, getting the medical community to fully embrace the idea of “killing bacteria with bacteria” is a little bit difficult.
2. There is a potential application scenarios that we can start by cleaning the biofilms in medical instrument cleaning devices. The cleaning devices of medical instruments, if not adequately disinfected in the long-term cleaning process, will also be infected with many bacteria including P.aeruginosa.

[1]Pulin Liu Q H W C . Heterologous expression of bacterial nitric oxide synthase gene: a potential biological method to control biofilm development in the environment[J]. Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 2012, 58(3):336.

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