Team:GW DC/Attributions


The GW iGEM team would like to thank all of our research PI’s, advisors, Human Practices advisors, team members and e-board members for their valuable contributions to our team. Our project would not have been possible without their guidance and encouragement!

Principal Investigators

Our PI’s provide us with valuable feedback on the progress of the research team. We hold bi-weekly meetings with our PI’s to update them on our research and ask for feedback and suggestions for our project.

Dr. Jimmy Saw

Dr. Saw is the GW iGEM Chapter’s primary PI. He provides project support and general advice to the team. He helped the team understand how to use the Geneious technology.

Dr. Erik Rodriguez

Dr. Rodriguez is the team’s secondary PI. He helps the team with questions related to fluorescent proteins and provides general research advice and feedback.

Dr. Ioannis Elefterianos

Dr. Elefterianos is the team’s secondary PI. He helps provide project advice and feedback during team meetings.

Yaprak Ozakman

Yaprak is the team Graduate Advisor. She provides the team with feedback regarding research, deliverable edits, and project direction.

Human Practices

A huge thank you to our Human Practices support! Cindy Tirrell, Doug Doyle, and Stephanie Avila provided assistance in contacting the Newark Water Coalition, where Anthony Diaz gave incredibly helpful information about the life circumstances of people living with lead contaminated water in Newark, New Jersey.


Olaf Corning

Olaf is one of the founders of the GW iGEM team. He was the previous chapter president and oversaw the research team, event operations team, marketing team. He is now a project advisor, and helps us with project development.

Abigail Yohannes

Abby is the former head of the GW iGEM Marketing team. She helped the team generate initial funds. She is now an advisor for the marketing team.

Noah Davis

Noah is an advisor for the research team. He provides support for the wiki page by helping with HTML coding, and provides general advice for the website.

The Team

Nikki Tirrell

As the current research team leader, Nikki oversees all components of the Lead Elimination project and helps keep research team members on track. She leads the team to ensure all deliverables are ready in time. She helped with project development and performed literature searches. She is overseeing the Wiki page development and using HTML to transfer the project information to the Wiki site. In addition, Nikki leads the presentation and oversees the gene engineering portion of the project.

Dhaivat Raval

Dhaivat is one of the founders of the GW iGEM team. As the previous Research Team Leader, Dhaivat oversaw the progress of the team and helped the team with literature search decide on the topic of lead elimination in water. Dhaivat is now the President of the GW iGEM Chapter, providing advice and assistance to all divisions of the GW iGEM team including the research team, event operations team, marketing team, and communications team. He helped create the promotional video for GW iGEM.

Kee Hyun Kwak

Kee Hyun is a current member of the research team. He helped the research team with project development, and also performed literature searches to learn about the team’s project. He is currently working on DNA development using the Geneious bioinformatics software technology. He also helped create the GW iGEM Promotional video.

Nathalia Beller

As a current member of the research team, Nathalia has helped with literature search during the project development stage. She created the title and abstract for the project, and helped complete the judging form. She is currently working on DNA development using the Geneious technology. Nathalia is also the co-chair of the GW iGEM communications team. She promotes GW iGEM events on social media and shares updates about our lead elimination project with the community.

Shazmeena Khattak

Shazmeena is a current member of the research team. She performed literature search and helped with project development. Shazmeena is currently working on protein modelling of the K.Michiganensis protein. She is also the head of the Marketing Team, for which she oversees the team’s funds.

Uma Sharma

As a member of the research team, Uma helped with project development and performed literature searches. She is currently working on writing and designing the content for the GW iGEM Wiki page. She is also the head of the Event Operations team. For this role she leads the organization of iGEM events meant to promote the research team and to educate students about synthetic biology through seminars and interactive activities.

Dhatri Badri

Dhatri is a member of the research team. She helped the research team with project development, and also performed literature searches to learn about the team’s project. She is currently working on DNA development using the Geneious technology.

Saron Gberhiwot

Saron is a current member of the research team. She helped with the project development and performed literature searches to help the team understand our topic.

Summer Jiang

Summer is the Co-Communications chair and the event operations deputy chair. She promotes GW iGEM events on social media and shares updates about our lead elimination project with the community. She also helps with member recruitment by organizing school-wide events.

Pavani Dev

Pavani is the current Marketing Team Deputy Chair. She helps oversee funds. She also helps advertise the team and promote the GW iGEM Chapter.

Nina Bell

Nina was an initial member of the GW iGEM Team. She was a main contributor to the development of project ideas, and helped with initial literature search.

Joshua Powers

Joshua was an initial member of the GW iGEM team. He helped with literature search during the project brainstorming stage.

Yu Bing Shen

Yu Bing was an initial member of the GW iGEM team. He helped with literature search during the project brainstorming stage.

Johnny Phan

Johnny was an initial member of the GW iGEM team. He helped with literature search during the project brainstorming stage.

Our research team began brainstorming for our current project during the fall of 2019, when the GW iGEM Chapter was created. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and restrictions placed by George Washington University, we are unable to perform lab research. We plan to begin performing lab research when the restrictions are lifted by our school. The George Washington University does not teach an iGEM course.