The leaders of our team are George Luan, Kristine Huynh, and Anika Vercauteran.
The general members include Kate Klinger, Brooke Dillingham, Neha Patel, Yahoo Wu, Frankie Ni, Eric Lan, Lydia Liu, Gloria Zhang, and Matilda Zeigler.
Our team’s advisors are Anne Byford and Tina Heracklis.
We would also like to acknowledge of the supports we received during this project. Hereby, we express our gratitude to:
The Duncan Family for providing our team registration fee;
The Henry Family and The Hall Family for founding our lab;
Team Imperial College London 2020 for constructing the MATLAB code frame for our gene expression model and project mentorship;
Team St. Andrews 2020 for hosting the UK meetup, providing us the idea of the netlogo model, and troubleshooting our project;
Team TAU Israel 2020 for instructing us how to use SimBiology and Curvefitting toolboxes in great details;
Team William and Mary 2020 for hosting the Mid-Alantic Meetup.
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