Where does metabolic burden come from?
'Metabolic burden' can be defined as the 'portion of a host cell's resources in the form
of energy (ATP/GTP), or raw materials such as amino acids.
When cells express foreign proteins, it often utilizes a significant amount of the host
cell's resources, leading to a decrease in the growth rate of host cells. Production of
more waste products like acetate can also alter host cell physiology and biochemistry.
Overproduction of polypeptides is also deleterious for the host cells.
Due to protein-associated burden, plasmid-carrying cells will have lots of selective
pressure. The cells without the difficult tasks will soon spread among the population.
Kaleta and colleagues computed the metabolic burden of protein production based on human
biochemical pathways.
The group represented the metabolic burden of each amino acid in terms of ATP
consumption, and hence were able to calculate the metabolic burden for protein
production given the amino acid sequence.
Translational errors of E. coli cells occurs at a rate of about 2 x 10 -3 to 2 x 10 -4
errors per cell per generation.
The accumulated mutation may also create batches of cells with lower metabolic burden,
affecting the entire population.
How could we solve the problem?
studies point out that division of labour (DOL) is favoured over the single cell (SC) in
expression of metabolic pathways with increased metabolic burden and toxicity of
intermediate products
Red area = single culture favoured; blue area = division of labour
Modelling part 2
Chaotic beginning - when bacteria with 2 different phenotypes are put together →
population dominated by bacteria with less metabolic burden within 400 minutes
(tf:tr = 1:2)
(tf:tr = 1:1.1))
Resolving chaos with our genetic circuit:
(tf:tr = 1:2) → 3:1
(tf:tr = 1:10) → 4:1
Our system is also stable over time with less than 2% error from a predicted number of cell
even when the two types of cells divide 10 times faster
(tf:tr = 10:1)
Equilibrium is still achieved overtime despite having different initial phenotypic
population and with changing probability of phenotype flipping
(nf0=100; nr0=1000 (1:10), ps=0.05, tf=10, tr=20)
We can also achieve stable phenotypic ratio even when the probability of phenotype
switching from F (green) to R (red) was the same as from R to F
Mutation is inevitable in natural condition → We, therefore, developed a mutation model to
show conditions where deletion or point mutations happen in our system, leading to
development of cells with less metabolic burden
cells with shorter division time will eventually dominate the population
Hence, we developed a kill switch model:
Cells that have mutated will be killed either because of the expression of a toxin, or
the lack of expression of an antitoxin within a toxic environment
With a 99% confidence, we can largely delay the population growth of mutant cells and
therefore maintain population stability.