Software validation
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As we have explained in other parts of our Wiki the key thrust of our iGEM project was the development of our software – SOAP-Lab. The purpose of this software is to increase the accessibility of automation to wet lab scientists for both
the Design and Build stages of D-B-T-L synthetic biology projects by generating Opentrons scripts for one of three different DNA assembly standards. Therefore, a key aim of our wet lab work was to demonstrate that SOAP-Lab works as
intended and to demonstrate its utility. Through our wetlab experiments we aimed to achieve PROOF OF CONCEPT by assembling GFP and RFP in E.coli, using BioBricks, BASIC and MoClo. Our goal was to generate
single and multiple gene fluorescent assemblies.
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As previously mentioned a key goal of our wet lab work was to validate that SOAP-Lab works as intended. This involves demonstrating that the Design stage of SOAP-Lab allows for rapid design in a specific standard while allowing users
to make use of the key attributes of that standard. Therefore, we first designed the plasmid constructs we wanted to build for each method using SOAPlab (click to learn more):
Then, we carried out dry runs of the assemblies to make sure the OT-2 robots were functioning as expected.

We then performed the assemblies of the previously designed constructs for each assembly method, both manually and using the OT-2 robots.
Learn more about each assembly!
Finally, we plated, inoculated and mini-prepped the assembly products and evaluated their fluorescence under ultraviolet light for GFP and blue light for RFP.
Experimental design summary

Figure showing the experimental design summary. Plasmids were designed according to the assembly method requirements. All will constitutive promoters, a ribosomal binding site (RBS), green fluorescence protein (GFP) and/or red fluorescence
protein (RFP) coding sequences and terminators. These are then assembled and their fluorescence analysed.
For BioBricks construct design, it was important to demonstrate the software allowed to design plasmids with multiple parts. In order to facilitate the design stage for the user, our softwares allows to search for desired parts directly
from the iGEM registry.
Considering the key purpose of this assembly was the validate the software rather than build anything novel, the obvious choice was to build plasmids containing gene fluorescence. This would speed up screening and minimise troubleshooting.
In this case, due to delayed lab access we only built single gene constructs to meet iGEM deadlines whilst still delivering proof of concept. We therefore used the following parts to build the following assemblies:

Illustration of the BioBrick constructs built. Only two parts can be assembled simultaneously using 3A assembly. Therefore two assembly rounds were required. The receiving backbone always needs a different antibiotic resistance than
the assembled parts, illustrated by the difference in backbone colour. (Brown = Ampicillin, Pink = Chloramphenicol)
The BioBricks parts used in the validation of automated BioBricks assembly were kindly donated by Will Shaw from Ellis Lab (Imperial College London). The BioBricks parts were sourced from the the 2016 and 2018 DNA Distribution Kits
from the iGEM Foundation.
Name | Role | Description |
BBa_B0015 | Terminator | Double terminator consisting of BBa_B0010 and BBa_B0012 |
BBa_B0030 | RBS | Strong RBS |
BBa_E1010 | CDS | RFP |
BBa_I746916 | CDS | GFP |
BBa_J23108 | Promoter | Anderson Family Constitutive Promoter |
BBa_J23119 | Promoter | Anderson family Constutive Promoter |
ColE1_AmpR | Backbone | Destination plasmid vector with ampicillin resistance |
Col1E1_CamR | Backbone | Destination plasmid vector with chloramphenicol resistance |
Automated Assembly
The automated assembly was carried out on the Opentrons 2 (OT2) with scripts generated from SOAP Lab. The automated assembly protocol was developed from the manual NEB Digestion and Ligation Protocol for BioBrick assembly kit. A total of 4 level 1 constructs (promoter + RBS, CDS + terminator) were assembled with repeats, followed by 4 fully assembled transcriptional units from the level 1 constructs. All assembled constructs were then then transformed into chemically competent DH5α E. coli. A summary of the constructs and parts used is shown.
Level 1 Assembly
Construct | Upstream | Downstream |
Plasmid |
pro_rbs_1_Var_BBa_J23119 | BBa_J23119 | BBa_B0030 | ColE1_AmpR |
cds_ter_2_Var_BBa_I746916 | BBa_I746916 | BBa_B0015 | ColE1_AmpR |
pro_rbs_1_Var_BBa_J23108 | BBa_J23108 | BBa_B0030 | ColE1_AmpR |
cds_ter_1_Var_BBa_I746916 | BBa_I746916 | BBa_B0015 | ColE1_AmpR |
cds_ter_2_Var_BBa_E1010 | BBa_E1010 | BBa_B0015 | ColE1_AmpR |
pro_rbs_2_Var_BBa_J23119 | BBa_J23119 | BBa_B0030 | ColE1_AmpR |
pro_rbs_2_Var_BBa_J23108 | BBa_J23108 | BBa_B0030 | ColE1_AmpR |
cds_ter_1_Var_BBa_E1010 | BBa_E1010 | BBa_B0015 | ColE1_AmpR |
Level 2 Assembly
Construct | Upstream | Downstream |
Plasmid |
assembly_2_Var_pro_rbs_2_Var_BBa_J23108_cds_ter_2_Var_BBa_E1010 | pro_rbs_2_Var_BBa_J23108 | cds_ter_2_Var_BBa_E1010 | ColE1_CamR |
assembly_2_Var_pro_rbs_2_Var_BBa_J23119_cds_ter_2_Var_BBa_I746916 | pro_rbs_2_Var_BBa_J23119 | cds_ter_2_Var_BBa_I746916 | ColE1_CamR |
assembly_1_Var_pro_rbs_1_Var_BBa_J23108_cds_ter_1_Var_BBa_E1010 | pro_rbs_1_Var_BBa_J23108 | cds_ter_2_Var_BBa_E1010 | ColE1_CamR |
assembly_1_Var_pro_rbs_1_Var_BBa_J23119_cds_ter_1_Var_BBa_E1010 | pro_rbs_1_Var_BBa_J23119 | cds_ter_2_Var_BBa_E1010 | ColE1_CamR |
assembly_2_Var_pro_rbs_2_Var_BBa_J23119_cds_ter_2_Var_BBa_E1010 | pro_rbs_2_Var_BBa_J23119 | cds_ter_2_Var_BBa_E1010 | ColE1_CamR |
assembly_2_Var_pro_rbs_2_Var_BBa_J23108_cds_ter_2_Var_BBa_I746916 | pro_rbs_2_Var_BBa_J23108 | cds_ter_2_Var_BBa_I746916 | ColE1_CamR |
assembly_1_Var_pro_rbs_1_Var_BBa_J23119_cds_ter_1_Var_BBa_I746916 | pro_rbs_1_Var_BBa_J23119 | cds_ter_2_Var_BBa_I746916 | ColE1_CamR |
assembly_1_Var_pro_rbs_1_Var_BBa_J23108_cds_ter_1_Var_BBa_I746916 | pro_rbs_1_Var_BBa_J23108 | cds_ter_2_Var_BBa_I746916 | ColE1_CamR |
All Level 1 construct plates contained recombinant bacterial colonies displaying ampicillin resistance. Due to time constraints, it was not possible to conduct a resistance digest or sequencing analysis to verify the identity of the assembled constructs. As the transformations of the Level 2 assembly constructs were unsuccesful, it was not possible to verify the efficiency of assembly. It was not possible to conduct a repeat of the Level 2 assembly due to time constraints.
The simplicity of the BioBricks assembly standard makes it highly amenable to automation. Future iGEM teams will benefit from parallelizing the assembly and validation of large construct libraries with the aid of a single Opentrons, accelerating the DBTL workflow in the lab and enabling the construction of complex assemblies with BioBricks parts. The open source nature of Opentrons also fosters collaboration between different teams, and pushes the iGEM community towards greater consistency and standardization of workflows.
For BASIC design it was important to be able to demonstrate that our software could design plasmids with both an operon type configuration and a multiple transcriptional unit configuration. We needed to demonstrate that the software
would be allow users to utilise both functional and neutral linkers. Finally we needed to demonstrate that from these designs the build would be implemented in a single tier assembly.
As the key purpose of these assemblies was the validate the software rather than build anything novel, the obvious choice was to build multi gene fluorescent protein plasmids. This would speed up screening and minimise troubleshooting.
We therefore used the following parts to build the following assemblies:

Illustration of the two BASIC constructs built
The DNA parts used in the validation of the automated BASIC assembly workflow was provided by the Baldwin Lab (Imperial College London).
Name | Role | Description |
BASIC_mCherry_ORF.1 | CDS | RFP |
BASIC_L3S2P21_J23108_RiboJ.1 | Terminator, Promoter, Insulator | Multi-part construct consisting of terminator, promoter, and RiboJ insulator |
BASIC_L3S2P21_J23101_RiboJ.1 | Terminator, Promoter, Insulator | Multi-part construct consisting of terminator, promoter, and RiboJ insulator |
BASIC_SEVA_36_CmR-p15A.1 | Backbone | Destination plasmid vector |
LMP_Prefix | Linker | Methylated linker prefix containing integrated prefix |
LMS_Prefix | Linker | Methylated linker prefix containing integrated prefix |
LMP_Suffix | Linker | Methylated linker prefix containing integrated prefix |
LMS_Suffix | Linker | Methylated linker prefix containing integrated prefix |
L1RBS3_Suffix | Linker | RBS linker |
L1RBS3_Prefix | Linker | RBS linker |
Manual Assembly
The manual assembly of BASIC was carried out to verify the correct assembly of the BASIC DNA parts. One construct was assembled and transformed into chemically competent DH5α E. coli (NEB 5-alpha Competent E. coli (High Efficiency)).
Assembly Construct | Linker 1 | Part 1 |
Linker 2 |
Part 2 |
Linker 3 |
Part 3 |
construct1 | LMS | BASIC_SEVA_36_CmR_p15A1 | LMP | BASIC_L3S2P21_J23101_RiboJ1 | L1RBS3 | BASIC_sfGFP_ORF1 |

The red flourescence reported reflect the prescence of the RFP dropout casette present on the BASIC SEVA 36 plasmid, and indicates the lack of integration of parts into the backbone. Several colonies did not dexpress any fluorescence,
likely indicating a misassembly.
Automated Assembly
The automated assembly was carried out on the Opentrons 2 (OT2) with scripts generated from SOAP Lab. The automated assembly protocol was developed from DNABot. A total of 4 constructs
were assembled with 2 different promoters (J23101, J23108) and 2 different fluorescent proteins (sfGFP, mCherry). The assembled constructs were then transformed into chemically competent DH5α E. coli. A repeat was also performed
for the automated assembly of the same BASIC constructs.
Assembly Construct | Linker 1 | Part 1 |
Linker 2 |
Part 2 |
Linker 3 |
Part 3 |
A1 | LMS | BASIC_SEVA_36_CmR_p15A1 | LMP | BASIC_L3S2P21_J23101_RiboJ1 | L1RBS3 | BASIC_mCherry_ORF1 |
A2 | LMS | BASIC_SEVA_36_CmR_p15A1 | LMP | BASIC_L3S2P21_J23101_RiboJ1 | L1RBS3 | BASIC_sfGFP_ORF1 |
A3 | LMS | BASIC_SEVA_36_CmR_p15A1 | LMP | BASIC_L3S2P21_J23108_RiboJ1 | L1RBS3 | BASIC_sfGFP_ORF1 |
A4 | LMS | BASIC_SEVA_36_CmR_p15A1 | LMP | BASIC_L3S2P21_J23108_RiboJ1 | L1RBS3 | BASIC_mCherry_ORF1 |

All plates contained colonies expressing red fluorescence. A colony expressing green fluorescence was observed in plate "B1" which contains the BASIC_SEVA_36_J23101_GFP construct (identical to the construct assembled by hand),
indicating the possible presence of a correct assembly. Sequencing analysis is required to verify that the construct was properly assembled.
GoldenGate is an advantageous assembly method given its facile one-pot synthesis protocol. However, the creation of large libraries of diverse constructs becomes a challenge with increasing numbers of parts and variants given that
each pot would contain a different set of parts. Automating complex assembly workflows is a viable solution that reduces human errors in the most complex step of the workflow - the distribution of parts amongst the assembly reactions.
For MoClo construct design, it was important to demonstrate the software allowed to design plasmids with multiple parts. Furthermore, we also wanted to show that multiple level Golden Gate assembly is achievable.
As the key purpose of this assemblies was the validate the software rather than build anything novel, the obvious choice was to build gene fluorescent protein plasmids. This would speed up screening and minimise troubleshooting. For
this parts of the project we assembled YFP rather than GFP. This was decided after Alberto Scarampi at the University of Cambridge kindly offered to send us the required parts for this part of the experiment. We believe this does
not impede the main goal of the experiment, which is validating the software.
Due to lab and time constraints imposed by Covid-19, we decided gene expression data of the three different methods would not be compared. Moreover, gene expression is also heavily influenced by the environment. The nature of the assembly
methods makes it impossible to have the exact same construct sequences, questioning the value of a comparison.
We used the following parts to build the following assemblies:

Illustration of the constructs built. We chose to try out different Anderson promoters in each construct, equivalent to (BBa_J23119, BBa_J23100, BBa_J23102, BBa_J23106 and BBa_J23114) in BioBricks. Each promoter contains a ribosomal
binding site (RBS) embedded. Moreover, we also tried two different backbones and terminators.
The DNA parts were graciously donated by Alberto Scarampi del Cairo from Howe Lab (University of Cambridge). All parts provided
have been made to be MoClo compatible.
DNA Parts
Name | Role |
Description |
Length (bp) |
pICH47732 | Backbone | Destination Plasmid Vector | 4372 |
pICH47742 | Backbone | Destination Plasmid Vector | 4372 |
BBa_J23119 | Promoter | Anderson Family Constitutive Promoter | 91 |
Bba_J23102 |
Promoter | Anderson Family Constitutive Promoter | 91 |
BBa_J23100 |
Promoter | Anderson Family Constitutive Promoter | 91 |
BBa_J23114 |
Promoter | Anderson Family Constitutive Promoter | 91 |
BBa_J23106 |
Promoter | Anderson Family Constitutive Promoter | 91 |
pC0_009 | CDS | YFP | 720 |
pC0_069 | Terminator | E. coli arcA Terminator | 50 |
pC0_062 | Terminator | V. fischeri luxICDABEG Operon Terminator | 50 |
Manual Assembly
The purpose of the manual assembly was to verify by hand the correct assembly of the DNA parts provided. Two constructs were assembled and transformed into chemically competent DH5α E. coli (NEB 5-alpha Competent E. coli (High Efficiency)).
Assembly Constructs
Name | Backbone | Promoter |
Terminator |
pICL0.1 | pICH47732 | Bba_J23119 | pC0_009 | pC0_062 |
pICL0.6 | pICH47742 | Bba_J23119 | pC0_009 | pC0_069 |

Given the lack of XGal at the point in time, we were unable to perform blue/white screening to verify that the recombinant bacteria contained assemblies with inserts. We were also unable to observe any fluorescence in any colonies.
Automated Assembly
The automated assembly was carried out on the Opentrons 2 (OT2) with scripts generated from SOAP Lab. The automated assembly protocol was developed from DAMP Lab OT2 Modular Cloning (MoClo) and Transformation in E. coli Workflow. A total of ten constructs were assembled using the automated protocol using the various DNA parts as shown. The assembled constructs were then then transformed into chemically competent DH5α E. coli (NEB 5-alpha Competent E. coli (High Efficiency)).
Assembly Constructs
Name | Backbone | Promoter |
Terminator |
construct1 | pICH47742 | Bba_J23119 | pC0_009 | pC0_069 |
construct2 | pICH47732 |
Bba_J23102 | pC0_009 | pC0_062 |
construct3 | pICH47732 |
Bba_J23100 | pC0_009 | pC0_062 |
construct4 | pICH47732 |
Bba_J23114 | pC0_009 | pC0_062 |
construct5 | pICH47732 |
Bba_J23106 | pC0_009 | pC0_062 |
construct6 | pICH47742 | Bba_J23100 | pC0_009 | pC0_069 |
construct7 | pICH47742 | Bba_J23106 | pC0_009 | pC0_069 |
construct8 | pICH47742 | Bba_J23114 | pC0_009 | pC0_069 |
construct9 | pICH47732 |
Bba_J23119 | pC0_009 | pC0_062 |
construct10 | pICH47742 | Bba_J23102 | pC0_009 | pC0_069 |
Due to insufficient quantities of pC0_009 (YFP), some assembly reaction mixes did not receive or received insufficient quantities of the YFP part. The affected constructs are: construct1, construct5, construct6, construct9,
and construct10. As observed from the plates (refer to Notebook), the affected constructs had a low yield of recombinant bacterial colonies. Plates that contained the unaffected constructs appeared to have a high yield
of recombinant bacteria.
As the assemblies carried out by hand are amongst the affected constructs in the automated assembly (construct1 and construct9, equivalent to pICL0.6 and pICL0.1 respectively), more repeats
will need to be performed to compare the assembly efficiencies between the two workflows.
No fluorescence could be observed in all recombinant bacterial colonies containing successful inserts. A restriction digest
could be carried out to verify if these colonies contained the correct number of inserts, and sequencing analysis could be performed to verify the correct assembly of the parts.
GoldenGate is an advantageous assembly method given its facile one-pot synthesis protocol. However, the creation of large libraries of diverse constructs becomes a challenge with increasing numbers of parts and variants given
that each pot would contain a different set of parts. Automating complex assembly workflows is a viable solution that reduces human errors in the most complex step of the workflow - the distribution of parts amongst the
assembly reactions.
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We have successfully validated our pipeline on a simple and standard BASIC construct. We created our design, sourced our parts, and generated a script to run on the Opentrons to assemble our construct of choice. This proves that our software is able to generate the correct liquid handler programs just from the designs without any coding necessary. We were also able to exchange labware as needed if one of our modules was not performing well thanks to the modularity of our hardware specification. Our small-scale proof of concept evidences the utility of our pipeline for more ambitious builds with lots of combinatorial variations, such as with our Tryptophan optimisation, as well as showcasing the ability of automation to match the accuracy of a manual assembly protocol. As our pipeline is design-based, scaling to more ambitious projects is simply a matter of specifying a more detailed SBOL file.