
Additional Education Efforts

As iGEM RUM-UPRM, we are committed to the education of our island in this emergent science. After our SynBio101 Summer Camp we were honored to be invited to numerous events where we were able to educate more people about what is synthetic biology and what we are actively doing to apply it in our society.

Thanks to our partnership with PRABIA, we were invited to give a virtual lecture in their seminar. We were able to talk about what synthetic biology is and how we were planning on using it in Puerto Rico.

As part of the iGEM community we were requested to talk in the iGEM SYMPOSIUM by iGEM Leiden and in the iGEM Worldwide Virtual Meetup hosted by Parisian teams. During this symposium, we presented our project and received feedback from the people participating. We received the invite from students who participated in the SYNBIO 101 CAMP. As a result, we were able to educate more students by doing discussions at their virtual schools.

Our Sponsors

Amgen Snapgene UPRM Goya Genscript PRABIA MolecularCloud MatLab IDT ReviveRestore Twist

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