
IFFL - iGEM 2020 Team:Waseda

IFFL Modeling

Multi IFFL

Fig 4-2-1 Incoherent feed forward loop
Fig 4-2-1 Incoherent feed forward loop

Fig yamaiffl

In the incoherent feed forward loop(Fig 4-2-1), the expressions of each gene: x,y, and z are formulated as the differential-equation (1), (2) and (3).

Table 4-2-1 description of each parameter of IFFL

Variables Description unit
[x] Concentration of protein x µM
[y] Concentration of protein y µM
[z] Concentration of protein z µM
Parameters Description unit
a1 Maximum expression rate of protein X µM/min
a2 Mamimum expression rate of protein Y, when promoter of z is activated by protein X µM/min
αx Mamimum expression rate of protein Z, when promoter of z is activated by protein X µM/min
αy Mamimum expression rate of z, when promoter of protein Z is activated by protein Y µM/min
K1 x concentration at which the expression rate of y is half of α2 µM
Kx x concentration at which the expression rate of y is half of αx µM
Ky x concentration at which the expression rate of y is half of αy µM
βk(k=1,x,y) Hill coefficient -
dk(k=x,y,z) Degradation rate /min
Fig 4-2-2 Multi IFFL
Fig 4-2-2 Multi IFFL

We designed an expanded IFFL system containing two target genes (Z1,Z2) each of which with different peak time to the other. We call this Multi -target- IFFL, or Multi IFFL. By adjusting the parameters for each activation and repression, we can provide a time difference in the generation of each pulse. To check whether the designed multi-target IFFL can really generate two pulses with a time delay, we extensively searched for parameter space for the system.

We first investigated how the concentration of Z changes over time when the parameters Kx and Ky are changed independently in Formula (3). When searching, we varied Kx and Ky from 1 to 1000 every 100 and other parameters were fixed as shown on Table-4-2-2, Table-4-2-3 respectively.

Fig 4-2-3 Kx and Ky search independently
Fig 4-2-3 Kx and Ky search independently

Table 4-2-2 Fixed parameters in the Kx search

parameter value
ax 4000
βx 1
βy 2
Ky 50

Table 4-2-3 Fixed parameters in the Ky search

parameter value
ax 4000
βx 1
βy 2
Kx 8

Next, we constructed a heatmap to check how much time (t) of the pulse peak is delayed as we simultaneously changed the parameters Kx and Ky in the formula (3). Fig. 4-2-4 is the results. Other parameters are fixed as shown on Table 4-2-4.

Table.4-2-4 parameter set to AHL-R protein crosstalk

parameter value
ax 4000
βx 1
βy 2

Furthermore, in order to evaluate the balance of the pulse shape, we calculated the ratio of the peak concentration to the following steady-state concentration for each parameter and presented it in a heat map. This is called the ratio heatmap. (Fig 4-2-5)

The ratio is calculated as formula (4).
The ratio is calculated as formula
Fig 4-2-5 Ratio heatmap
Fig 4-2-5 Ratio heatmap

Based on these two indicators, we multiplied the cross heatmap by the value of the time heatmap and the ratio heatmap for each parameter to find out which parameter has both time difference and balance, comprehensively .To make this cross heatmap, we subtracted a certain constant number of time values from the time heatmap because we have to make the time delay above a certain level. If the time heatmap is negative, it is treated as 0. This is called time processed heatmap. Fig 4-2-6 is the time processed heat map, calculated by subtracting 4 from the all values of the time heatmap.

Fig 4-2-6 time processed heatmap
Fig 4-2-6 time processed heatmap
The values of the cross heatmap were calculated as the formula (5)
formula (5)

We selected the optimal parameter for the multi IFFL in the resulting match heatmap as the one with the highest score. Two pulses were generated using the optimal parameter in practice (Fig 4-2-7)(Table 4-2-5, 4-2-6). Yellow indicates the temporal variation of the concentration of Z1 and green indicates that of Z2. As a result, we succeeded in creating pulses with a time difference.

Table 4-2-5

parameter value
αx 2500
βx 1
βy 2
kx 8
ky 10
dz 1

Table 4-2-6

parameter value
αx 3500
βx 1
βy 2
kx 650
ky 600
dz 2
Fig 4-2-7 Multi IFFL with the optimal parameters
Fig 4-2-7 Multi IFFL with the optimal parameters
2020 — iGEM Waseda