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              <a href="#Chapter 1">Introduction</a>
                <a href="#Introduction">Introduction</a>
                 <a href="#Chapter 2">Podcast</a>
                 <a href="#Survey">Survey</a>
                 <a href="#Chapter 3">Minigame</a>
                <a  href="#Podcast">Podcast</a>
                 <a href="#Chapter 4">Survey</a>
                 <a href="#Minigame">Minigame</a>
                 <a href="#Chapter 5">Livestream</a>
                 <a href="#BIOspektrum_article">BIO<i>spektrum</i> magazine article</a>
                 <a href="#Chapter 6">School Visits</a>
                 <a href="#Livestream">Livestream</a>
                 <a href="#School_Visits">School Visit</a>
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<h1>Biotechnology - What is it and what does it mean? </h1>
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<p>These questions are probably asked by many, especially younger people. But even older age groups  might find themselves in unprecedented circumstances when they are presented with terms such as enzyme, gene or plasmid. Keeping this in mind, we have made it our task to evoke some long overdue change in this respect. For this, we developed several projects that all contribute to a better understanding of synthetic biology (SynBio). Admittedly, science communication is not only a topic in SynBio, but of all other sciences as well, but we decided to lay our focus on what we know best.</p>
                Biotechnology - What is it and what does it mean?
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<p>We tried to reach the widest possible audience with our projects. In order to achieve this, first of all we had to gain an overview of the already existing knowledge in the minds of the broad masses which we managed to accomplish by an online survey with 292 participants. (click here) We have also taken up this issue in a livestream on social media which we carried out together with the iGEM Team Kaiserslautern, in order to publicly provide further information about topics of synthetic biology for those interested. (click here) </p>
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                    <div>These questions are probably asked by many, especially younger people. But even older age groups  might find themselves in unprecedented circumstances when they are presented with terms such as enzyme, gene or plasmid. Keeping this in mind, we have made it our task to evoke some long overdue change in this respect. For this, we developed <b>several projects that all contribute to a better understanding of synthetic biology</b> (SynBio). Admittedly, <b>science communication</b> is not only a topic in SynBio, but of all other sciences as well, but we decided to lay our focus on what we know best.</div>
                    <div>We tried to reach the widest possible audience with our projects. In order to achieve this, first of all we had to gain an overview of the already existing knowledge in the minds of the broad masses which we managed to accomplish by an online <a href="https://2020.igem.org/Team:TU_Darmstadt/Education#Survey"><b>survey with 292 participants</b></a>. We have also taken up this issue in a <a href="https://2020.igem.org/Team:TU_Darmstadt/Education#Livestream">livestream</a> on social media which we carried out together with the iGEM Team Kaiserslautern, in order to publicly provide further information about topics of synthetic biology for those interested.</div>
                    <div>We also created a <b>podcast called "Genomenal"</b> which is aimed at people of all ages who would like to learn more about biotechnology and iGEM. "Genomenal" can be found on <a href = "https://open.spotify.com/show/7asJQ1tsLVLekRWTi9TqFt?si=lY8UH9JbT36EW2mAo-Vu0g" target="blank">Spotify</a>, our university website and <a href="https://2020.igem.org/Team:TU_Darmstadt/Education#Podcast">on our wiki</a>. We have also thought of something for the younger part of society. Together with <a href="https://github.com/N1ghtTheF0x" target="_blank">Aleksa Zecevic</a>, we have developed a <a href="https://2020.igem.org/Team:TU_Darmstadt/Education#Minigame"><b>minigame</b></a> called <b>"The Genomenal Adventures of Dr. W"</b>, which introduces biological practices in a playful and amusing way.</div>
                    <div>Last but not least, we also wanted to explicitly address <b>students in the upper grades</b> who might be thinking about a future career pathway in biology.Therefore, we have worked together with the <b>Kurt-Schumacher-Schule</b> in Karben. For this <b>school</b>, we <a href="https://2020.igem.org/Team:TU_Darmstadt/Education#School_Visits">hosted a zoom call</a> in which we introduced the topic of iGEM to an advanced course for biology. We reported about our experiences and gave tips regarding our studies of biology and chemistry with the hope to enthuse them for scientifical studies.</div>
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<p>We also created a podcast called "Genomenal" which is aimed at people of all ages who would like to learn more about biotechnology and iGEM. “Genomenal” can be found on Spotify, our university website and on our wiki (click here). We have also thought of something for the younger part of society. Together with Aleksa Zecevic (click here), we have developed a mini-game called “The Genomenal Adventures of Dr. W”, which introduces biological practices in a playful and amusing way. (click here)</p>
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