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Revision as of 13:39, 8 November 2020



B.B.Bin is an abbreviation for Beach Bacteria Bin.
Team: KEYSTONE 2020
Beijing, China


PET plastic is easily recycled and made into other products in urban areas. However, remote natural tourist attractions such as beaches in Bali are still under the threat of PET pollution created by tourists and local people due to the deficiency or absence of local plastic recycling systems, poor waste management and environmental conditions. In such places, plastic waste easily enters the environment and become difficult to collect.


The leaf compost cutinase (LCC) is a type of enzyme that degrades PET polymer into TPA and EG, which are valuable materials for PET production. It is cheap, effective, and thermostable. Comparing to chemical recycling processes, this biological degradation preserves the properties and, therefore, the value of the plastic by depolymerizing it into its substrates. Consequently, the commercial value of TPA and EG will encourage the bin to be maintained by local people.


Our bacteria and enzyme will be contained in a bin comprised of three parts: the shredder, the power source, and the decomposer. This bin is powered by solar panels and prevents PET plastic from entering the environment in places not covered by modern recycling systems. Linalool will also be produced by our bacteria to enhance the experience of tourists.

Our iGEM project is mainly inspired by several daily experiences that were brought up during the meeting:

1. Our school’s plastic-free policy: Our school encourages plastic-free living style. There are no plastic shopping bags provided at the school shop. This informed us to focus on plastic pollution.

2. Beijing’s new trash sorting policy in 2020: Beijing began a new and more strict trash sorting system in 2020. Inspired by this idea, we began thinking about contributing our effort to manage the trash that has been collected, and we believe a trash can that can help degrade plastic right on site would help.

3. Our daily “trash” experiences: while discussing about trash sorting, our team reached a consensus that trash cans smell bad. Thus, we decided to explore the ways that synthetic biology could be used to produce fragrance and make trash cans smell more pleasant.
Goal & Research
The goal of our project is to develop a PET-degrading trash bin that could be implemented into remote areas. This would assist in eliminating the plastic pollution problems that are unmanaged in distant tourist sites. We have done various interviews with experts in the field of PET recycling, plastic managing, and PET degradation as well as public surveys to find this issue, aim our project, and improve our project in order to better tackle it.

Our project research is divided into four sectors, discover, aim, verify, and improve. We discovered, through talking to the secretary in the Plastic Reuse and Recycle Association, that PET recycling has evolved into a comprehensive and complete cycle within urban areas, with no need for PET degradation mechanisms, though the plastic pollution problem remains unsolved in places where the urban PET recycling cycle cannot reach. By talking to various environmental NGOs working to eliminate PET littering, we aimed our project to the remote tourist sites, where collecting and recycling the plastic is not possible or economically desirable, therefore creating pollutions. We located three places where our project could be used: the Bali Islands, the Great Wall, and the Nanshan mountain. After disseminating surveys and receiving over 280 responses, we confirmed that our project is necessary in the public’s opinion and that the idea of synthetic biology is accepted. Eventually, implementing suggestions we received from Dr. Liu, we improved the degradation efficiency of our LCC enzyme.

The entire goal of our project mainly targets the SDG goal 12 of "responsible consumption and production".

  • Target 12.4: our trash can that degrades PET plastic right on-site prevents leakage of PET into the ocean and natural environment, preventing potential harm to the ecosystems.
  • Target 12.5: our product and experiment reducing the amount of PET plastic waste by proposing new systems of plastic recycling in areas, namely natural tourist attractions, that had little or no plastic waste management.
  • Target 12.8: displaying our product and its degradation process to the public at tourist sites, raising awareness of the crucial process of recycling waste.
  • Targets 12.a and 12.b: our product is a combination of synthetic biology and hardware design, which is a form of using science to promote sustainable consumption and sustainable behaviors within tourist sites. The technology used extends beyond our own synthetic biology experiment and involves solar panels as energy source, and potentially biological electricity generation by LINKS-China.

  • Moreover, our B.B.Bin also helps to achieve SDGs goals including 11 and 14, which are respectively "sustainable cities and communities" and "life below water".

  • Target 11.4: supported by our efforts to prevent PET plastic of tourists from entering the natural heritage of the Earth, such as the Bali Islands.
  • Target 14.1: the degradation of PET plastic at beaches prevents PET from entering the ocean, thus avoiding further growth of marine garbage patches that harms the marine animals and ecosystems
  • Engineering

    LCC Production

    We aimed to produce the leaf-branch compost cutinase (LCC), which is an enzyme capable of Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) degradation that outperforms PET hydrolase and BTA while having a high thermostability. The mutation LCC-ICCG used in our experiment is created by Tournier et al. in 2020 and was among 25 out of 209 that has 75% or more increased activity compared with the original wild-type LCC. The terephthalic acid (TPA) and ethylene glycol (EG) formed as a result of PET degradation can be used to make new PET plastic with similar properties to the PET plastic from factories [1].

    The LCC-ICCG gene was coded onto the standard expression vector pET28a(+) with a 6xHis-tag on both side of N-terminal and C-terminal for more effective purification on Ni-NTA column.

    Linalool Synthesis

    We also aimed to produce linalool, which is a monoterpene, for fragrance. This is achieved by a plasmid with linalool synthase and the MVA pathway that is originally constructed to produce limonene. Through the MVA pathway, simple sugars are made into Acetyl-CoA through glycolysis. Through varies reactions, geranyl pyrophosphate (GPP) is synthesized from dimethylallyl pyrophosphate by the GPP synthase [2]. Then, the original article successfully produces limonene with the addition of a LS (limonene synthase) gene.

    In our project, we applied the pathway to a new fragrance synthase. The linalool synthase used in our experiments is the linalool synthase from Streptromyces clavuligerus that is called bLIS. It is a very effective linalool synthase which produces linalool from GPP. The synthesis of linalool can also be increased by the optimization of the fusion tags and the ribosome binding sites of the protein [3].

    We constructed 2 plasmids for linalool production.

    The first plasmid produces DMAPP, which is the substrate of GPPS. In the second plasmid, GPPS and bLIS express GPPS and linalool synthase that synthesizes linalool. Therefore, the two plasmids can work together to achieve linalool synthesis.

    [1] Tournier, V., Topham, C.M., Gilles, A. et al (2020). An engineered PET depolymerase to break down and recycle plastic bottles. Nature 580, pp.216–219. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-020-2149-4.
    [2] Alonso-Gutierrez, J., Chan, R., Batth, T. S. et al (2013). Metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli for limonene and perillyl alcohol production. Metabolic Engineering, volume 19, pp.33-41. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ymben.2013.05.004.
    [3] Xun, W., Jing, W., Jiaming, C. et al (2019). Efficient biosynthesis of R-(-)-linalool through adjusting expression strategy and increasing GPP supply in Escherichia coli. https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.2.18761/v1.
    Production & Purification

    Out of all conditions tested, we were able to produce an optimal yield of 27.3mg/L of LCC with 300µM IPTG induction and purification with 20mM Tris-HCL, 300mM NaCl buffer.
    Figure 1: Protein gel electrophoresis of LCC expression with 300µM IPTG and purification with 20mM Tris-HCL, 300mM NaCl buffer, showing a molecular mass of 28kDa as expected.

    PET Degradation

    We repeated the degradation experiment by Tournier et al. with the LCC proteins that we produced, using 1 ml of LCC solutioin in 20 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8, 300 mM NaCl, and combined with 100 mg PET powder with 49ml of 100 mM potassium phosphate buffer pH 8 in a 100 ml flask for degradation in a 72˚C environment under agitation.
    Figure 2: Gas chromatography test for ethylene glycol in LCC degradation supernatant with different LCC concentrations after 24h.

    The standard sample used in the GC test was 20mg/ml EG. In our sample of 100mg PET in 50ml buffer, the maximum concentration of EG that can be obtained is 0.54mg/ml, which would produce a peak with an area of 0.27% of the area of the standard peak. Therefore, although difficult to obtain a precise calculation due to the low concentration, it can be seen that the amount of PET degraded by 5µM and 10µM of LCC was fairly significant, and a distinct difference with the no LCC controlled sample can be seen.
    Result - Linalool
    In linalool synthesis, we used Gibson assembly to construct the plasmids, pR6K-ptac-GPPS-LIS and p15A-MVA from their fragments.

    We transformed plasmid pR6K-ptac-GPPS-LIS to E. Coli DH5α, and performed a colony PCR. (figure 1 A). the result of it shows that the plasmid has been successfully constructed, Besides, the E. Coli can also produce linalool synthase when induced with IPTG, which further confirms our success in plasmid construction. (figure 1B)
    (we put the incorrect annotated picture in our wiki page, this picture is the correctly annotated one)
    Figure 1: (A) DNA gel electrophoresis for plasmid pR4K-ptac-GPPS-LIS. (B) protein gel electrophoresis for linalool synthase

    For p15A-Lac UV5-atoB-HMGS-HMGR-Trc-MK-PMK-PMD-idi, we sent the transformed bacteria to a biotech company that helped us to perform a gene sequencing. The result of the sequencing indicates that we successfully constructed plasmid. (figure2 A) Figure 2: Result of gene sequencing

    We cotransformed the two plasmids to bacteria DH5 α. After inducing it with IPTG, we extracted linalool by adding n-hexane to the sample. The transparent layer in the picture is the extracted linalool. we can smell a strong aroma from the sample, which covers the smell of E. Coli. the fragrance in our sample have a peppery smell which is close to the smell of the standard sample of linalool, indicating that we have successfully produced linalool. However, due to Covid-19, we do not have access to gas chromatography, which may help us further confirm our result. (figure 4) Figure 3: the result of linalool extract
    Use this section to explain whatever you would like! Suggestions: Safety, Human Practices, Measurement, etc.
    We designed and carried out a variety of public education activities related to synthetic biology and environmental awareness instructed by our relevant survey, the two most effortful ones being:

    1. We created an educational game which teaches students about different concepts of synthetic biology. The idea behind this project is to develop a method of education that is fun, innovative, engaging and makes people interested in synbio. The end product is a bilingual chaptered Keynote game created based on a continuous script, collectively written by a number of teams. The nature of the game and script allows it to be played by individuals or in classrooms, can be freely shared, accessed, edited, and new chapters can be freely added.

    We let many students try learning about synbio with our game, and received a lot of positive feedback.

    2. We run a series of Synbio Fairs where teams can introduce and demonstrate their projects to people in an interactive way, and sell their merchandises under strict COVID-prevention measures. Since hosting in only one school would only reach a limited audience, we moved the same fair to different host schools. We chose to host these fairs in middle schools because we thought we may be able to invoke their interest in synthetic biology and consider pursuing this subject in the future.

    The first fair was hosted in Keystone Academy, and the second fair was hosted in Tsinghua University Highschool.


    The inclusivity of synthetic biology throughout our school community, the local community, and even the international community was promoted by our education activities—our activities are designed and promoted to be understandable, accessible and meaningful for audiences across all ages and backgrounds in terms of education, socioeconomics and culture.
    Future Work

    Due to COVID-19, many of our plans have to change. Here are some works that we would like to continue in the future to enhance our project.

    In terms of our experiments with LCC, we would like to:

  • Enhance and repeat the degradation experiment and gas chromatography in 72˚C temperature with the complete range of protein concentrations we used, including 0.69µM which was used in the original literature.
  • Conduct degradation experiments on larger scales for longer periods of time using post-consumer plastic bottles to better simulate the conditions in our hardware.
  • Conduct enzyme activity assays in the process of degradation with a frequency of around once every three hours to produce a mathematical model of the activity of LCC over time, which would suggest the appropriate frequency of renewing the enzymes in our hardware.
  • Test and improve the feasibility of using the polymerization system comprised of CoA ligase and acyltransferase created by BUCT-China to form new materials from the MHET which is a byproduct of degradation. This system is able to do so by causing esterification of the hydroxyl and carboxyl that make up MHET.
  • Use thermophilic bacteria as the host bacteria and test if degradation efficiency increase, as the optimal temperature for thermophilic bacteria is similar to our enzyme.

  • In terms of linalool synthesis, we want to:

  • Test the concentration of linalool in our broth, which will help us to determine the best working concentration of linalool that release maximum fragrance.

  • In terms of Hardware:

  • In addition, there are also works we want to accomplish for public engagements and our hardware, for our project to fit better into our situations in reality and be implemented in the society.
  • We would like to partner with LINKS_China, who is developing “PICACHU”, an E. Coli chassis to express e-pillis which could generate electricity and be used as a nanowire battery. In remote areas where access to electricity access might be difficult, we could use the pili-powered battery to generate more powers for our trash bin in the shredding process.
  • We also wants to improve the current degradation can. According to Dr. Liu Luo’s suggestions, we should consider using a tubular reactor that allows fluid to have greater surface area, which would prompt faster degradation efficiency.

  • In terms of Education:

  • Since we have completed a sector of our multi-team collaboration work on The Adventure of Bob Lelogy game, we would like to preserve it as a legacy. The next generation of team KEYSTONE would continue to finish our ambitious idea of the Synbio Game with multiple chapters diving into different aspects of synthetic biology.
  • Acknowledgement
    Special thanks
    Li Xin – WIki development
    Zhang Chaofeng – Hardware development
    Wang Xiaohui – Hardware development
    Yang Qihui – Hardware development

    [1] Alonso-Gutierrez, J., Chan, R., Batth, T. S. et al (2013). Metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli for limonene and perillyl alcohol production. Metabolic Engineering, volume 19, pp.33-41. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ymben.2013.05.004.
    [2] Greatbay_China (2018). Demonstration. Retrieved Oct 22 2020, from https://2018.igem.org/Team:GreatBay_China/Demonstrate.
    [3] Luo, L. (2020). Personal Interview.
    [4] The Association of Plastic Recyclers. (Nov. 15, 2018). Report on postconsumer PET container recycling activity in 2017. https://www.epa.gov/facts-and-figures-about-
    [5] Siddharta, Amanda Tazkia, and Photographs by Nyimas Laula. “Bali Fights for Its Beautiful Beaches by Rethinking Waste, Plastic Trash.” National Geographic, 14 Oct. 2019, www.nationalgeographic.com/science/2019/10/bali-fights-for-its-beautiful-beaches-by-rethinking-waste-plastic-trash/.
    [6] Tournier, V., Topham, C.M., Gilles, A. et al. An engineered PET depolymerase to break down and recycle plastic bottles. Nature 580, 216–219 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-020-2149- 4
    [7] Ritchie, Hannah, and Max Roser. "Plastic Pollution." Our World in Data, Sept. 2018, ourworldindata.org/plastic-pollution.
    [8] Xun, W., Jing, W., Jiaming, C. et al (2019). Efficient Biosynthesis of R-(-)-linalool through Adjusting Expression Strategy and Increasing GPP Supply in Escherichia coli. https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.2.18761/v1.