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When we had already chosen to develop a project that aimed to diagnose HER2 positive breast cancer, we soon realized that MagHER2some was designed for patients in urgent conditions, and we should take strict safety measures to ensure our final product is qualified. To aviod provoking tensions between doctor-patient relationships and make MagHER2some as a accountable product to users and the whole society, we considered and evaluated each safety and ethical issues that might happen in real world.

ZJU-China 2019 was developed a project focusing on female physical problems, either. The comprehensive discussion on bioethics and safety that they conducted last year provided useful guidance to us. As they mentioned before, it was of high importance for us to concentrate on self-monitoring and ethical counseling. For this reason, we considered about possible risks respecting laboratory, environment, clinical application and society.

Browse following contents of this page for more safety & ethics details. You can also move to Human Practice Page to figure out how we conducted our Human Practice activities with our consideration of safety and ethics.

Laboratory Safety

Working with living modified organisms is always risky. All standard precautions must be taken. Before starting to work in the lab, every member of our team was required to attend the laboratory safety lesson and take a biosafety examination. Moreover, we have received extensive guidance and supervision regarding all our activities took place in our laboratory, including study, discussion and equipment usage by our team PI, Prof. Ming Chen and experimental instructor, Associate Prof. Fan Yang to ensure the laboratory safety.

Wearing safety:Everyone wears protective lab coats, gloves and safety glasses before laboratory activities. Besides, due to the epidemic situation of COVID-19, everyone must wear a mask as in the lab.

Figure 1. Drawer specially for gloves and masks.
Figure 2. Door hanging our protective lab coats.

Storage safety: The chemical and biological reagents are stored in the proper place and suitable temperature. Hazardous or corrosive chemicals are stored separately.

Figure 3–5. Storage for chemical and biological reagents, students should record every time when using chemicals.

Fire and electricity safety: The temperature of the heater should not be set over 50℃ and the there must be at least one student in the lab when the heater is working. And the power should be turned off before the last one leaves the lab every day.

Figure 6. Power switch and heater.

Safety Apparatus: Our iGEM lab is equipped with safety apparatus such as fire extinguishers, emergency showers, eyewash stations, and first aid kits in case of dire situations.

Figure 7&8. The fire blanket and the fire extinguisher.
Figure 9&10. The eyewash equipment and the emergency shower.
Figure 11. The first-aid case.

Waste disposal safety:

Figure 12. Flow chart of waste disposal.
Figure 13&14. Garbage classification.

New safety measures under the epidemic situation of COVID-19: Due to the epidemic situation of COVID-19, all laboratories of Zhejiang University had strengthened the measures to prevent and control the virus. QR scanning and registration signing every day provided double entry records to track the members of ZJU-iGEM. And as we mentioned above, masks must be worn when in the lab.

Figure 15-17. QR canning and signing for lab entry record.

Insurance of Biosafety

As iGEM committee emphasized, we have paid great attention to the possible risks of MagHER2some during our entire process of iGEM. And we have complied with relevant regulations and completed the filling of safety forms and animal use form carfully a month earlier.

In this page, the main safety issues of our project design are discussed below.

Cell-free system

The production and release of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are controversial topics within present scientific community[1], thus we also considered about the possibility risks may cause by two chassis organisms, Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense and E.coli SHuffle® and other organisms used in MagHER2some. In accordance with iGEM safety rules and standards, we do not plan to release any GMOs actively in any cases to strictly aviod possible ecological disorders happening. Moreover, in accordance with iGEM safety rules and standards, our final product is based on native magnetosome and created a cell-free system instead of alive bacteria. This design not only meets "no-release" principle perfectly, but also minimizes possible cytotoxicity and immunotoxicity caused by bacteria when our novel MRI contrast agent is injected into our users. What needs to be added here is that the biotools we implemented on MagHER2some are all protein and without any nucleic acid, which means MagHER2some is totally nonhazardous and unable to express any gene in all circumstances, especially when it is released into environment by accdient or injected into patients' circulatory system.


A. Magnetosome

The main reason why we chose magnetosomes as the most basic BioBricks is that they have been proven to be highly biocompatible[2]. It has been reported that chemical toxicity of magnetosome from iron ions is negligible[3][4] due to the insolubility of Fe3O4. Therefore, the primary safety issues of magnetosome may be relevant to (a) their nanoscale size, which leads to embolism, blockage, and deposition in the body and (b) impurities, particularly proteins, nucleic acids, and polysaccharides associated with magnetosome extracted from bacterial cells, resulting in immunotoxicity.

As we had a further understanding of those studies related to the biocompatibility of magnetosomes, we found out that the existing studies have shown the body tissue distribution and host tissue elimination following administration of magnetosomes into the vascular system[5] and in vitro cytotoxicity for mouse fibroblasts[6].

It has been observed that magnetosomes displayed targeted distribution in Sprague DawleySD rat liver except other organs, suggesting that magnetosomes may avoid incurring organ congestion or infarction in vivo relyed on the lower likelihood of congregation than other nanoparticles.

Purified and sterilized magnetosomes were found to be nontoxic to mouse fibroblasts in vitro. Moreover, another research shows that the injection of 1 mg magnetosomes did not increase the body temperature of rabbits during the pyrogen test, which showed antigens or pyrogens free with magnetosome administration[7].

B. ZZ domain

ZZ domain is a homologous immunoglobulin (Ig)-binding domain which belongs to Staphy- lococcus aureus protein A (SpA). According to our biological engineering, we created a recombinant protein mamC-ZZ which was able to bind to the fragment crystallizable (Fc) region of single chain antibody fragment (scFv) tightly. ZZ domain is a reactive antibody-binding BioBricks, and SpA to which ZZ domain belongs is widely used in clinical application[8][9], referring to a conclusion that ZZ domain is safe enough to be used as a BioBricks.

C. Single chain antibody fragment (scFv)

Single chain antibody fragment (scFv) is the most significant important part of our biological engineering design that determines diagnostic efficiency and imaging results of MagHER2some. Accordingly, we chose a certain kind of scFv modified from a widely used breast cancer medicine Trastuzumab, which had the ability to bind with high affinity to the extracellular domain of HER2 in a high affinity way. Trastuzumab is a relatively safe and usually well-tolerated drug[10]. As a monoclonaln antibody, trastuzumab is not modulated by the classic routes of drug elimination[11]. Its clearance does not appear to occur or excretion and liver metabolism as conventional drugs, but in an analogue mechanism relating to the homeostatic regulation of endogenous immunoglobulin G[12]. Thus, problem such as drug–drug interactions and interference with unwanted targets (frequently one of the main causes of drugs' 'adverse effects') is unlikely.

Final Product: reflects biosafety as a whole
Those studies that mentioned above are all strong evidence which ensure all BioBricks of MagHER2some to be safe enough. However, there is still a long term exploration for us to implement our biological engineering into a reliable final product.

Interacrtion between BioBricks: We carried out a series of predicted protein three-dimensional structures about the results of the interaction between recombinant protein mamC-ZZ and Trastuzumab. No evidence showed that there had any effective domain been changed or blocked because of interaction, referred MagHER2some to a therapeutic beneficial product.

Suitable Nanoscale: We decided to control the size of MagHER2some in a appopriate range (15–35 nm), which not only prevented that MagHER2some would be removed by reticuloendothelial system, but also ensured that MagHER2some can be excreted into urine and feces .

Further Clinical Trials: What need to be mentioned again is that we still need a long term exploration on biosafety. We will conduct further clinical trials of MagHER2some and launch the corresponding drug instruction. You can see more clinical trials design here at LINK.

Finally, we plan to optimize the producing procedure of the final products, which will be designed into nonhazardous materials and harmless reagents.


We have controlled possible risks from two perspectives: the laboratory safety and the biological engineering safety. However, there are still many potential ethical risks need to be prejudged.

"Discussions of bioethical challenges take place in the media, in the academy, in classrooms, but also in labs, offices, and hospital wards." Problem in bioethics is not just for us. From another perspective, bioethics can be considered in terms of human, animals (experimental organisms) and the environment.

All ethical safety considerations of MagHER2some are discussed as below.

During iGEM

Use of Experimental Animal: As the very beginning step of bioethics consideration, we have carried on the comprehensive discussion about this part through our animal use form.

Moreover, we were reminded that some contents of our animal use form still needed to be improved, because most of the in vitro experiments of MagHER2some had not yet been obtained at that time. Now, in order to supply and clarify the contents of animal work, we have redesigned the animal experiments based on the results obtained from in vitro experiments, and focused on animal welfare more detailly. Please see the file below for details.
Improved Animal Experiment Plan.pdf

Commercial Matters: We are devoted to bring MagHER2some into medical market, and hope it can benefit both doctors and patients. More commercial risks at HEHR.

Public Engagement: We believe that a our sponsors, taxpayers have the right to know and to participate in, you can see how the public participated in our projects on LINK, and how our projects are responsible for the public such as protecting the personal portrait right of patients.

After iGEM

Patent and Intellectual Property Protection: We plan to patent MagHER2some after iGEM. Therefore, we have already consulted a law firm for relevant issues.

Strict Supplement: Considering biosequrity, we only provide the final products to certified medical institutions. In this way, the possibility of human error which people may misuse or abuse our products, will be minimized.

Product Instructions: In terms of a thorough biosafety guarantee, we are going to undertake further clinical trials and upload a informative instructions to illustrate the right execution to each doctor who will use MagHER2some in future. More details of clinical trials at HEHR.

Always be Responsible

We are ready to use MagHER2some as a product to prepare for future commercialization and to face various challenges that may come out in the real world. In terms of ethics, China is different from foreign countries. Similar to many Chinese iGEM teams, we do not have systematic bioethics learning before entering the laboratory. This is also a reason that we did not achieve a thoroughly ethical consideration of experimental animals before.

However, once MagHER2some is in clinical trials involving human, a new set of challenges which are from ensuring informed consent to protecting vulnerable research participants to guarantee their participation will arise, which is voluntary and informed. That means we need to take more strict ethical measures. Even though the further clinical trials are only in design stage, we still need to ensure whether the plan is ethical enough.

Once again, there is still a long term exploration for us to see the benefits of MagHER2some. As an iGEM team, we need to pay more attention to self-monitoring, raise awareness of ethical counseling and ask boldly before we achieve our goal.


[1] Ledford H. CRISPR conundrum: strict European court ruling leaves food-testing labs without a plan[J]. Nature, 2019, 572(7767): 15-16.

[2] Sun J, Li Y, Liang XJ, Wang PC. Bacterial Magnetosome: A Novel Biogenetic Magnetic Targeted Drug Carrier with Potential Multifunctions. J Nanomater. 2011;2011(2011):469031-469043.

[3] Häfeli UO, Pauer GJ. In vitro and in vivo toxicity of magnetic microspheres. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 1999;vol. 194(no. 1):76–82.

[4] Wagner V, Dullaart A, Bock AK, Zweck A. The emerging nanomedicine landscape. Nature Biotechnology. 2006;vol. 24(no. 10):1211–1217.

[5] Sun JB, Wang ZL, Duan JH, Ren J, Yang XD, Dai SL, Li Y. Targeted distribution of bacterial magnetosomes isolated from Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense MSR-1 in healthy Sprague-Dawley rats. J Nanosci Nanotechnol. 2009 Mar;9(3):1881-5.

[6] Xiang L, Wei J, Jianbo S, Guili W, Feng G, Ying L. Purified and sterilized magnetosomes from Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense MSR-1 were not toxic to mouse fibroblasts in vitro. Lett Appl Microbiol. 2007 Jul;45(1):75-81.

[7] Sun J, Tang T, Duan J, Xu PX, Wang Z, Zhang Y, Wu L, Li Y. Biocompatibility of bacterial magnetosomes: acute toxicity, immunotoxicity and cytotoxicity. Nanotoxicology. 2010 Sep;4(3):271-83.

[8] Navegantes, K. C., Gomes, R. S., Pereira, P. A. T., Czaikoski, P. G., Azevedo, C. H. M., and Monteiro, M. C. (2017) J. Transl. Med. 15, 36.

[9] Idowu, O., and Heading, K. (2018) J. Small Anim. Pract. 59, 183–187.

[10] Senkus E, Kyriakides S, Penault-Llorca F, Poortmans P, Thompson A, Zackrisson S, et al. Primary breast cancer: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up. Ann Oncol. 2013;24(Suppl 6):7–23.

[11] European Medicines Agency. Summary of product characteristics: Herceptin.http://www.ema.europa.eu/docs/en_GB/document_library/EPAR_-_Product_Information/human/000278/WC500074922.pdf. Accessed 9 Feb 2016.

[12] Azanza J-R, Sádaba B, Gómez-Guiu A. Monoclonal antibodies: pharmacokinetics as a basis for new dosage regimens? J Oncol Pharm Pract. 2015;21:370–6.

[13] Sun JB, Wang ZL, Duan JH, Ren J, Yang XD, Dai SL, Li Y. Targeted distribution of bacterial magnetosomes isolated from Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense MSR-1 in healthy Sprague-Dawley rats. J Nanosci Nanotechnol. 2009 Mar;9(3):1881-5.

[14] Meseret Amde, Jing-fu Liu, Zhi-Qiang Tan, Deribachew Bekana, Transformation and bioavailability of metal oxide nanoparticles in aquatic and terrestrial environments. A review. Environmental Pollution. 2017;vol. 230:250-267.