



During the COVID-19 pandemic, further distance and lessen contact have brought great challenges to daily communication. However, it is in the special time that people attach unprecedented importance to get access to information related to medical care and scientific research; it is in the tough time that people naturally mention about terms like “Nucleic acid testing”, “vaccine” and “ specific medicine” in their daily talking. Therefore, to shoulder on the special mission this year, it is imperative to for us to provide more opportunities for the public with diversity of science communication approaches, thus clearing their confusion towards heated topics in biological science and technology.
In this part, we will demonstrate what we have done to implement science communication, education and outreach materials related to synthetic biology in this special time. We took the form of both off-line and online under the premise of security and effect. Beyond the introduction of synthetic biology, we also infused our activities contents with heat points like COVID-19, breast cancer diagnostics and treatment.

Dialogue Model

Science communication is a two-way process. We hope to establish a communication system involving the bilateral dialogue between academics and the public rather than a unilateral input. To make elaborate plan, we dig into advanced concept and theory in contemporary communication academia and refer to the current situation of public communication in scientific issues in our countries, which can guide us to optimize the accessibility of knowledge.
The past few decades have witnessed great changes of the science communication landscape in China. For example, in the field of health communication where our project focuses on, 93% of the public think that health is the most important thing and pay more attention to health than wealth, career and others. Contrary to this, only 8% of the mass communication is health information that meet the public demand[1]. There is a huge gap between the needs of users and the status quo of health and science communication. This is where we start to build our communication model.

Table1. Characteristics of three science communication model[1]

Classic models in science communication compose of central broadcasting model, deficit model and dialogue model. Dialogue model shows privileges in its efficiency and sustainability and dominates the tendency of future communication. Main points of dialogue model include[2][3]:

● Diverse communication subjects and objects

● Emphasis in public attitudes and voice

● Two-way communication

Based on the model above, we develop inclusive education and public engagement to optimize the communication effects.

Science Day

Science Exhibition

This summer, we held a science exhibition-knocking on the door of synthetic biology-in Zhejiang Museum of Natural History in collaboration with the museum. In our conversation with museum curator, we learned that the existing gap between public scope of knowledge and the scientific concept we want to convey may challenge the interaction between both sides; also, widespread concerns in the medical field do arise these days especially in the pandemic. In response to the suggestions, we decided to integrate medical topics into our exhibits of synthetic biology, explaining it with medical examples.
The exhibition gained support of science & public education department of the museum, attracting thousands of visitors of different ages. Coupled with vivid illustration, the basic concept and mechanism of synthetic biology, together with its varied applications are shown to visitors. Synthetic biological method for COVID-19 diagnose was also displayed in the exhibition. Besides, we promote the core idea of our project to the public to shorten the distance between what we are engaged in and social life.

Fig1. Science exhibition-knocking on the door of synthetic biology-in Zhejiang Museum of Natural History.

Shape Your Cell & Molecular

In consideration of children’s cognitive ability, games involving elementary biological knowledge and colorful materials can be more fascinating to them. In the game of Shape Your Cell & Molecular, children ranging from 6 - 12 fully got involved in shaping their cell and molecular models under the guidance of our iGEMers. Most children knew little about molecular biology at the age, so when shaping the models, we step-by-step introduced concepts from macro to micro, from cell to major molecules. They enjoyed the DIY process and explain what they had made to us with excitement.

Fig2. Activity of shape your cell & molecular.

A Journey to Nature Museum

In combination with the exhibits in Nature Museum, we gave a vivid introduction of the molecular biology section as interpreters. From discovery of nucleic acid to the multiple application of gene engineering technology, the corridor picture the history of the development in molecular biology. We also talked about the Craig Venter’s idea of design and synthesis of a minimal bacterial genome, drawing the attention of some middle school students.

Fig3. Introduction hold by ZJU-China in Zhejiang Museum of Natural History about molecular biology section.

Original Leaflet & Postcard

Rewarding mechanism are needed in science communication process. We designed our elaborate leaflet and postcards to demonstrate synthetic biology, iGEM and relevant molecular biology knowledge. Terms and expressions were simplified and made explicit on the materials to meet the demands of people of different ages. We gave out the materials during the activities and explained them in a concrete manner. Children got interested in fascinating patterns on the cards and were curious about biological mechanism behind them. We compared the synthetic biology mechanism to well-designed factory with functional spare parts.
After the activities, we collected people’s feedback and have some reflection towards the activity. Later on, some students interested in biology kept connect with our teammates. Though the activities ended, more and more people began to know about what we were doing and how we would change the world.

Fig4. Leaflet and postcard designed by ourselves.

Summer Class

Introduction of Synthetic Biology, a course targeting students from different majors in ZJU, provided a platform for ZJU iGEMers to promote their perception and insights into synthetic biology. Two parts were included in the class, which are theory back-up and experiments. In the theory part, we gave presentations introducing the basic concept of synthetic biology, like biobricks, gene circuit, modelling process, etc. In the experiment teaching, we introduced practical skills to them according to the standard guidance in molecular biology experiment. They followed our demonstration of PCR, electrophoresis and other split-up steps and successfully constructed a vector with EGFP.
During the after-class communication of students, we got positive feedbacks from them and knew what we could do better to improve our delivery effects. Students from computer science major showed great interested in the modelling, while some major in social science were concerned about the humanized design of the whole engineering system. The short period training of synthetic biology triggered an interdisciplinary talking between us iGEMers and non-professionals; some students showed great passion in joining in our iGEM team in the next round.

Fig6. Introduction about iGEM and guidance on lab skill during the summer class.

Sharing Our Story Online

Articles for Science Communication

Wechat official account is one of the most widespread platforms to publicize our ideas and knowledge in China. ZJU-iGEM regularly published articles for science education through the official accounts we registered, which covered a wide range from synthetic biology, iGEM competition to biological mechanism of COVID-19. In the articles, we transformed the abstract terms into outspoken language to make every reader fully understand with the help of our illustration and examples.

I’ve gotta PhD

We aimed to raise public awareness and highlight the importance of Public Health in a broad range. Social media like facebook page can be the best platform for our publicity around the globe. This summer, we also had a collaboration with Team CSMU_Taiwan and NCKU_Tainan in the form of online program named Public Health eDucation (I’ve gotta PhD). We lauched our cartoon concerning the biological mechanism of COVID-19 on the Facebook Fan Page "I've gotta PhD" run by them. Our videos as well as cartoon were welcomed by viewers and we got a certificate authorized by organizer upon our participation.

Making Vlog

To make more people know about what we were working on, we made a short video telling the story of our preparation for project and took part in the video blog competition in ZJU. The video, named Metamorphosis, focused on daily routines in ZJU iGEM lab, including our regular seminars, experimental training and project inspiration. In the video, we aimed at showing the great efforts made by a green hand in lab to make process in the synthetic biological research. It encouraged all young researchers to face challenges in pursuit of their big dream.
The video was viewed by thousands of viewers and won the compliments from people of all walks of life, unveiling the arduous but rewarding work behind a biological research to the public.
If you are also interested in our vlog, please click HERE

Further Publicity

In China, online media is the most popular method to keep record and share ideas with among young group. Visualization of our project can be achieved through publicity on video website. Therefore, we signed up as an uploader on the Bilibili video website (one of the most popular video platforms in China) and published our video Metamorphosis and other promotion video on it. Our videos caught the eyes of a great number of audiences, especially young science lover, including both professionals and amateurs.
What is the most exciting, our videos released on the platform also won the heart of the director of the Life I am dreaming of, a popular TV reality show in China. The director was prepared for a post-credits scene telling the story of common people’s life pursuit and was seeking appropriate materials like ours. As a part of the short cut clipped into the post-credits scene, our video depicted the daily routines of young researchers working on iGEM project and the industrious work we had done for the experiments, which vividly pictured the life we are dreaming of from iGEMers’ point of view.

Fig7. Our vlog of daily research on Bilibili.

Collaboration with Red Cross

The student chapter of the Red Cross Society of Zhejiang University composes of students working on causes of public good, including humanitarian aid, voluntary work, medical science communication, etc. In order to make more teachers and students know about the current situation of breast cancer which inspired us to begin our project, we contacted the president of the Red Cross Society of Zhejiang University and hoped for joint efforts in publicity of breast cancer situation, diagnose and treatment. At first, members from the Red Cross did feel confused about what we were working on when we were in negotiation, because what they focused on was from the big picture, in a general way, comparing with synthetic biology field. After deep communication, however, they had a better understanding of the inclusive concept of public engagement in iGEM and the mission of synthetic biology, which was to design the project oriented big problems, thus completing the loop between problem-oriented inspiration and well-designed solution.
In collaboration with the peer education departments in the Red Cross, we successfully held a publicity activity on the annual Club Day in ZJU. It was pleasant that many students were aware of the urgent needs of prognosis of breast cancer although they had little knowledge of how to prevent the diseases from a medical angle. The cooperation with peer education department determined the long-lasting relationship between the Red Cross Society and us, thus encouraging us to keep narrowing the gap between the NGO and science researchers.

Fig8. Collaboration with red cross.

More Education about COVID-19

In the tough time facing the virus, rumors and fake science were rampant through people’s daily life. People were thirsty for professional explanation of those biological phenomenon. As a team focusing on health problems, we found it necessary and meaningful to popularize the basic knowledge and researches to the public.
Education forms included live-show, special exhibition and short comics, which tightly centered on cell and molecular biology mechanism of COVID-19.
In the Zhejiang Museum of Natural History, we performed a play in front of visitors, named Guard the City of Cell. The play was written and directed by ourselves, with vigorous figures approachable to people’s daily life. For example, we compared cell, DNA and RNA to city, mayor and secretary, while the nucleus was mayor’s office where DNA seldom went out and RNA was responsible for conveying his order. With this back-up knowledge, we further went on the story of how coronavirus managed to enter the cell and reproduce as a bad guy. The explicit plot based on solid evidence and research cleared people’s concerns, getting recognition from audiences.
Besides, we created short comics to strengthen people’s understanding of it. Short comics were more approachable to children, showing a concrete description of what we conveyed in the play. When we gave out the leaflet to people who had some biological knowledge, we deeply explained how we could prevent and treat the COVID-19, especially with the tools of contemporary synthetic bio-tech. For example, the road-side nucleic acid detection method using the Cas system.
At the same time, we fortunately had the opportunity to guide people to visit the special theme exhibition of coronavirus and the wildlife in the museum. We organized the group according to people’s ages and accepting ability, thus we can adjust our interpretation contents, speed and interaction approaches.

Fig9. Education in Zhejiang Museum of Natural History about COVID-19.


[1] Cao Yu (2009). The practical significance of "democratic model" of Science Communication: theoretical research on public participation in science and technology decision-making. Research on Philosophy of Science and Technology, 26(4), 108-112

[2] Nkolodij (2019). Cultural Cognition Thesis. Speaking Sciencese, Novermber 26, 2019, form

[3] Ding Ding. (2019). Take a look at the National Health insight report in 2019. Jiangsu Health Care, 254(03), 58