Team:TU Darmstadt/Poster

Poster: TU_Darmstadt

B-TOX: reduction of wastewater toxicity using a B. subtilis biofilm
Presented by Team TU_Darmstadt 2020

Authors: Philipp Becker¹, Jan-Philip Kahl¹, Jan Kalkowski¹, Robert Klein¹, Rosi Krebs¹, Angela Kühn¹, Mehryad Mataei¹, Johanna Möller¹, Jonas Müller¹ and Max Schäfer¹

¹iGEM Student Team Member, Departement of Biology, Technical University (TU) of Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany

Project Abstract:

Water is undoubtedly one of our most precious goods and basis of life. But somehow, we humans have managed to neglect and pollute this meaningful resource. Nonetheless, most of us aren’t even aware of the consequences.

In this year's iGEM project, we have made it our mission to make a difference in wastewater treatment and develop an innovative future for pharmaceutical degradation: B-TOX, a modular biofilm able to degrade a variety of detrimental micropollutants like the anti-inflammatory drug diclofenac.

By devising an enhanced and modular B. subtilis biofilm, we can render pharmaceutical residues less toxic, utilizing the degrading properties of enzymes. We immobilize our degradation enzymes in the extracellular biofilm matrix, thereby providing a self-sustaining system without the necessity downstream processing.

A safe implementation and the prevention of bacteria release is given through our kill switch system, connecting the survival of our bacteria to the presence of determined molecules.
Introduce your project and your team's goals.

We were concentrating on the problematic substances diclofenac (analgetic) and azithromycin (antibiotic). Both substances pose environmental hazards in high concentrations. They reach our wastewater in large quantities. At wastewater treatment plants, only a small part can be degraded endangering aquatic fauna and flora. Other substances, such as ibuprofen or estrogen are also problematic. We utilize enzymes that can modify such substances rendering them less toxic. We chose the two laccases CueO (E. coli ) and CotA ( B. Subtilis ) for diclofenac, as well as the esterase EreB ( E. coli ) for antibiotics like erythromycin and azithromycin. Laccases are oxidoreductases that can oxidize phenolic compounds like in diclofenac, as well as other pharmaceuticals, such as carbamazepine, 17β-Estradiol. The resulting products are demonstrably less toxic. EreB has already been shown to being capable of breaking down erythromycin effectively. EreB also displays some promiscuity towards azithromycin. To increase the activity of EreB towards azithromycin we want to utilize site-directed mutagenesis. With the selected enzymes we are already able to degrade a wide range of pharmaceuticals. Besides the already mentioned substances, chloramphenicol, bisphenol A and 4-nonylphenol can also be oxidized by laccase. Enabling us to adapt our biofilm to different local conditions of wastewater pollution. Because of this B-TOX is not restricted to one area.
Where is the biofilm? Why is the Biofilm? How is the Biofilm
How are you going to solve the problem? Where did the idea come from?
Here will be modeling stuff somtimes in the future.

ABTS Assay

After enzyme production in E. coli, we plan to prove the activity of the laccase in vitro. We planned on using an Assay with 2,2’-azino-bis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid (ABTS). ABTS is a widely used substrate for laccase activity assay. By enzymatic oxidation, it forms a stable radical cation, which can be measured photometrically at 420 nm and thus allows the measurement of laccase activity.

Kirby-Bauer Assay

As done for the laccase, measurement of activity was also planned for EreB by performing a Kirby-Bauer-Assay as done from iGEM TU Munich 2013. The Kirby-Bauer-Assay is a disk diffusion test. While using model bacteria, the ability of these bacteria to grow on plates containing the antibiotics erythromycin or azithromycin with and without previous treatment of EreB is being measured.

Toxicity Assay

As proof that our degraded substances are noticeably less toxic for aquatic organisms, we planned on performing a Zebrafish Embryo Toxicity Assay. Zebrafish embryos are widely used model organisms for aquatic toxicity as they are not classified as animal testing (within the first 5 days after fertilization). This way, we are able to determine acute toxicity and teratogenicity.

Flow Chamber

A key aspect of our project is displaying degradation enzymes in the biofilm matrix by fusing them to the major biofilm matrix component TasA. Therefore, a critical issue for our project is biofilm stability. For every new enzyme we want to display in the biofilm, we have to prove that TasA is still functional and able to connect Bacillus subtilis cells to provide a stable biofilm. Aditionally, we have to make sure that no cells escape into the environment when being exposed to the rough conditions that prevail in a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). We therefore designed a flow chamber for comparing different bacterial strains regarding their biofilm stability. Our flow chamber is specifically designed to direct a liquid (e.g. phosphate-buffered saline) to flow over a biofilm in a thin layer, simulating the most extreme conditions in a WWTP. We also developed a microplate reader assay for subsequent analysis. Our assay allows us to estimate the ratio of cells that have been washed out compared to all cells in the biofilm. Since biofilm stability is an essential issue for more iGEM teams we created a manual and contribute the files for 3D-printing to the iGEM community. Our approach is a low cost and presents a highly modular system that can be attractive to other teams for various applications.


Human Practices
To round off our project, it was essential to address the public – as in stakeholders, and various experts in life science. With the focus on doing responsible research and improving our project, we thought through every step of our project and got in contact with various experts. To summarize our work in the field of Integrated Human Practices we clustered all the experts and the information we gathered the following four categories:
  • Environment: Getting in contact with the German federal environment agency (UBA) as well as an ecotoxicologist helped us to understand the problem of micropollutants in wastewater and how difficult it is to detect the exact effects on an ecosystem.
  • Synthetic Biology: The information provided by experts regarding laccases or B. subtilis helped us to elaborate our project in detail theoretically and extend our knowledge on these topics.
  • Implementation: Visits of Wastewater treatment Plant (WWTPs) and interviews with stakeholders as well as a professor already working on using biofilms in WWTPs allowed us to plan and calculate the implementation of our “B-TOX”.
  • Ethics: With professors of philosophy and a member of the ethic commission of our university we talked about our project, risk evaluation, ethical aspects and how to make sure that our research is responsible and ethically justifiable.

To reach out to the society we did a survey asking about knowledge concerning synthetic biology (SynBio) and for example the acceptance of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in WWTPs. Only about half of the participants knew what SynBio is, leading us to further focus on science communication.
We created a podcast called “Genomenal” where we explain different topics of biotechnology in an easy and understandable way. Moreover, we are talking about our project and the iGEM competition.
Not only the survey, also the mail address we established for the audience of our podcast allows us to get in direct contact with the society. For younger parts of the society we created the minigame “The Genomenal Adventures of Dr. W”, where each level represents and explains a basic laboratory method.
Furthermore, we did a livestream together with iGEM Kaiserslautern and hosted a zoom call for students from a school near Darmstadt.
some WWTP stuff i guess
Use this section to explain whatever you would like! Suggestions: Just Contributions.
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  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.

Achievments & Awards
Achievements: (medal criteria)


Competition Deliverables: We registered for the virtual Giant Jamboree and are looking forward to the event! Therefore, we created our Wiki, Poster, Presentation Video, Project Promotion Video and filled in the Judging Form.
Attributions: Please visit our Acknowledgements to see who supported us this year.
Project Description: We present ourproject description on our Wiki and a short version can be seen at “Introduction”.
Contribution: We contributed a variety of things to the iGEM community this year. Click on “Contributions” to see.


Engineering Success: We carefully designed our parts and show how to test them and evaluate results.
Collaboration: We collaborated with different teams throughout the year, like thepostcard collaboration with Duesseldorf, iJET with Aachen, Oxiteers with Stuttgart and Kaiserslautern and many more.
Human Practices: We engaged with experts and the public during the course of our project. We were able to generate a lot of valuable input and insights.
Proposed Implementation: We explain how our project will be implemented and give an outlook on alternative implementations, e.g. aboard the ISS.


Integrated Human Practices: We spoke to different groups of interests and ages, addressing their worries and incorporating their ideas in our project design. Especially, regarding the biosafety aspect of our project.
Project Modeling: We modelled our enzymes and fusion enzymes, biofilm growth and formation, and our kill switch. Together with iGEM Hannover we developed a software tool to model biofilm formation.
Partnership: We engaged in a partnership called the Oxiteers, with iGEM Stuttgart and iGEM Kaiserslautern.
Science Communication: We developed several strategies to educate society and make our efforts accessible for everyone.


Best Education

We started a publicly accessible survey covering the opinion and knowledge about SynBio within Germany. Based on this survey, we broadcasted a livestream with iGEM Kaiserslautern to enable an open dialogue and interact with people all over Germany. We provided information to people who sought more knowledge and talked to them about their concerns regarding water pollution.
In our German podcast “Genomenal - Ein Haufen Zellen redet über Biotech” (English: Genomenal – a bunch of cells talk about biotech), we address ethical and legal questions in biotechnology. We provided our listeners with ways to easily communicate their thoughts to us and included their feedback. Additionally, we created a “how to podcast” guideline for anyone with the same intention covering necessities like equipment needs and how to build up your own RSS-feed.
We programmed a jump-and-run computer game called “The Genomal Adventures of Dr. W” together with Aleksa Zečević to playfully spark interest in biology even among the youngest of our audience.
The renowned German scientific journal BIOspektrum published our article, enabling us to reach an audience of 15,000 monthly readers. The BIOspektrum is linked to many German Societies in science such as GBM, VAAM, GfG or DPGT. As a result of this publication, Prof. Dr. Möller, astromicrobiologist at the German Aerospace Center, reached out to us to talk about possible implementation scenarios of our biofilm in aerospace and the adjustments necessary to enable its usage e.g. aboard the international space station (ISS).

Best Integrated Human Practices

We reached out to experts like Dr. Ulrich Ehlers from the Federal Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety who also suggested the use of a kill switch to enable a safer use of our project.
As Prof. Dr. Sibylle Gaisser from the department of industrial biotechnology in Ansbach recommended, we created a safety form with the goal to prevent misuse of our biofilm, as well as a safety sheet to educate employees of wastewater treatment plants on biosafety issues.
We talked to many experts about all aspects of our project and used the information they provided us with to make our project come to maturation.

Best Model

We developed a software to model biofilm growth in collaboration with iGEM Hannover. It incorporates e.g. growth rates, split length or movement speeds of bacteria, enabling us to create plots of their position and movement as well as the robustness of the biofilm. It is based on literature values although experimental data can be easily integrated.
We used MATLAB to model our quorum sensing-based kill switch mechanism using ordinary differential equations (ODE) to make predictions about its functionality. It is also based on literature values with the intention to incorporate experimental data as soon as possible.
We determined possible 3D structures for one of our degradation enzymes EreB using RosettaCM. Using GROMACS for molecular dynamics simulation (MD), we validated the stability of our enzyme structure. With RosettaCM, we also predicted the structure of our fusion proteins of TasA and one of our degradation enzymes and simulated their binding affinity to their targets.

Best Software

We developed a software tool in collaboration with the iGEM Team Hannover which enables the user to run a molecular dynamics simulation of biofilm growth. It includes a three class and utility function. One of which is the “bacteria” class which is an object-orientated representation of the bacteria in the biofilm. Secondly, there is the biofilm class, which simulates interactions forces using a biophysical potential, and drag force and finally the “constants” class, which represents the interface the user utilizes to specify simulation constants like duration, step size or output paths. Other constants like initial population size and bacterial strain (Escherichia coli or Bacillus subtilis) may also be chosen by the user while the addition of one’s own parameters allows for easy simulation of one's bacterial population of interest. The code is open for everyone to use and our Wiki provides a detailed guide.

Best Sustainable Development Impact

The focus of our project to reduce wastewater pollution by pharmaceuticals is in strong agreement with the United Nation’s sustainable development goals 6 and 14. To ensure access to water and sanitation for all, especially, as in target 6.3, to improve water quality by reducing pollution and minimizing the release of hazardous chemicals is part of goal 6 and an important part of our project. We designed this biofilm for the purpose of wastewater treatment without complex and costly technological adjustments but with the versatility of bacterial biofilms. We can see the consequences of releasing pharmaceutical pollutants into the environment as it has been reported to endanger several species in the recent past. That is why goal 14 inspires us to conserve and sustainable use the oceans, seas and marine resources and to significantly reduce marine pollution as covered in target 14.1. It is of great importance to us to prevent harm to our marine ecosystems due to contamination of the environment with pharmaceutical pollutants.
Use this section to explain whatever you would like! Suggestions: Outlook
Here you can see all the great people who helped us during this year.
Primary PI: Prof. Warzecha​
Secondary PI: Prof. Kabisch​
Our advisors: Fran Bacic Toplek,​ Sebastian Barthel, Simone Bartl-Zimmermann, Alexander Gräwe, Leon Kraus, Chris Sürder and Maximilian Zander​

  • Dr. Dietz​,
  • Angelina Folberth,
  • Dr. Immel​,
  • Jörg Kalkowski​​,
  • PD Dr. Kletzin​,
  • Dr. Mikosch-Wersching​,
  • Prof. Schmidt​,
  • Prof. Stein,
  • Prof. Waldminghaus​​,
  • Barbara Wolf​​,
  • Prof. van der Vegt​​,
  • Aleksa Zecevic,
  • Working group of Prof. Kabisch and Prof. Warzecha​,
  • People from „Krautnah“ ​and from Hda of ​TU Darmstadt
    Former iGEMers​
  • Klara Eisenhauer,
  • Jonathan Funk,
  • Peter Gockel,
  • Jamina Gerhardus,
  • Robin Johannson,
  • Thea Lotz,
  • Tim Maier,
  • Benjamin Meyer,
  • Jean Victor Orth,
  • Hannah Rainer,
  • Lara Steinel,
  • Leon Werner,
  • Marius Wollrab
  • Dipl. Ing. Udo Bäuerle,
  • PhD Yunrong Chai​,
  • Dr. Ulrich Ehlers,
  • Prof. Dr. Sibylle Gaisser​,
  • Florian Heyn,
  • Wolfgang John,
  • Prof. Jürgens​,
  • Prof. Lackner​​,
  • Prof. Dr. Ralf Möller​,
  • Prof. Nordmann​,
  • Prof. Dr. Jörg Oehlmann,
  • Dr. Sabine Sané,
  • Dr. Dietmar Schlosser,
  • Dr. Patrick Schröder,
  • Thomas Seeger​,
  • Prof. Dr. Jörg Stülke
