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//---------------Closing the menu and returning to default values--------------- function closeMenu() { var toggleable = document.querySelectorAll('.toggleable'); for (let item of toggleable) { item.classList.remove("active"); } document.getElementById("fixedOverlay").setAttribute("bg", "none"); document.getElementById("appendable").classList.remove(currentChoice); currentChoice = null; const myNode = document.getElementById("appendable"); while (myNode.firstChild) { myNode.removeChild(myNode.lastChild); } document.getElementById("bubbles-to-close").setAttribute("open", "false"); checkNavbarPos(); }

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var openMenuEls = document.getElementsByClassName("menu-wrapper"); for (let el of openMenuEls) { //---------------Clicking on menu sandwich/close button--------------- el.addEventListener('click', function() { //---------------If menu is open and close button is clicked, close menu--------------- if (this.classList.contains("active")) { closeMenu(); } else { document.getElementById("popup-main").classList.add("active"); this.classList.add("active"); fxdOv = document.getElementById("fixedOverlay"); fxdOv.setAttribute("bg", "dark"); document.getElementById("navbar").setAttribute("onText", "false"); document.getElementById("bubbles-to-close").setAttribute("open", "true"); if (fxdOv.classList.length != 0) { link = fxdOv.classList[0] openSecBubble(document.getElementById(link)) } } }) } var currentChoice; var menuLinks = document.getElementsByClassName("main-choice"); for (let link of menuLinks) { link.addEventListener('click', function() { for (let lk of menuLinks) { if (lk.classList.contains("active")) { lk.classList.remove("active"); const myNode = document.getElementById("appendable"); while (myNode.firstChild) { myNode.removeChild(myNode.lastChild); } } } openSecBubble(link) }) }

$('#appendable li a').on("click", function() { closeMenu(); })

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Human Practices", link: "./Integrated", }, col: { name: "Education &
Public Engagement", link: "./Education", } }, team: { members: { name: "Members", link: "./Team", }, coll: { name: "Collaborations", link: "./Collaborations", }, att: { name: "Attributions", link: "./Attributions", } } }