Team:UIUC Illinois/Parts

Viralizer UIUC_Illinois

Parts Overview

Building Blocks We've Made and Used


Yan Luo
Short description of our parts.

BBa_K2794001, as a sequence coding for marker protein of exosome, can be used to insert membrane proteins, signal peptide, or regular proteins to the exosomes. BBa_K2794002 is designed to specifically activates ubiquitination. BBa_K2794003 BBa_K2794004 can be used to actively load protein cargo into exosomes, while BBa_K2794005 focus primarily on specifically load vhb into exosomes. BBa_K2794006 attaches a WW domain to vhb, enabling an alternative for bingding vhb to Ndfip.

All parts information are in the parts page.

Name Type Description Desginer Length Usage
BBa_BBa_K3627007 Coding CD63 Varient1(Homo sapiens) Luo Yan 717
BBa_K3627008 Coding Nedd4 Family Interacting Protein1 (Ndfip) Luo Yan 663
BBa_K3627009 Coding WW Domain3 Luo Yan 147
BBa_K3627010 Coding WW Domain4 Luo Yan 147
BBa_K3627011 Coding CD63-Vhb Fusion Protein Luo Yan 1227
BBa_K3627012 Coding CD63-Vhb Fusion Protein Luo Yan 1227
BBa_K3627013 Composite CD63-Vhb Fusion Protein Luo Yan 1227 /td>
BBa_K3627014 Composite CD63-Vhb Fusion Protein Luo Yan 1227
BBa_K3627016 Composite WW Domain3-Vhb Fusion Protein Luo Yan 654