let points = {
"Helimerase": { col: 1, div: true, p: ["IL", "DB"], link: "https://2020.igem.org/Team:Vilnius-Lithuania/Design#Helimerase" }, "HDA": { col: 1, div: false, p: ["AK", "AS"], link: "https://2020.igem.org/Team:Vilnius-Lithuania/Design#HDA" }, "LFA": { col: 1, div: false, p: ["AK"], link: "https://2020.igem.org/Team:Vilnius-Lithuania/Design#LFA" }, "MazF/MazE system": { col: 1, div: true, p: ["EV", "EG", "AS"], link: "https://2020.igem.org/Team:Vilnius-Lithuania/Design#sectionToxin" }, "UV induced killswitch": { col: 1, div: false, p: ["EJ", "EV", "AK"], link: "https://2020.igem.org/Team:Vilnius-Lithuania/Design" }, "AI-2 synthesis in vitro": { col: 1, div: false, p: ["EJ", "EV", "EG", "DB"], link: "https://2020.igem.org/Team:Vilnius-Lithuania/Design" }, "Exolysin and endolysin system": { col: 1, div: false, p: ["EJ", "EV"], link: "https://2020.igem.org/Team:Vilnius-Lithuania/Design#sectionLysin" }, "GldJ protein": { col: 1, div: true, p: ["EJ", "AS"], link: "https://2020.igem.org/Team:Vilnius-Lithuania/Design#Subunit" }, "VHSV system": { col: 1, div: false, p: ["EJ", "ER", "DB"], link: "https://2020.igem.org/Team:Vilnius-Lithuania/Design#Subunit" }, "Research": { col: 2, div: true, p: ["IL", "EJ", "EV", "AK", "KV"], link: "https://2020.igem.org/Team:Vilnius-Lithuania" }, "Software": { col: 2, div: false, p: ["AK", "DB", "KV", "Po", "PS"], link: "https://2020.igem.org/Team:Vilnius-Lithuania/Software" }, "Hardware": { col: 2, div: false, p: ["IL", "AK", "PS"], link: "https://2020.igem.org/Team:Vilnius-Lithuania/Hardware" }, "Modelling": { col: 2, div: false, p: ["EV", "DB", "Po", "PS"], link: "https://2020.igem.org/Team:Vilnius-Lithuania/Model" }, "Best Measurement": { col: 2, div: false, p: ["DB", "PS"], link: "https://2020.igem.org/Team:Vilnius-Lithuania/Measurement" }, "The COINS": { col: 2, div: true, p: ["IL", "EJ", "EV", "AK", "ER", "EG", "AS", "KV", "LS"], link: "https://2020.igem.org/Team:Vilnius-Lithuania/Education" }, "The 6th SynBio Sense": { col: 2, div: false, p: ["IL", "EV", "AK", "ER", "EG", "AS", "KV", "Po", "PS", "LS", "MG"], link: "https://2020.igem.org/Team:Vilnius-Lithuania/Education" }, "Educational Coloring Book for Children": { col: 2, div: false, p: ["IL", "AK", "LS"], link: "https://2020.igem.org/Team:Vilnius-Lithuania/Education" }, "BioBlox Gaming Tournament": { col: 2, div: false, p: ["EV", "ER", "PS", "BV"], link: "https://2020.igem.org/Team:Vilnius-Lithuania/Education" }, "Video lectures for schools": { col: 2, div: false, p: ["IL", "AK", "DB", "LS", "MG"], link: "https://2020.igem.org/Team:Vilnius-Lithuania/Education" }, "Seminar for highschoollers (SMMS)": { col: 2, div: false, p: ["IL", "AK", "DB", "LS", "MG"], link: "https://2020.igem.org/Team:Vilnius-Lithuania/Education" }, "National Television LRT": { col: 2, div: false, p: ["IL", "AK", "ER", "BV", "MG"], link: "https://2020.igem.org/Team:Vilnius-Lithuania/Education" }, "Protmūšis": { col: 2, div: false, p: ["EV"], link: "https://2020.igem.org/Team:Vilnius-Lithuania/Education" }, "Coronavirus & Gems of iGEM": { col: 2, div: false, p: ["IL", "EV"], link: "https://2020.igem.org/Team:Vilnius-Lithuania/Education" }, //"XXI Kids science fair": { col: 2, div: false, p: ["EV", "LS"], link: "https://2020.igem.org/Team:Vilnius-Lithuania/Education" }, "Fish Farm “FishNet”": { col: 2, div: false, p: ["IL", "EJ", "EV", "AK", "MG"], link: "https://2020.igem.org/Team:Vilnius-Lithuania/Integrated" }, "STEAM summer camp": { col: 2, div: false, p: ["IL", "EV", "KV"], link: "https://2020.igem.org/Team:Vilnius-Lithuania/Education" }, "Outreach": { col: 2, div: true, p: ["IL", "EV", "LS", "MG"], link: "https://2020.igem.org/Team:Vilnius-Lithuania" }, "Sponsorship": { col: 2, div: false, p: ["IL", "MG"], link: "https://2020.igem.org/Team:Vilnius-Lithuania" }, "Safety": { col: 2, div: false, p: ["IL", "EJ", "DB"], link: "https://2020.igem.org/Team:Vilnius-Lithuania" }, "Wiki design": { col: 2, div: false, p: ["IL", "KV", "PS", "LS"], link: "https://2020.igem.org/Team:Vilnius-Lithuania/Graphic_Design" }, "Graphics": { col: 2, div: false, p: ["IL", "EV", "KV", "BV", "LS"], link: "https://2020.igem.org/Team:Vilnius-Lithuania/Graphic_Design" }, "Poster": { col: 2, div: false, p: ["KV", "LS"], link: "https://2020.igem.org/Team:Vilnius-Lithuania" }, "Presentation video": { col: 2, div: false, p: ["IL", "AK", "ER", "EG", "EV", "AS", "LS"], link: "https://2020.igem.org/Team:Vilnius-Lithuania" }, "Project promotion video": { col: 2, div: false, p: ["IL", "EV", "KV"], link: "https://video.igem.org/videos/watch/831569f1-ed65-41b3-bc9c-f68ab4d2c95c" },
}; // TODO: change links let people = [ "IL", "EJ", "EV", "AK", "ER", "EG", "AS", "DB", "KV", "Po", "PS", "BV", "LS", "MG", ];
const tbody = document.querySelector("tbody.teamtable"); const thead = document.querySelector("thead.teamtable"); thead.onclick = () => window.location = "https://2020.igem.org/Team:Vilnius-Lithuania/Team";
let alt = false;
let pointsKeys = Object.keys(points); for (let pointKey of pointsKeys) {
let tr = document.createElement("tr"); alt = !alt; if (pointKey === "Helimerase"){ let td = document.createElement("th"); td.innerText = "Wet lab"; td.rowSpan = 9; td.style.minWidth = "70px"; td.classList.add("cat"); tr.appendChild(td); let td2 = document.createElement("th"); td2.innerText = "Detection"; td2.classList.add("cat"); td2.rowSpan = 3; tr.appendChild(td2); } if (pointKey === "MazF/MazE system"){ let td = document.createElement("th"); td.innerText = "Treatment"; td.classList.add("cat"); td.rowSpan = 4; tr.appendChild(td); } if (pointKey === "GldJ protein"){ let td = document.createElement("th"); td.innerText = "Prevention"; td.classList.add("cat"); td.rowSpan = 2; tr.appendChild(td); } if (pointKey === "The COINS"){ let td = document.createElement("th"); td.innerText = "Human Practices"; td.classList.add("cat"); td.colSpan = 2; td.rowSpan = 11; tr.appendChild(td); } if (pointKey === "Research"){ let td = document.createElement("th"); td.innerText = "Dry Lab"; td.classList.add("cat"); td.colSpan = 2; td.rowSpan = 5; tr.appendChild(td); } if (pointKey === "Outreach"){ let td = document.createElement("th"); td.innerText = "Public Image"; td.classList.add("cat"); td.colSpan = 2; td.rowSpan = 8; tr.appendChild(td); } let point = points[pointKey]; if (point.col === 3){ let fillerTd = document.createElement("th"); fillerTd.className = "excl"; fillerTd.colSpan = 2; tr.appendChild(fillerTd); } if (point.div){ tr.classList.add("divide"); } let pointTd = document.createElement("th"); pointTd.innerText = pointKey; pointTd.onclick = ()=>window.location = point.link; if (alt) { pointTd.className = "alt"; } pointTd.colSpan = 1; tr.appendChild(pointTd);
for (let person of people){ let td = document.createElement("td"); if (alt) { td.className = "alt"; } if (point.p.includes(person)){ td.appendChild(document.createElement("div")); } tr.appendChild(td); } tbody.appendChild(tr);