Difference between revisions of "Team:UCopenhagen/Poster"

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    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
      body {
        margin: 0; padding: 0;
      .picture {
        position: relative;
        display: inline;
      .poster_bg {
        width: 50%;
<div class="page_wrapper">
<div class="page_center">
<div style="padding: 20px 0px; width:95%; margin:auto; font-size:14px;">
<h1> Poster: UCopenhagen </h1>
<h3> Poster Template </h3>
<p> This poster template will let you create an interactive poster! The poster is divided in two parts: the visual overview on the left and the documentation on the right. The visual overview is broken down into sections that the user can click on. When a user clicks on a poster section in the visual overview, the documentation on the right will display the text and graphics associated with this section of the poster. You can find the documentation on how to use this template, as well as an example here: <a href="https://2020.igem.org/Competition/Deliverables/Poster">https://2020.igem.org/Competition/Deliverables/Poster</a></p>
<!---Place the content of your poster inside this div--->
<div class="poster_w content">
<!--This is the first row of the poster, it contains the title section --->
<div class="row">
<!-- This creates a full width section with the id 'title' ,
since it will be the default section loaded, we add the class 'first_text' --->
<div class="section full first_text" id="title">
<!--Here is the image used for the full width section, the size is: 1200 x 200 pixels -->
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2020/f/fb/T--Example--Poster_Title.png">
<!--Info: Place the title and text for this section, it will appear when the user clicks on it
since the first_text class is used above, this section will appear by default -->
<div class="info">
<!--Write the title of the section -->
<div class="title"> Poster Title</div>
<!--Write the text explaining this section -->
<div class="text">You should list all authors and their affiliations here. You can also add the project's abstract.</div>
<!--This is the second row of the poster, it contains the introduction section --->
<div class="row">
<!-- This creates a full width section with the id 'introduction' --->
<div class="section full" id="introduction">
<!--Here is the image used for the full width section, the size is: 1200 x 200 pixels -->
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2020/6/6e/T--Example--Poster_Introduction.png">
<!--Info: Place the title and text for this section, it will appear when the user clicks on it-->
<div class="info">
<!--Write the title of the section -->
<div class="title"> Introduction </div>
<!--Write the text explaining this section -->
<div class="text"> Introduce your project and your team's goals.</div>
<!--This is the third row of the poster, it contains the inspiration, problem and idea sections --->
<div class="row">
<!-- This creates a third width section with the id 'inspiration' --->
<div class="section third" id="inspiration">
<!--Here is the image used for the third width section, the size is:  400 x 200 pixels  -->
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2020/f/f3/T--Example--Poster_Inspiration.png">
<!--Info: Place the title and text for this section, it will appear when the user clicks on it-->
<div class="info">
<!--Write the title of the section -->
<div class="title"> Inspiration </div>
<!--Write the text explaining this section -->
<div class="text"> What inspired your team? What motivated you to work on this particular project? </div>
<!-- This creates a third width section with the id 'problem' --->
<div class="section third" id="problem">
<!--Here is the image used for the third width section, the size is:  400 x 200 pixels  -->
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2020/c/c5/T--Example--Poster_Problem.png">
<!--Info: Place the title and text for this section, it will appear when the user clicks on it-->
<div class="info">
<!--Write the title of the section -->
<div class="title"> Problem </div>
<!--Write the text explaining this section -->
<div class="text"> What is the problem your team is working to solve? How does it affect the world? </div>
<!-- This creates a third width section with the id 'idea' --->
<div class="section third" id="idea">
<!--Here is the image used for the third width section, the size is:  400 x 200 pixels  -->
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2020/9/90/T--Example--Poster_Idea.png">
<!--Info: Place the title and text for this section, it will appear when the user clicks on it-->
<div class="info">
<!--Write the title of the section -->
<div class="title">Idea </div>
<!--Write the text explaining this section -->
<div class="text"> How are you going to solve the problem? Where did the idea come from? </div>
<!--This is the fourth row of the poster, it contains the engineering section --->
<div class="row">
<!-- This creates a full width section with the id 'engineering' --->
<div class="section full" id="engineering">
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2020/0/02/T--Example--Poster_Engineering.png">
<!--Info: Place the title and text for this section, it will appear when the user clicks on it-->
<div class="info">
<!--Write the title of the section -->
<div class="title"> Engineering</div>
<!--Write the text explaining this section -->
<div class="text"> Here you can explain the engineering process behind your project. </div>
<!--This is the fifth row of the poster, it contains the three nameless sections --->
<div class="row">
<!-- This creates a third width section with the id 'section_1' --->
<div class="section third" id="section_1">
<!--Here is the image used for the third width section, the size is:  400 x 200 pixels  -->
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2020/5/53/T--Example--Poster_Section1.png">
<!--Info: Place the title and text for this section, it will appear when the user clicks on it-->
<div class="info">
<!--Write the title of the section -->
<div class="title"> Section 1 </div>
<!--Write the text explaining this section -->
<div class="text"> Use this section to explain whatever you would like! Suggestions: Safety, Human Practices, Measurement, etc. </div>
<!-- This creates a third width section with the id 'section_2' --->
<div class="section third" id="section_2">
<!--Here is the image used for the third width section, the size is:  400 x 200 pixels  -->
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2020/e/ec/T--Example--Poster_Section2.png">
<!--Info: Place the title and text for this section, it will appear when the user clicks on it-->
<div class="info">
<!--Write the title of the section -->
<div class="title"> Section 2 </div>
<!--Write the text explaining this section -->
<div class="text"> Use this section to explain whatever you would like! Suggestions: Safety, Human Practices, Measurement, etc. </div>
<!-- This creates a third width section with the id 'section_3' --->
<div class="section third" id="section_3">
<!--Here is the image used for the third width section, the size is:  400 x 200 pixels  -->
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2020/9/9e/T--Example--Poster_Section3.png">
<!--Info: Place the title and text for this section, it will appear when the user clicks on it-->
<div class="info">
<!--Write the title of the section -->
<div class="title"> Section 3 </div>
<!--Write the text explaining this section -->
<div class="text"> Use this section to explain whatever you would like! Suggestions: Safety, Human Practices, Measurement, etc. </div>
<!--This is the sixth row of the poster, it contains the results and references sections --->
<div class="row">
<!-- This creates a two thirds width section with the id 'results' --->
<div class="section two_thirds" id="results">
<!--Here is the image used for the third width section, the size is:  800 x 200 pixels  -->
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2020/b/b0/T--Example--Poster_Results.png">
<!--Info: Place the title and text for this section, it will appear when the user clicks on it-->
<div class="info">
<!--Write the title of the section -->
<div class="title"> Results</div>
<!--Write the text explaining this section -->
<div class="text"> What did your team achieve? What do you plan to work on moving forward? </div>
<!-- This creates a third width section with the id 'references' --->
<div class="section third" id="references">
<!--Here is the image used for the third width section, the size is:  400 x 200 pixels  -->
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2020/f/fa/T--Example--Poster_References.png">
<!--Info: Place the title and text for this section, it will appear when the user clicks on it-->
<div class="info">
<!--Write the title of the section -->
<div class="title">References and Acknowledgements</div>
<!--Write the text explaining this section -->
<div class="text">If not already cited in other sections of your poster, what literature sources did you reference on this poster? Who helped or advised you? </div>
<!--This is where the selected content will be displayed - Don't change this section!-->
<div class="poster_w display">
<h3 id="section_title"></h3>
<p id="section_text"></p>
      .texting {
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        width: 50%;
      .tabcontent {display: none;}
      #Top {display: block;}
    <script type="text/javascript">
      //Here I do the tabulator system!
      function openIL(evt, ILName) {
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          tabcontent = document.getElementsByClassName("tabcontent");
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    <script src="https://cdn.rawgit.com/davidjbradshaw/imagemap-resizer/master/js/imageMapResizer.min.js"></script>
    <!-- ok cool here starts the image -->
    <div class="picture">
      <img class="poster_bg", src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2020/8/81/T--UCopenhagen--Poster_full.png" usemap="#image-map">
      <map name="image-map">
        <area class="tablinks" onclick="openIL(event, 'Top')" id="defaultOpen" title="Top" coords="1499,472,0,0" shape="rect">
        <area class="tablinks" onclick="openIL(event, 'Biosensor')" title="Biosensor" coords="23,478,745,479,742,812,575,1220,579,1268,17,1269" shape="poly">
        <area class="tablinks" onclick="openIL(event, 'Model')" title="Model" coords="754,555,753,815,818,964,1484,960,1479,562" shape="poly">
        <area class="tablinks" onclick="openIL(event, 'Method')" title="Method" coords="820,969,918,1251,1499,1256,1484,969" shape="poly">
        <area class="tablinks" onclick="openIL(event, 'Results')" title="Results" coords="20,1280,604,1287,615,1308,615,1347,747,1405,741,1639,15,1630" shape="poly">
        <area class="tablinks" class="tablinks" onclick="openIL(event, 'Beyond')" title="Beyond" coords="17,1641,17,1903,747,1889,743,1651" shape="poly">
        <area class="tablinks" onclick="openIL(event, 'HP')" title="HP" coords="902,1262,1477,1266,1480,1848,766,1848,761,1408,876,1340" shape="poly">
        <area class="tablinks" onclick="openIL(event, 'Drop')" title="Drop" coords="749,819,894,1182,902,1218,902,1239,898,1258,892,1288,881,1308,869,1328,856,1344,826,1366,798,1380,762,1386,735,1386,713,1382,686,1372,653,1351,631,1327,615,1304,596,1262,594,1223,599,1188,610,1150" shape="poly">
        <area class="tablinks" onclick="openIL(event, 'Footer')" title="Footer" coords="1497,2164,-1,1906" shape="rect">
    <div class="texting">
      <div id="Top" class="tabcontent">
        <h1>Yo Momma</h1>
        I love death, death is me.
      <div id="Biosensor" class="tabcontent">
        <h1>Yo Dadda</h1>
        Jk, my one true love is Zen-senpai
      <div id="Model" class="tabcontent">
      <h1>Oh no</h1>
      Uuuurgh tabulators don't work in internet explorer you idiot!! aa asdas dasd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asdasd assd
      <div id="Method" class="tabcontent">
        <h1>The saving</h1>
        Jk, my one true love is Zen-senpai
      <div id="Results" class="tabcontent">
        <h1>The horror</h1>
        Jk, my one true love is Zen-senpai
      <div id="Beyond" class="tabcontent">
        <h1>Double death</h1>
        Jk, my one true love is Zen-senpai
      <div id="HP" class="tabcontent">
        <h1>Yo What do to now</h1>
        Jk, my one true love is Zen-senpai
      <div id="Drop" class="tabcontent">
        <h1>Yo im crying</h1>
        Jk, my one true love is Zen-senpai
      <div id="Footer" class="tabcontent">
        <h1>Yo kill me now</h1>
        Jk, my one true love is Zen-senpai

Revision as of 21:55, 8 November 2020

Poster: UCopenhagen

Poster Template

This poster template will let you create an interactive poster! The poster is divided in two parts: the visual overview on the left and the documentation on the right. The visual overview is broken down into sections that the user can click on. When a user clicks on a poster section in the visual overview, the documentation on the right will display the text and graphics associated with this section of the poster. You can find the documentation on how to use this template, as well as an example here: https://2020.igem.org/Competition/Deliverables/Poster

Poster Title
You should list all authors and their affiliations here. You can also add the project's abstract.
Introduce your project and your team's goals.
What inspired your team? What motivated you to work on this particular project?
What is the problem your team is working to solve? How does it affect the world?
How are you going to solve the problem? Where did the idea come from?
Here you can explain the engineering process behind your project.
Section 1
Use this section to explain whatever you would like! Suggestions: Safety, Human Practices, Measurement, etc.
Section 2
Use this section to explain whatever you would like! Suggestions: Safety, Human Practices, Measurement, etc.
Section 3
Use this section to explain whatever you would like! Suggestions: Safety, Human Practices, Measurement, etc.
What did your team achieve? What do you plan to work on moving forward?
References and Acknowledgements
If not already cited in other sections of your poster, what literature sources did you reference on this poster? Who helped or advised you?