Team:UNSW Australia/Poster

Poster: UNSW_Australia

Poster Template

This poster template will let you create an interactive poster! The poster is divided in two parts: the visual overview on the left and the documentation on the right. The visual overview is broken down into sections that the user can click on. When a user clicks on a poster section in the visual overview, the documentation on the right will display the text and graphics associated with this section of the poster. You can find the documentation on how to use this template, as well as an example here:

Australia is home to three-quarters of the world’s coral population. With rising ocean temperatures, the Great Barrier Reef is experiencing its third coral bleaching event in five years. PROTECC Coral aims to improve the heat tolerance of reef coral, while increasing the heat capacity of coral’s algal symbiont: Symbiodinium. Our poster outlines how a synthetic biological solution can help preserve our coral, as well as the diverse ecosystems and communities that depend on them.
Introduce your project and your team's goals.
What inspired your team? What motivated you to work on this particular project?
What is the problem your team is working to solve? How does it affect the world?
How are you going to solve the problem? Where did the idea come from?
Here you can explain the engineering process behind your project.
Section 1
Use this section to explain whatever you would like! Suggestions: Safety, Human Practices, Measurement, etc.
Section 2
Use this section to explain whatever you would like! Suggestions: Safety, Human Practices, Measurement, etc.
Section 3
Use this section to explain whatever you would like! Suggestions: Safety, Human Practices, Measurement, etc.
What did your team achieve? What do you plan to work on moving forward?
References and Acknowledgements
If not already cited in other sections of your poster, what literature sources did you reference on this poster? Who helped or advised you?