Team:BITSPilani-Goa India/Dance

Dance | SugarGain | iGEM BITS Goa


We collaborated with the University of Rochester and IITM for a science through dance initiative. The collaboration was through two different parts.

A title

Each team choreographed a sequence in different styles ranging from Indian classical to ballet that when stitched together reveals a story. We tried expressing the current pandemic through different dance styles. The overarching message being a story of courage, tenacity and resilience. A story that captures the pathos of the collective experience of humanity in these extraordinary times.

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Pass the Mask

We also organised an activity during the iGEM Global Meetup as a movement collaboration. The activity had participants pass a mask while introducing themselves in their native language. This activity was meant to demonstrate that although the pandemic has affected us all we still persevere and its meant to create a dance that shows the possibility of overcoming the boundaries and challenges using science during difficult times through collaboration and embracing diversity.

Our Pass The Mask event from the iGEM Global Meetup

Figure 1: Our Pass The Mask event from the iGEM Global Meetup