
Team:BOKU Vienna -

Overview of our part libraries

For our different experiments, we had to clone different plasmids. We used parts from the iGEM registry as well as parts that we newly designed. Check out our libraries below!

The Lambda RED Recombination Plasmid

To create our Lambda RED Recombination Plasmid (BBa_K3514004), we needed three cloning steps. First, we cloned the DNA sequences of Exo, Beta and Gam into three separate plasmid backbone via GoldenGate cloning. They were then cloned into a second plasmid backbone where they were combined with each a promoter and a terminator. In the third backbone, all three promoter-gene-terminator constructs were combined to one. Disclaimer: The promoter we used to create the finished recombination plasmid in the registry is not the one we used for our experiments. The promoter we used is also a variant of the T7 Lac promoter that is very well characterized in our facilities. However, it contains sequences that are not compatible with the iGEM registry. As we did not want to mutate this promoter without being able to characterize its mutations, we decided to use the promoter BBa_K2406020 for our contribution to the iGEM registry. In its function and sequence it is very similar to the promoter we used, it is already characterized in the registry and compatible so other teams can use our plasmid.

Name Nr: Function
Promotor T7 Lac BBa_K2406020 T7 promoter with Lac1 operon for bacteria species with constitutive Lac repressors (e.g. e.coli BL21 DE3)
Terminator BBa_B1001 Ends transcription
Exo BBa_K3514001 Part of the Lambda RED Recombination System
Beta BBa_K3514002 Part of the Lambda RED Recombination System
Gam BBa_K3514003 Part of the Lambda RED Recombination System
Spacer BBa_B0040 Keep space between genes constructs
Lambda RED Recombination Plasmid BBa_K3514004 Contains the Lambda RED Recombination system

Phage Engineering

To engineer our T7 bacteriophage, we designed the Lambda RED Recombination system on a plasmid (BBa_K3514004, see above). The sequences we wanted to insert were modified to specifically replace the Major Capsid protein of the T7 phage. Special recombination sites were added to the gene constructs to achieve this. These sequences were not added to the registry as they are only relevant for our specific project. However, the sequences are linked below for anyone who is curious.

Name Nr. Function
Lambda RED Recombination Plasmid BBa_K3514004 Contains the Lambda RED Recombination system
Human Plasma Gelsolin Sequence LPS binding Plasma Protein
GSN 160-169 Sequence LPS binding site of Gelsolin
Peptide 19-2.5 Sequence Antimicrobial Peptide

Safety Mechanism

To create our Safety Mechanism on a plasmid (BBa_K3514007), we needed two cloning steps. First, we cloned the DNA sequence of the Major Capsid protein of the T7 phage into a plasmid backbone via GoldenGate cloning. It was then cloned into a second plasmid backbone where it was combined with a promoter and a terminator.
Disclaimer: The promoter we used to create the finished safety plasmid in the registry is not the one we used for our experiments. The promoter we used is also a variant of the T7 Lac promoter that is very well characterized in our facilities. However, it contains sequences that are not compatible with the iGEM registry. As we did not want to mutate this promoter without being able to characterize its mutations, we decided to use the promoter BBa_K2406020 for our contribution to the iGEM registry. In its function and sequence it is very similar to the promoter we used, it is already characterized in the registry and compatible so other teams can use our plasmid.

Name Nr. Function
Capsid BBa_K3514006 Major Capsid Protein of T7 bacteriophage
Promotor T7 Lac BBa_K2406020 T7 promoter with Lac1 operon for bacteria species with constitutive Lac repressors (e.g. e.coli BL21 DE3)
Terminator BBa_B1001 Ends transcription
Safety Plasmid BBa_K3514007 Major Capsid Protein of T7 bacteriophage on a plasmid. Safety mechanism for PHANGEL.


In order to make a useful contribution for future iGEM teams we decided to add new information to existing parts in the registry. We picked three closely related constitutive promoters (BBa_J23101, BBa_J23105, BBa_J23109) with a well documented difference in expression levels from the registry in order to characterize their expression strength in a Cell Free System. In order to design the required plasmids we also chose one terminator from the registry (BBa_B1001). mCherry was utilized as the expressed protein. The complex of promotor, gene and terminator was assembled via Golden Gate cloning. Expression strengths were determined based on fluorescence measurements.

Name Nr. Function
Promoter 101 BBa_J23101 Constitutive promoter
Promoter 105 BBa_J23105 Constitutive promoter
Promoter 109 BBa_J23109 Constitutive promoter
Terminator BBa_B1001 Ends transcription
mCherry BBa_J06504 Red Fluorescent protein