Tuesday, 18 August
Lab Work
Anna and Matthew transformed E. coli with the plasmid constructs cloned yesterday. The following protocol was used:
- Thaw, on ice, one 100ul aliquot of competent E. coli DH5alpha per transformation, plus one extra as a negative control. Aliquots are labelled 1-12 (refer to yesterday's E. coli well plate plan for which number contains which construct) and 13 (control).
- Add 3ul of plasmid DNA, mix by rolling tube.
- Incubate on ice for 40 min
- Heat shock in 42°C water bath for 2 min, return to ice for 2 min
- Add 0.7ml LB medium
- Incubate at 37°C, 220 rpm for 60 min
- Centrifuge at 8000 rpm for 5 min
- Remove 0.5ml of the supernatant
- Re-suspend pellet in remaining liquid
- Plate out 200 ul onto LB-agar plate with appropriate antibiotic
- Incubate at 37°C (no shaking) overnight