Thursday, 1 October
We selected and submitted our tracks – Environment, New Application and Manufacturing.
Chloe sent us each a name of someone else on the team, to write about for the attributions page. Adam started writing attributions for everyone not on the team who influenced our project.
Team Collaborations
Anna got in contact with UCL to ask about the dates when their parts would be delivered for us to do wet lab work on. They said that they would receive them and could send them to us on the 18th of October. Chloe informed us this would be too late for us to do any cloning (since it is 9 days before wiki freeze) but we could possibly do some transformation or expression. We told UCL this and they were okay with it.
Science Communication and Outreach
Dr Mark Ramsdale informed us that he needed our presentation about the iGEM competition to be ready by Saturday morning. Nina took on the responsibility of writing a presentation to go along with our script. Eloise, Ariane, Nina and Bethan offered to narrate slides in the presentation, then Nina added each audio clip.