

Meet the Team


Agata has a bad memory that's how she learned to write excellent protocols and notebooks. Her skills came in handy in all those seminars. In the lab, she likes to listen to relaxing music and doesn't mind spending there long days to finish her experiments. She is open-minded, but the real superpower she would like to have is reading other peoples minds!

Agata Zielnica

Molecular Life Sciences



Alan participates in iGEM for the second time now. He is afraid of studying and iGEM provides a great excuse for "procrastinating". If you see a guy sleeping in the lab, you can be sure that it is Alan. He is literally living in the lab. He is known for his funny ideas, blunt humour and huge amounts of the best memes. This is why Alan is responsible for organizing our socializing events and plays an integral part in the lab and our team spirit.

Alan Wypych

Molecular Life Sciences

#labgod #memelord


You can enjoy a very nice lab session with his stupid humour even in the darkest hours of iGEM. Albert is a real food connoisseur. He especially likes Russian cream cheese bars since he has Russian roots. He is not a fan of superpowers in general, but he would like to be able to control space and time so he can meet his favourite philosophers at an earlier stage of their life before they went crazy. Spasiba!

Albert Dumnitch

Molecular Life Sciences



Andre is one of our Molecular Life Sciences students. In the lab he is probably our most accurate member when it comes to protocol execution, and the only one with a real overview of all our finances and orders. Later in retirement, he looks forward to active vacations, lots of reading and chilling with his friends at the retirement home.

Andre Geisler

Molecular Life Sciences

#purchasedude #thinktank


Toni is our all-round talent! As a responsible team member, she always helps and volunteers for new tasks. After school Toni worked about a year in a hospital, however, she had to cut it short because university started. Toni also turned into an early bird because of the work in the hospital, starting to work at 6 am and being finished by 2 pm has its perks.

Antonia Gocke

Molecular Life Sciences



Tina is one of our intercultural talents because she can speak a little French, Portuguese and Finnish in addition to German and English. During her night shifts she enjoys listening to R&B music. Since she loved Spongebob Squarepants as a child, it is no wonder that she likes to eat vegan burgers.

Kristina Wolff

Molecular Life Sciences



Lea is our social media genius and responsible for all the funny and interesting posts from iGEM Hamburg. She also did a great job in our wet lab as well as planning our modelling and being a reliable part of all socialising events. When not spending her time on iGEM Lea loves riding the bike or reading a book outside in her favourite city Hamburg.

Lea Altendorf

Molecular Life Sciences



While she preferred to work as a veterinarian to care for larger creatures as a child, she now also lovingly cares for our little E.coli. Just like at home, Linda likes good music in the lab and it must be heard in the early morning when she looks after her fosterlings. When she leaves the lab, Linda dreams of beautiful days by the sea and a life outside the big city.

Linda Schiffmann

Molecular Life Sciences



Marie spends a lot of time in the iGEM lab as well as planning the modelling. She would like to continue living in Hamburg in the future, although her favourite season is summer. She has a real talent for languages, ​​because she speaks German, English, Spanish and Dutch (at least a bit…). Fun fact: If she could choose a superpower, it would be never getting tired.

Marie Vogt

Molecular Life Sciences



Marvin is enthusiastic about most things in our project but is very passionate about leading the education part and passing down knowledge. Which makes sense as his childhood dream job was to become a teacher. Even though he works with the smallest particles he loves the enormous mountain ranges and probably wants to climb all the mountains he possibly can, especially the Mont Blanc.

Marvin Skiba




Mathias initially came up with the project idea for which he prepared about a year in advance. He started this project as a Bachelor student of Biology and since October 2020 he is a Master student of Molecular Life Sciences. He also is a connoisseur of pizza and peanut filled chocolate bars. He is a fan of Japanese culture and would probably ride there by bike if all else fails, to live out his dream as the Last Samurai in Tokyo.

Mathias Schmidt




Known for his bad jokes and cheerful manner Nick is one of our team’s core members. He always has been a Star Wars fan and loves snowy mountains, as he enjoys snowboarding. Apart from that he likes gaming, pancakes and most importantly just chilling with or without friends. Strangely enough he also practices Parkour despite his lacking sense of balance. At least he has not destroyed the centrifuge yet.

Nick Piwon

Molecular Life Sciences



Prab is one of our all-round talents. She always provides help and is especially responsible for our design (Wiki, Poster, ...). Coming from India, her favorite festival is Holi. She cannot "spell correctly to save her life". Summer is her time of the year and if you ever see a shapeshifter, it might be her…

Prabhjot Kaur Sher Gill

Molecular Life Sciences



Ramona loves to be in good company, so it doesn't matter if you discuss the Wiki code at night or enjoy a sunny day. On weekends she likes to dance, her favorite sport is jazz dance. She loves the summer, surfing and festivals and also likes to travel to Portugal, where she wants to do her master thesis.

Ramona Adameck

Molecular Life Sciences



Sabrina is our voice for equality. She strives to help the less privileged by volunteering for several organisations. One of the reasons she chose to study Molecular Life Sciences in Hamburg was a charity which hails from here. In our iGEM team, she was part of the fund raising efforts among other things. Her favourite travel destination is South America and she wishes she could teleport herself there.

Sabrina Schuster

Molecular Life Sciences




Stine is a Master student of Molecular Life Sciences. She is an advisor of our team and stands by our side with a lot of advice and action (Thanks for that my dear!). She wanted to become an animal keeper as a child, now she takes care of our team. She is very motivated and engaged in her role as advisor. Sometimes she is taking her job too seriously and gives her life for iGEM.

Stine Behrmann

Molecular Life Sciences



Bjarne wanted to become a palaeontologist as a kid but partly due to his lack of patience he decided to become a biochemist. In his free time, he likes to ski, surf, play American football and get involved into unpaid work like coaching an iGEM Team (sometimes he’s too busy so there’s not that much free time left). We all appreciate his open and versatile personality and you can always count on his good advice.

Bjarne Klopprogge

Molecular Life Sciences



Lukas supported us with any questions that came up during our project especially regarding the modelling and his help was cheap. His favourite food are burgers and he is into all kinds of sweet stuff so he was easily bribed. But don’t worry about his caloric intake: he likes to do sports, especially Krav Maga. His next sports project is to ride a bike across the alps.

Lukas Schulte




Marcel is always eager to help and knows the answer to most questions, iGEM-related or not! While northern Germany is not snowy enough for him to become an Olympic medal-winning biathlete, he hopes to give it another go once he moves either to the Alps or Scandinavia! Until then, he is in it for the science and maybe, just maybe, he’ll finally discover the mutant intelligent easter bunny that’s been hiding all those eggs…

Marcel Zimmeck

Molecular Life Sciences
