Lab Notebook
January (Week 1-4)
Brainstorming and deciding the direction of the project.
February (Week-5)
Prior to any wet-lab experiments, the promoter sequences of ADA-regulon were analyzed and their binding sites were taken into consideration.
Ecocyc was used to extract the desired sequences.
Snapgene was used for the selection of compatible cloning vectors and their overhangs.
Primer designing was done with the help of NEB cutter V2.0, NEB Tm calculator and NEB: Double digest finder.
Primers were ordered.
PCR amplification of promoter of ADA-AlkB gene followed by gel electrophoresis.
PCR amplification of the reporter gene from EGFP-N1 plasmid followed by gel electrophoresis.
Gel extraction of amplified sequences.
Sequential restriction digestion of extracted Ada-AlkB promoter using HindIII and EcoRI.
Sequential restriction digestion of extracted reporter sequence using EcoRI and BamH1.
Ligation of the digested sequences was done using T4-DNA Ligase.
This ligated DNA was transformed into DH5-alpha E.coli competent cells followed by overnight incubation.
Colonies were selected for colony PCR.
March (Week-9)
The transformed colonies were checked again for the desired DNA using plasmid isolation. MDI Mini-prep kit was used for plasmid isolation.
This was followed by their restriction digestion.
Gel electrophoresis was conducted.
Gel images were analysed.
Orders were placed for analytes for conducting assay experiments by artificially spiking water samples.
Our institute was closed due to COVID 19 and the entire state was under lockdown.