


Most involved in:
- Wet lab
- Dry lab
- Public Relations
Contributed to:
- Human Practices
- Wiki (major)

Most involved in:
- Public Relations
- Human Practices
- Collaborations
Contributed to:
- Wet Lab
- Dry Lab
- Wiki (major)

Most involved in:
- Wet Lab
- Public Relations
- Funding
- Dry Lab
Contributed to:
- Human Practices
- Collaborations
- Wiki (minor)

Most involved in:
- Funding
- Wet Lab
Contributed to:
- Dry Lab
- Human Practices
- Wiki (minor)

Most involved in:
- Human Practices
Contributed to:
- Wet Lab
- Collaborations
- Public Relations
- Wiki (major)

Most involved in:
- Funding
Contributed to:
- Dry Lab
- Wiki (major)

Most involved in:
- Dry Lab
- Wiki
Contributed to:
- Human Practices

Most involved in:
Contributed to:

Most involved in:
- Website
- Human Practices
- Collaborations
- Wiki
Contributed to:
-Public relations

Most involved in:
- Public Relations
- Human Practices
Contributed to:
- Funding
- Collaborations
- Wiki (minor)

Most involved in:
- Dry lab
Contributed to:
- Wiki (major)

Most involved in:
- Human Practices
- Wiki
Contributed to:
- Collaborations
- Public Relations

Most involved in:
- Public Relations
- Collaborations
Contributed to:
- Funding
- Human Practices
- Wiki (minor)


Thanks to our supervisors Erik Steen Redeker for his lab expertise
and Benjamin Heidt for his videography and human practices skills.
This project would not be possible without them.


Thanks to special contributors who offered their knowledge and
guidance throughout different aspects of the project.

Thanks to Jules
Sondeijker for his
Oak Processionary
expertise in
population control.

Thanks to Guido
Vanderbroeck for
guiding us through
the UM
website and
advice on how
to crowdfund.

Thanks to Artem
Shumkov for his
knowledge in
JavaScript and CSS
for the Wiki creation.


We would like to thank the following institutions for sponsoring
the project:
- Revive and Restore
- Maastricht Science Programme (MSP)
- MaCSBio
- University Fund Limburg/SWOL.

Also we would like to immensely thank all of the sponsors in our crowd funding campaign!


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Giesbrecht, D., Heschuk, D., Wiens, I., Boguski, D., LaChance, P., & Whyard, S. (2020). RNA Interference Is Enhanced by Knockdown of double-stranded RNases in the Yellow Fever Mosquito Aedes Aegypti. Insects, 11(6), 327. doi:10.3390/insects11060327

Groenen, F. and Meurisse, N. (2012), Historical distribution of the oak processionary moth Thaumetopoea processionea in Europe suggests recolonization instead of expansion. Agricultural and Forest Entomology, 14: 147-155. doi:10.1111/j.1461-9563.2011.00552.x (2020).

Maier, H., Spiegel, W., Kinaciyan, T., Krehan, H., Cabaj, A., Schopf, A., & Honigsmann, H. (2003). The oak processionary caterpillar as the cause of an epidemic airborne disease: survey and analysis. British Journal of Dermatology, 149(5), 990–997. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2133.2003.05673.x

Małyska, A., Maciąg, K., & Twardowski, T. (2014). Perception of GMOs by scientists and practitioners – the critical role of information flow about transgenic organisms. New Biotechnology, 31(2), 196-202. doi:10.1016/j.nbt.2013.11.004

McIntyre, G. J., Yu, Y. H., Lomas, M., & Fanning, G. C. (2011). The effects of stem length and core placement on shRNA activity. BMC molecular biology, 12, 34.

Niu, J., Taning, C. N., Christiaens, O., Smagghe, G., & Wang, J. (2018). Rethink RNAi in Insect Pest Control: Challenges and Perspectives. Advances in Insect Physiology Crop Protection, 1-17. doi:10.1016/bs.aiip.2018.07.003

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Petrova, N. S., Zenkova, M. A., & Chernolovskaya, E. L. (2013). Structure - Functions Relations in Small Interfering RNAs. In A. O. Andrade, A. Alves Pereira, E. L. M. Naves, & A. B. Soares (Eds.), Practical Application In Biomedical Engineering (pp. 127–228). London, UK: IntechOpen. doi:10.5772/53945

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Simonato, M., Battisti, A., Kerdelhué, C., Burban, C., Lopez-Vaamonde, C., Pivotto, I., … Negrisolo, E. (2013). Host and Phenology Shifts in the Evolution of the Social Moth Genus Thaumetopoea. PLoS ONE, 8(2), e57192. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0057192

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