


We are the team of Laval University in Quebec, Canada. Our team takes part in the iGEM competition for the third time this year. For this 2020 edition, our team is mostly composed of newcomers and is formed of either graduate and undergraduate students. We are in varied fields of study ranging from Biochemistry, Microbiology, Bioinformatics, Chemistry and Food Science. This group is also surrounded by three amazing teachers and mentors besides the different professionals advising us in the project’s development and past Ulaval iGEMers.

Team members


Emilie Alexander

B. Sc Biochemistry
Age : 21
Origin: Michigan, USA
First year iGEMer? Yes
Scientific interest : Evolution, Metabolism and Genome Editing. Also arguing with people who think that COVID-19 is a hoax
iGEM Memory: Luigi watch out for your ice cream
Fun Fact about me: I have way too many plants and I don’t regret it


Angel Cisneros

PhD student in Biochemistry
Age : 27
Origin: Mexico
First year iGEMer? No, second year
Scientific interest : Evolution of protein-protein interactions
iGEM Memory: Being on stage at the 2019 Jamboree to receive the Best New Applications Project Award on behalf of our team was surreal!
Fun Fact about me: As a young child, I used to disguise myself as Batman all the time!


Marianne Côté

Msc. Chemistry
Age : 26
Origin: Canada
First year iGEMer? No, 3rd
Scientific interest : Aquatic ecosystem, Modelling and Data Analysis
iGEM Memory: For a 2nd time, I'm in charge of wiki coding, I hope this time I could sleep during the weekend before the wiki freeze!
Fun Fact about me:My programming skills are at their best in the middle of the night.


Catherine Gravel

B. Sc. Food Science
Age : 22
Origin: Canada
First year iGEMer? Yes
Scientific interest : Food chemistry and microbiology, urban agriculture
iGEM Memory: The time we rushed to work together on the project on zoom or Microsoft Team. When Emilie and I talked about plants.
Fun Fact about me: I am always have a lot of ideas in mind. My brain runs really fast. I really love plants too like Emilie.


Joanna Mbuya Malaika Mutombo

Age : 19
Origin: Canada (Both parents are from RDCongo)
First year iGEMer? Yes
Scientific interest : Immunology and Cancer
iGEM Memory: 2000-10-24: The last time I had a decent night of sleep.
Fun Fact about me: I’m an anime otaku.


Benjamin Ouellet

B. Sc. Biochemistry
Age : 21
Origin: Canada
First year iGEMer? Yes
Scientific interest : Synthetic biology, biotechnology
iGEM Memory: I lost almost 1’500$ from our funding, which we recovered later on.
Fun Fact about me:As a child, I used to carry a blue plastic bowl with me and sometimes,wear it as a hat.


Louis-Jacques Ruel

B. Sc. Bioinformatics
Age : 22
Origin: Canada
First year iGEMer? Yes
Scientific interest : Modelling, Translational Medecine
iGEM Memory: I did squ … spill my ice cream, though I still have my two legs.
Fun Fact about me: You may as well call me yellow Clifford, because I’m all about that sunflower color (even though I’m supposed to be Green Mario).



Hélène Deveau


Steve Charette


Michel Guertin