Team:TU Darmstadt/Integrated Human Practices

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Figure 1: This could be a collabo picture

Synthetic Biology

Jörg Stülke: Why did we talk to him?
  • Jörg Stülke is the Head of the Department of General Microbiology at the Institute of Microbiology and Genetics at the University of Göttingen. He is an expert for B. subtilis and designed a strain where the genes sinR and tasA are knocked out (GP1622).[1] This strain would be useful for testing, if we could bring our enzymes as fusion proteins with TasA into the biofilm matrix. (Verlinkung Text TasA sinR knockout)

  • What information did we gather?
  • Besides providing us the needed strain GP1622, he agreed with our assumption, that a knockout of sinR would not have any bad impacts on our biofilm.

  • How did we adjust our project?
  • Getting the GP1622 B. subtilis strain enabled us to design our experiments and would have shortened the needed time in the lab.

  • Implementation

    Susanne Lackner: Why did we talk to her.
    Professor Dr. Lackner is the head of the department for sewage management at the TU Darmstadt since 2016. She is known for her work with microbial communities regarding wastewater purification in Germany, but also abroad, which is why an interview with her was of great interest for us. More so compelling was the fact that she has significant experience with the degradation of harmful pharmaceutical residues.

    What information did we gather?
  • Prof. Lackner told us about possible complications regarding GMOs in wastewater treatment plants and the difficulties surrounding this topic. She could confirm the danger pharmaceuticals pose in wastewater, among them diclofenac, as she has been working on its degradation herself.
  • Hence, she was able to assure us that an oxidation of diclofenac was more than possible – as this has already been done. For this, it was even more helpful that she sent us continuative literature regarding diclofenac, as one of her Ph.D. students has worked on degrading the substance.
  • When asked about other harmful substances, Prof. Lackner mentioned ibuprofen and carbamazepine as well as others.
  • Due to her vast experience, she also gave us immense input regarding a carrier material for our biofilm and told us about the most efficient environmental conditions.

  • How did we adjust our project?
  • She did not only confirm the alarming toxicity of diclofenac and that there is a need of a project idea like ours, but also pointed us in the direction of searching for other substances like carbamazepine.
  • Her willingness to be at our disposal regarding literature or information about diclofenac and wastewater purification made her a great asset for our project. Thanks to her, and her research group, we were able to get crucial information on how and to which extent diclofenac can be oxidized by laccases.
  • Since we were undecided on which carrier material we should apply for our biofilm, her recommendation of the ones she uses and the offer to provide us with them has meant a great deal for the thrive of our project.
  • For a more detailed review on her input, please CLICK HERE.

    Visit to a WWTP
    Since our project is to be integrated into wastewater treatment plants in the future, we wanted to have a first-hand look at such a plant. For that, we visited the wastewater treatment plant from ENTEGA in Darmstadt. This visit gave us the opportunity to see by ourselves how wastewater treatment can work and which steps are necessary to achieve a clean outcome. We learned how different waste water treatment plants can be and how differently they have to deal with new guidelines concerning the quality of the treated wastewater. The wastewater treatment plant in Darmstadt is built of a primary treatment clarifier, followed by a biological wastewater treatment and a final clarifier. For the implementation of our biofilm, a new clarifier for an additional purification stage would be necessary in the mentioned wastewater treatment plant. Space for another tank in this plant is available but we have to consider that especially wastewater treatment plants in bigger cities wouldn’t have enough space for this. Considering this issue, we thought about different options to implement our project (link Biofilm in chemischer Stufe, Filmis).


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