Tuesday, 8 September
Bethan, Matthew and Velizar completed the final version of the health and safety form, then ran it past Chloe before submitting it with some changes.
Team Collaborations
UNSW emailed us with all the details of the Coral Symposium, including:
- That each iGEM team attending would have 15 minutes to present their project and 5 minutes for a Q&A
- That each iGEM team could nominate up to 2 experts to speak at the symposium
- That the time of the Symposium would be 10am BST on the 24th of September
Science Communication and Outreach
Nina, who is responsible for the graphic design of our infographics, came back from holiday so we were able to finish and post infographics on:
- Co-culturing
- Carbonic anhydrases
- Urease
- Our collaborations with other teams across the globe
We also posted a clip of the introduction that would feature in our project video. Our logo was animated by Anna's sister Elisabeth Donnan and the background sounds (of a coral ecosystem) were recorded by Prof. Steve Simpson who kindly gave us permission to use them in the video.