
Notebook (Exeter iGEM 2020)

Wednesday, 9 September

Lab Work

Anna and Bethan carried out an E.coli B72B25 (protein expression strain) transformation. We discovered early on that we did not have enough DNA in wells 3, 10 and 11 and were advised by Mark to dilute the remaining quantity with LB broth to gather the DNA. We placed the plate back in the bench fridge with a cover. We prepared agar plates with the antibiotic resistance marker 8 (ampicillin) in them. The plates were placed in the non shaking incubator overnight. Tomorrow the plan is to make more E.coli DNA constructs and repeat the B. subtilis transformations again.

Team Collaborations

We were due to have a meeting with AshesiGhana at 4pm however due to some confusion (they meant 4pm GMT and we meant 4pm BST) not enough people on either team were able to make the meeting so we decided to rearrange it at a later date.

Science Communication and Outreach

We posted a video on how the pandemic has impacted our project and method of working.

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