Team:HK SSC/Collaborations


Virtual Symposium

Our team joined a virtual symposium with Hong Kong iGEM teams. In the symposium, we had a chance to present our project to the other teams, and were able to see many of our shortcomings through the advice and questions from the other teams. We were also able to watch other teams’ presentations and lectures from keynote speakers, which were extremely beneficial to us as we were able to learn new knowledge and insights from the lectures. All in all, this symposium showed us our weaknesses, improved our presentation skills and was a good opportunity for us to exchange ideas with other iGEM teams.


Our team collaborated with team HK CPU-WFN-WYY. Our team hosted a sharing session with their team. Our team presented on how our molecular dynamics was done, as their team wanted to know the stability of their protein. In turn, their team shared about signal peptide systems. Our teammates learnt a lot from their team, and implemented the idea of signal peptide systems into our project. This can allow our engineered bacteria to directly secrete our PdRp without the lysis of the bacteria and use cellulose binding domain.

PuiChing Macau

Our team also collaborated with team PuiChing Macau. Both of our teams worked with a cellulose binding domain, we had a few meetings with them, in which we discussed about the binding ability of the cellulose binding domain. Although we did not have access to a laboratory this year, their team helped us evaluate the binding abilities of the cellulose binding domains.

From this graph, we can see whether the cellulose binding domain adsorbed to cellulose. The wavelength of the cellulose binding domain is at the third spike, with the peak at around 610 nm. After washing for a few minutes, 61% of cellulose binding domain remained.