Team:HK SSC/Composite Part


Parts:BBa_K3561027 to BBa_K3561030

Parts BBa_K3561027 to BBa_K3561030 are the four PdRp-CBD fusions designed by our team.


The PdRp parts of the four fusions are BBa_K3561007, BBa_K3561014, BBa_K3561024, BBa_K35610 respectively. They were modelled using molecular dynamics and are expected to sequester and reduce Pd (II). More details on the results can be found here.


The sequence of the cellulose binding domain was provided by Prof. Shen Long Tsai and can be found in part BBa_K3561026. It is expecxted to bind with cellulose and it will enable us to purify our PdRp-CBD fusion through the regenerated amorphous cellulose (RAC) method.

Restriction enzyme cut site

NheI and PstI are placed at the beginning and end of the sequence respectively for ligation with our vector, pET-Blue-2.