


The software "App" is programmed based on Python language and OpenCV software library. The App allows users to standardize color recognition, prevent subjective misjudgments, and generate dental reports based on different colors.

Used packages

NumPy: Python's open source extension of numerical computation, which is used in software to calculate color matrix.

Tkinker: Python's standard TK GUI interface toolkit, which is used in software to form user interface.

CV2: Python's standard OpenCV interface toolkit, which is used in software to recognize and dispose color information.


Users can put the braces into the "Box" after one night of use, and the fluorescent protein will emit fluorescence if turn turning on the built-in light switch in the "Box". Because our "Detection & Report" Module would express different fluorescent proteins when detecting different quantities of SM, the colors of fluorescent proteins excited by "Box" might be mixed. Apart from that, the subjective judgment of everyone is not consistent.

In order to solve the above problems, we designed an "App". In the software, we preset the range for each color HSV value (Figure 1), and only the colors within the specified ranges can be recognized. This range corresponds to the "safe", "solvable", and "dangerous" set in our project.

Figure 1. The ranges of HSV value.

After the user takes a photo through the hole on the "Box", the photo can be uploaded into the "App". The "App" will recognize the preset color and generate a report (Figure 2). Users can choose to use Tooth Fairy or go to the hospital based on the reported results.

Figure 2. A The user interface. B The recognition processes and the report.


1. Need to use the mobile phone to take photos and import them into the computer software "App".

2. In recognition, the path of the picture can only use English.

3. Click here to get the codes.