Team:Hainan China/Safety


Realizing the importance of safety, all of our members in the iGEM team entitled Hainan_China have put the safety issues at highest priority and learned several essential steps to ensure everyone’s safety

Awareness of Covid-19 pandemic:

All the members stayed aware of the latest information on the COVID-19 outbreak and protect ourselves with the guidelines provided by Hainan university. In addition to wear facial masks and gloves, we had also regularly and thoroughly cleaned hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water in the lab whenever needed. We had also maintained at least 1 metre (3 feet) distance between each others.

Safe Training:

Before starting wet-lab experiments at Marine Bioscience and Biotechnology lab in Hainan University, China, we have attended a safety training to learn the proper use of experimental apparatus and to avoid physical accidents. This included the locations of eye-washers and showers, emergence exits, chemical spill kits and fire extinguishers.

Safe Lab work:

Everyone is required to wear a lab coat, gloves, closed-toe shoes, and long pants whenever in the lab. Extra precautions were taken by us under certain circumstances, such as wearing masks when we were making microfluidic sensors. We used the biosafety cabinet whenever needed and followed strictly the sterilization procedures for good lab practice (GLP).

Use of harmless corals and microbial strains:

The coral tissues and their symbiotic microalga, Zooxanthellae, were harmless to human beings. It was cut from the coral reefs in the sea near Hainan University. The bacterial strains, E. Coli and Pseudomonas denitrificans, that we used for our project are safe to human and environment.In addition, all the experiments were done within the biosafety cabinet under supervision of experienced staff who were doing research in the lab at daily basis, Moreover, E. Coli and Pseudomonas denitrificans were retained in the lab to minimize any potential risks of escaping into the environment.