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We add IPTG in our culture medium to express CⅠ protein to suppress PCⅠ. So, there’s no switch-mazF (BBa_K3408003) expressed in Bacillus subtilis. Then we feed our earthworm with engineered bacteria.

When our engineered bacteria enter the intestine of earthworm, Pnar (BBa_K3408000) will be activated by FNR in anaerobic condition, so phy(ycD) (BBa_K3408001), optimized CⅠ (BBa_K3408004) and trigger RNA (BBa_K3408002) will produce. Our engineered bacteria can secrete phytase but not suicide. After a period of time, engineered bacteria are discharged to the wormcast. In aerobic condition, Pnar will be inhibited but PCⅠ will recover activity. Then switch RNA can be transcribed and combine with trigger RNA. Finally, MazF protein will be produced to kill our engineered bacteria.

Basic Parts

Part Number Name Type
BBa_K3408000 Pnar Promoter
BBa_K3408001 phy(ycD) Coding
BBa_K3408002 Trigger RNA RNA
BBa_K3408003 Switch RNA RNA
BBa_K3408004 Optimized CⅠ Coding
BBa_K3408005 Optimized DpnI Coding
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Composite Parts

Part Number Name Type
BBa_K3408006 Pnar-B0034-GFP-B0015 Composite
BBa_K3408007 Pnar-B0034-phy(ycD)-B0015 Composite
BBa_K3408008 Pnar-B0034-CⅠ-B0015-PCⅠ-B0034-GFP-B0015 Composite
BBa_K3408009 PliaG-trigger RNA-B0015-PCⅠ-switch RNA-GFP-B0015 Composite
BBa_K3408010 Pnar-trigger RNA-B0015-PCⅠ-switch RNA-mazF-B0015 Composite
BBa_K3408011 PliaG-B0034-lacI-Pgrac-B0034-CⅠ-PCⅠ-B0034-GFP-B0015 Composite
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We have found some new information about BBa_K525515, BBa_K1067006 and BBa_K1096001. We hope to help other teams to better understand the nature and characteristics of these parts and be able to use them more skillfully.

In order to better and more comprehensive understand our favorite reporter part whose name is BBa_E1010, this year NAU-CHINA uses SWISS MODEL ( model and simulate the tertiary structure of protein. We hope that the prediction of the structure will help other teams to better understand the nature and characteristics of this part and be able to use the reporter gene more skillfully.

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