
RISS serves as a database platform, providing users with information about gene-related information. As an online tool, users can use it to find rice pan-genome annotations, gene classifications, sample information, and resistance genes in many speices. RISS requires a basic knowledge of rice pan-genome. It is targeted at rice researchers and other iGEM members and researchers who are interested in rice pan-genome information. Our database is only aimed at providing users with a prediction relations for some target genes, and wheter to use it depends on user's actual situation and their own judges.

Our data comes from NCBI and RPAN (Sun, C. *et al*., 2017) databases to ensure the reliability and security.

RISS is an integrated database search tool for scientific research only, not for commercial profit. We have consolidated the information from the following database without tampering with it. The following is the data source details:


The National Center for Biotechnology Information advances science and health by providing access to biomedical and genomic information.

RPAN: Rice Pan-genome Browser (Sun, C. *et al*., 2017)

Lab of Computational Genomics and Metagenomics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University The cultivated rice, Oryza sativa L., is one of the major food sources for the world and a model organism in plant biology. The rice pan-genome, the genome of rice species rather than an individual, has been constructed from 3K rice genomes with a medium sequencing coverage about 15X. This pan-genome contains ~370Mbp IRGSP genome and ~260Mbp novel sequences, which are almost the same size as an individual rice genome.This database provides:Basic information of 3,010 rice accessions; Sequences and gene annotations for the rice pan-genome; Gene presence-absence variations (PAVs) of rice accessions; Expression profiles for rice pan-genome.

If you have any comments or suggestions regarding RISS copyright issues, please contact us at

[1] Sun, C., Hu, Z., Zheng, T., Lu, K., Zhao, Y., Wang, W., ... & Li, Z. (2017). RPAN: rice pan-genome browser for∼ 3000 rice genomes. *Nucleic acids research*, *45*(2), 597-605.