Team:Tongji Software/Medal



#1 Completed all the following Competition Deliverables:

#1 Wiki: we made an understandable wiki with marvelous design.
#2 Poster: we made our poster and check it on the Giant Jamboree.
#3 Presentation: we are going to do presentation on the Giant Jamboree.
#4 Project Promotion Video: we made a wonderful Project Promotion Video.
#5 Judging Form: here is our Judging Form.

#2 Thank all people for every effort they made for the team

Click Attributions for more details.

#3 This is a description of our project

Click Description for more details.

#4 We have made a useful contribution for future iGEM teams.

We followed the path of Pathlab project and provided a better and integrated platform for subsequent teams. Please click Contribution for more details.


#1 We have achieved an Engineering Success.

Our team has investigated a lot of projects from previous years, put forward and discussed assumptions. Then we carefully designed the software and improved it continually, and finally achieved our goals. Please click Engineering for more details.

#2 Collaborated with 4 teams in a meaningful way.

During the outbreak, it is difficult to conduct face-to-face exchanges. However, by means of online communication we have still collaborated with many teams to troubleshoot problem. Please click Collaboration for more details.

#3 The ultimate purpose of our software is to help the world.

The ultimate purpose of our software is to help the world, and there is also a growing need for using software to aid synthetic biology experiments during the epidemic. Please click Human Practices for more details.

#4 Proposed Implementation

Our software is intended primarily for researchers who are new to synthetic biology. We have provided a tutorial on how to use it and because it is a software, it is no worries about the project safety. Please click Implementation for more details.


#1 Integrated Human Practices:

After receiving lots of needs and suggestions at different stages, we optimized the functions and models of our software. Please click Human Practices for more details.

#3 Project Modeling:

We established models in Pathway Finder and Deep Metabolism Simulation such as A* algorithm , Entropy Method and our original DMS model etc. Please click Model for more details.

#4 Proof of Concept:

Our project can work as a whole and a guide video can demonstrate the successful operation of Synthesis Navigator. Please click Proof of Concept for more details.

#5 Partnership:

This year, our team have carried out a deeper, more long-term team cooperation with Tongji_China and SYSU-Software. At early stage of project development, we discussed about the project subject of two teams and modified project route respectively. For a long time afterwards, we are in constant communication and finally we expect to connect the two software together. Please click Partnership for more details.

#6 Science Communication:

During the outbreak, some science communication, education and public engagement are hard to complete effectively. But through the combination of online and offline, a number of events well received have been held by us, including science promotion activities in high school and Tongji University, the game for promoting synthetic biology, the popular science articles and some iGEM team meetups. Please click Education for more details.

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