Team:UM Macau/Attribution



Aggie, Yuzhao Feng

  1. General
    • Mainly responsible for scheduling and organizing iGEM project scheme to ensure all works are performed well, and engaging in most the works in each group.
  2. Budget proposal
    • Proposed the budget plans together with Sara to FHS office to ensure all financial support could be achieved and maintained, Including the budget proposal for administration fee, laboratory materials, Outreach activities’ materials, promoting materials, etc.
  3. Human Practices
  4. - Engaged in the organization of various activities of human practice and participated in almost all of them, including
    • Visiting of Chimelong Ocean Kingdom
    • Interview of Ocean Park Hong Kong
    • Online questionnaire collection
  5. Outreach
    • Contact with other teams for collaboration and partnership
    • Contact with staffs in ocean parks
    • Lead teammates to attend CCiC
  6. Education and Public Engagement
    • Local high school talk about bacteria in daily life and our project
    • Writing some articles for our official account in Wechat
    • Providing some content for ABC handbook
  7. Wiki
    • Orchestrated overall wiki design, information and data collection, illustration and pictures generation to ensure all members can work efficiently.
    • Wrote illustration, collected and generated pictures for “Abstract”, “Project Description and Inspiration”, “Attribution”, “Team members” and “Judging form” wiki pages.
  8. Wetlab
    • Amplify vector and insert by PCR
    • Prepare gel and run gel for checking results. Then Gel purification and DNA Concentration checking
    • Ligation of T7 and LP Constructs. Transformation of T7 and LP
    • Incubation and pick colony
    • Miniprep kit for extraction
    • Lablog writing for personal part
  9. Drylab
    • Provide idea for wetlab design
    • Do research and improve the design
  10. Modeling
    • Give advice on modelling for better improvement

Yilia, Shuyao Xie

  • Concept original project:prepared online meeting with supervisors during covid-19.
  • Concepted the original idea and coordinator teammates to shape the final project.
  • Plasmids construction: Amplification PCR, Restriction digestion, Gibson assembly, Plasmid extraction from bacteria, the Transformation of bacteria, Colony picking, DNA gel running.
  • Protein expression test: Including Coomassie blue gel stain for LuxR, enzyme(DspB) secretion system expression test, Immunofluorescence for Ag43-GFP.
  • Lab log writing: Mainly wrote and supervised laboratory groupmates writing most of the protocols that we have used for the project.
  • Participated in some of the online conferences, such as ABC meetings and CCiC.
  • Diagnostic and problem solving: Spearheaded all the problem diagnostics and debugging in order to get the project back on track as soon as possible. This was achieved by coordinating with the advisers and the laboratory assistant.
  • Data processing and analysis: Processed most of the data and gave wet lab presentation to supervisors and teammates duly.
  • Supervision of teammates for the laboratory works: Trained and supervised teammates for the laboratory activities for safety and efficiency.
  • Inventory and stock management: Mainly in charge in keeping track of the amount of materials that we would need for each experiment and replenishing them if necessary.

Sonia, Leong Hoi Cheng

  1. General
    • Designed and managed all external affairs including activities in human practice, public engagement and collaboration. Participated in the design of logos and figures. Contributed to the early stage of wet lab work.
  2. Human Practices
    • Designed, conducted and coordinated the Human Practices activities. Collected and summarized the results. Prepared related promoting materials and composed the related pages in wiki. The activities include:
      • Visited the Chimelong Ocean Kingdom and interviewed the staff
      • Online interviewed with the exerts from the Hong Kong Ocean Park
      • Designed the questionnaire and disseminated to the public
      • Collected the results
  3. Public Engagement
        Designed, conducted and contributed related activities. Prepared related promoting materials. The activities include:
      • Popular Science Booklet: Layout designed of the UM_MACAU part in the Handbook of Anti-Biofilm Community
        • High School Talk
      • Scheduled the talk and conducted the contents
      • Designed the ppt used in the talk
      • Participated and have a speech in the talk
  4. Collaboration
    • Designed, conducted and contributed related activities. Prepared related promoting materials and composed related parts in wiki. The activities include:
      • Conference of China iGEMer Community (CCiC)
        • Attended the presentation section
      • Anti-Biofilm Community (ABC)
        • Had meeting with the other iGEMers
          Designed the handbook of ABC
    • Media
      • Constructed the team and project logos
      • Designed figures for demonstration

Ceylon, Yuanming HE

  1. General
    • Mainly responsible to internal affairs and coordinate with outreach group. In charge of social media and manage team collaboration affair. Assist inner affair of team. Play a role as secretary in certain affair.
    • Internal
    • Principal for our team’s collaboration with ABC community (Anti-Biofilm Community). Contribute on as communication with other team, in charge of ABC community task and information integration of community situation. Follow up ABC community collaboration progress. Be responsible for community convene overseas teams that is joining of HKHCY iGEM team and ABC community convene overseas promotion (such as Instagram and Facebook).
    • Follow up the #NoScienceNoFuture SDGs collaboration and communicate with UPCH Peru iGEM Team
    • Manage email and google account affair
    • Get along with other nonmention team communication.
    • Responsible for internal team meeting record, advice collection and meeting information collection.
      • In charge of official team social media account Instagram
      • Participated and assisted in High school talk with Samyuk school, Complete photograph and picture organization
      • Writer for inner China communication social media public official account requested article.
  2. Other
      • Participated in China iGEM team Seminar CCiC meeting affair with meeting minutes data organize.
      • Complete certain task information.

Wet Lab

Davies Leong (Leong Chan Tat)

  1. Web Lab
    • Mainly responsible for experiment and media. Managed, designed, and supervised most of the experiments, finish most of the experiments and assist some data analysis to ensure the experimental progress. Also, responsible for the contact between media and internal affairs, assist media to finish videos, art design, and so on.
  2. Laboratory works
    • Construct designing: Selected and designed the fragments that we used as basic and composite parts for our project
    • Protocol writing: Mainly wrote the experiment design, along with my teammates to finish the protocol
    • Plasmid construction: Amplification PCR, Restriction digestion, Gibson assembly, Plasmid extraction from bacteria, the Transformation of bacteria, Colony picking, DNA gel running.
    • Protein expression test: Coomassive-blue gel
    • Problem solving: solve the problem in order to fulfill the new challenge we are facing. This was achieved by coordinating with the PhD mentors.
    • Data processing and analysis: Process most of the data in the functional test and analysis.
    • Literature reading and planning: to a large extent contribute to the formation of the final idea of the project reference and information collection.
  3. Media
    • Video: collaborate with media teammates to do video, including video making and video editing
    • Diagram design: design and draw part of wiki diagram

Michael, Chengzong HOU

  1. Web Lab
    • Assisted in lab experiments and protocol design; carried out routine wet lab work such as material preparation, plasmid construction (LPNL-T7LR, T7Ag-T7LR, LP-dspB/DNaseTA/Prok-Ag), protein expression test, functional test. Supervised teammates for early and final stage laboratory work; Assisted in recording lab notes from August to September; Assisted in safety form edition.
  2. Others
    • Prepared related materials and edited the safety page in wiki
    • Assisted in labeling and analyzing the lab result
    • Participated as the main speaker in recording the introducing video and promotion video

Daisy, Zhao Huichao

  1. Web Lab
    • Assisted in lab experiments
  2. Wiki
    • wiki experimental protocol

Dry Lab

Yu Lun Rochelle

  1. Dry Lab
    • literature proof-reading and editing for wiki
  2. Outreach
    • Established contact for one of the local highschool and participated in the educational presentation.
    • Participated in most of the online conferences


Sara, Ruiying MA

  1. Treasurer
    • Mainly responsible for proposing budget plan and quotations, purchasing necessary materials or equipment, collecting and submitting receipts to FHS office, making financial reports, and ensuring proper budget allocation and all expenditures can proceed smoothly.
  2. Wet lab
    • Contributed to ligation of T7 and LP Constructs, western blot sample preparing, protein expression test, and parts of plasmid extraction.
  3. Outreach
    • Assisted in WeChat public platform, and wrote the article about introducing our iGEM team and project. Participated in the meeting of ABC Community, and wrote the “Project introduction” in the handbook of ABC Community.
  4. Wiki
    • Responsible for writing “Engineering Success” wiki page and designed the experiment of realistic test based on the interview with Chimelong Ocean Kingdom.


Jack, Sun Di

  1. Media manager
    • Responsible for Wiki pages designing and Code writing.
    • Design the team official poster
    • Produce promotion video
  2. Human Practices
    • Design the main play of the CCiC video
    • Produce the almost all CCiC veido
    • Participated in Conference of China iGemer Community(CCiC) and Design the CCiC poster
    • Explain the model during the CCiC poster presentation
  3. Modeling
    • Organized model group members, collected mathematical modeling data, and designed the mathematical model, 3D model and 2D model.
    • using 3D simulation model software
    • discuss the modling with Tsinghua University in ABC community.

Snow, Li XueMeng

  1. Media
    • Responsible for parts of Wiki page designing and code writing.
    • Help design the team official poster
    • Design promotion video
  2. Human Practices
    • Help produce CCiC video
    • Dub CCiC video
  3. Modeling
    • Modeling writing
    • Give advice on modelling for better improvement
    • sketch the figure for modeling

Herry, ChangCheng Lu

  1. Media
    • Responsible for parts of Wiki page designing and code writing
    • Editing and splicing promotion videos
    • Make subtitles for promotion videos
    • Design the homepage of Wiki
  2. Human Practices
    • Design the parts of CCiC veido
    • make the cartoon in CCiC veido
    • Make subtitles for CCiC veido
    • Design the banner and poster for promotion


Law, Hengyi FU

  1. General
    • Mainly in charge with outreach and Human Practices part. And also take part in part of wet lab work in the late stage.
  2. Human Practices
    • Established and operated WeChat Official account(Totally 18 tweets)
    • Tweets weekly about Synthetic Biology knowledge on official account
    • Coordinated and participated in ABC Community meetings
  3. Public Engagement and Education
    • Interview of local aquarium about biofilm problems
    • Online Questionnaire design and collection
    • Participated in High School Talk in Sam Yuk Middle School
    • Wet Lab
      • Amplify vector and insert by PCR
      • Prepare gel and run gel for checking results. Then Gel purification and DNA Concentration checking
      • Ligation of T7 and LP Constructs. Transformation of T7 and LP
      • Incubation and pick colony
      • Miniprep kit for extraction
      • Lablog writing for personal part

Ray, Fu Ioi

  1. General
    • Mainly in charge with outreach and Human Practices part. Also take part.
  2. Human Practices
    • Participate in the WeChat official account
    • Publish tweets weekly about Synthetic Biology knowledge on official account.
    • Design a questionnaire about the biofilm in the aquarium and publish it on Google Form and Tencent questionnaire.
    • Participate in the Chime Long Ocean Kingdom interview survey.


Ivory, Lesi CHEN

  1. General
    • Mainly responsible to internal affairs, dealing with documentary work.
    • Meeting minutes
    • Meeting minutes translation
    • Deadline dates and Medal requirements Integration.
    • Wiki: making additional research for discussion.

Principal Investigators

Prof Leo lee

    As the convener of our team, Prof Leo was responsible for administrative procedures and provided most of the suggestions on the experiments and human practices. He also provided us with the basic experiment equipment, reaction agents, and kits for different experiments like western blot system, DNA gel purification kit, EP tube and pipette tips, etc.

    Prof Ruiyu Xie

      Prof Xie is an expert in molecular biology and provided valuable advice on project design and bio-bricks design.

    Prof Tzuming Liu

      Prof Liu is an expert in Fundamentals of optics and gave many suggestions on improving documents.

    FHS Staff

    Stephanie, Pei Wen Ng

      She assisted our team in all the administrative procedures including iGEM team registration, financial application, and others, to ensure the successful establishment and maintenance of our team.



    iGEM 2020 UM_Macau