
Proposed implementation

This article offers a quick overview of possible implementations our project idea provides.
The degradation of polystyrene into biomass and CO2 with the help of Tenebrio molitor larvae is a promising option for improving plastic waste disposal at municipal waste management facilities. Our project idea could help to ensure that the public has access to a more environmentally friendly method of polystyrene disposal. However, some prerequisites must be considered. Our concept is based on larvae which harbor genetically modified acetone-producing bacteria in their gut. Thus, the release or further use of larvae or beetles containing genetically modified organisms (GMOs) needs to be either legally permitted or prevented by physical barriers. A certain bureaucratic effort is needed to implement the approach at respective sites because the legal frameworks with respect to GMOs are different around the world. In addition, rather large installations are required to grow the larvae on polystyrene because of its low specific density.
The advantage of this biological polystyrene degradation compared to combustion (or final storage) is carbon fixation into biomass, instead of CO2 (or microplastic) released into the environment. A further prerequisite before regionwide implementation at municipal waste management facilities would be legal framework to ensure considerable high prices for CO2 emissions and plastic waste disposal.
An even simpler option could be accomplished through the isolation of the gut bacteria.
Those are easier to handle and more scalable then arthropods. For their cultivation, fermenters could be used. This would enable fine control over the population and the degradation efficiency. Also, the CO2 emissions could be further reduced, as bacteria are less dependent on complete oxidation of the carbon source in comparison to the insects.
Furthermore, the produced acetone could be separated from the process, as it would not get used up. This chemical could be sold for various purposes and therefore would even allow for an economical profit.