In this video, we talk about how our project can contribute to the conservation of nature. This video was shot to participate in the Revive&Restore competition. Revive&Restore is an iGEM partner and in this year rewarded 12 teams with 5500 USD. In this video, we were able to collaborate with the Greenpeace Group Ulm/ Neu- Ulm and include their statement on the topic.
We participated in the virtual German Meetup and had the opportunity to meet several other teams. For the Meetup, we prepared a short video about our project. This video was also published on our social media channels.
Next to several other german teams, we had the chance to publish a short article in the journal BIOspektrum.
Our article is linked here:
We were positively surprised about the interest from the public. After publishing the article, we received three responses to our project. One from students, who participated with a similar project in 2018 in a german student competition. They shared their results and experiences with us and were open to a discussion.
Another response came from a beekeepter, who observed the insects feeding on different plastics. He shared some pictures and information with us.
Lastly, another reader contacted us to let us know, that next to mealworms, other insects are capable of degrading polystyrene.
We are very thankful about the responses. Not only were people actually reading the article, it also led to a discussion amongst our team and different people, who shared the interest in our project.
You can see and download our flyer below:
UUlm Flyer
- [1] Werner et al. 2020, Eine Kampfansage an Styropor. BIOspektrum. 05/2020. 570