Team:CSU CHINA/Education




Being undergraduate iGEMers, we understand the inspiration that synthetic biology can kindle in young minds. To enlighten younger generations, we delivered lectures to students of various grades, explaining the profound in simple terms.

Synthetic Biology Day(Changsha No. 21 Middle School)

Date: October 9th, 2020

Place: Changsha No. 21 Middle School

Target: Junior high school student

What did we convey to them:

  • Synthetic biology's basic knowledge
  • Synthetic Bioethics
  • Biosafety in scientific research
  • Links between synthetic biology and biology subjects in middle school
  • The significance of the iGEM competition and the content of previous entries

We were grateful to have an opportunity to visit Changsha No. 21 Middle School. We aimed to convey synthetic biology's basic knowledge to students and hope to ignite their interest in science through fun and straightforward lessons. To help them comprehend the content, we used image-based teaching and question-and-answer methods, simplifying the process of implanting simple gene modules into cell bodies to construct complex biological components.

Image-based teaching

First of all, we introduced our theme with an animated short film reflecting high-performance genetic engineering design ideas in the future, successfully attracting students' attention and arousing their curiosity.

Animation video of gene engineering named Superfly 500 race

Brainstorming activity

We held a small brainstorming activity for them, guiding them to think of a way to solve problems with the help of synthetic biology. They were nterested and engaged in this particular session, throwing out countless and unique ideas. We hope to kindle passion in their young minds to be the next generation of iGEMers.