

We would like to thank all of our advisors and external supporters that have enabled us make strides in developing bioremediation technologies.

iGEM: For providing a wonderful platform for teams around the world to showcase their skills in synthetic biology to solve real-world problems.

The University of Newcastle: For supporting the formation of its inaugural iGEM team and the use of university facilities. Thanks to IT student Zayne Jefferies for helping us with html/CSS coding on our wiki page!

The ARC Centre of Excellence in Synthetic Biology (CoESB): Our primary PI's Professor Brett Neilan and Dr Karl Hassan for facilitating the formation of our team, overseeing our project, providing academic support to improve our experiments, and helping fund our project.

School of Creative Industries FASTlab (Future Art Science and Technology lab): Our PI Dr Benjamin Matthews for providing creative and media support to communicate our project to wider audiences in a captivating manner.

Our advisors: PhD candidates Joachim Steen Larsen, Evan Gibbs and Catherine Dawson for forming our team, helping us plan, execute and troubleshoot our experiments, answering all of our questions no matter how trivial, iGEM deliverables support, and motivating us every step of the way!
Other lab members: Michael Miller, Alescia Cullen, Jesse Cain, Caitlin Romanis, Matthew Jordan, Ben Hipwell, Claire Maher for helping us in general lab work, result analysis, and contributing to a positive lab environment!


We would like to thank all of our amazing sponsors for providing us the tools we needed on our journey of scientific discovery.