

Construction of biosensor G-Block

  • Figure 1 whole construct of benzene and catechol biosensor.
  • Figure 2 gene less construct of benzene and catechol biosensor, control.
  • To construct absolute construct shown in figure 1 and gene less construct shown in figure 2. Genes GFP, mCherry, CatM and BenM coding sequences were ordered from twist. The coding regions CatM binding region, CatM promoter, BenM promoter/binding region and gene less counterparts were amplified out of ADP1 genome to contain overlap regions able to join catM binding to BenM binding.

    Merck Hot StarTaq DNA polymerase kit with ADP1 genome and 10um of primers for each region were amplified with annealing temperature at 53°C. PCR clean up was done via QIAGEN PCR clean up DNaeasy, ultraclean, microbial kit.

    Overlap extension PCR was done following optimization protocol (Hilgarth and Lanigan, 2020) with annealing temperature of 53°C for overlap stage and 57°C for amplification. Gel extraction was done via QIAGEN, QIAquick, in thyazoile orange gel, viewed under UV light. Each fragment was joined/constructed individually, to make constructs in figure 1 and 2, ie mCherry joined to catM binding region, then construct joined to CatM promoter, etc.

    Restriction and ligation utilised HindIII and EcorI sites placed from primers to restrict and ligate into plasmid vector pUC19 , with 100um of vector and 300um of insert.

    Transform by using thawed DH5α and 10-20ul of ligation reaction, incubate for 10 minutes on ice, heat pulse for 2 minutes, add 150ul of LB media, incubate at 37°C for 1 hour, plate on selective media.

    Transform by using thawed DH5α and 10-20ul of ligation reaction, incubate for 10 minutes on ice, heat pulse for 2 minutes, add 150ul of LB media, incubate at 37°C for 1 hour, plate on selective media.

    DNA Extraction

    DNA of E. fergusonii was synthesized in a laboratory. DNA of Rhodococcus strain 9 and Acinetobacter baylyi ADP1 was extracted using the DNeasy ultraclean microbial kit (suggested protocol followed).

    Gene Amplification

    Rhodococcus strain 9 and Acinetobacter baylyi ADP1
    PCR Mix: 5ul - 10x buffer for KOD + 3ul - MgSO4 (25 mM) + 5ul - dNTPs (2 mM each) + 31ul - mQ water + 1.5ul - 5' primer (10 mM) + 1.5ul - 3' primer (10mM) + 2ul - gDNA (40 ng).

    Using Rhodococcus strain 9 and Acinetobacter baylyi ADP1 gDNA
    Rhodococcus strain 9:
    FWD: GTACGAATTCCatgaacccatccaccac
    RVS: CTAGAAGCTTtcacgacacctggacg
    Acinetobacter baylyi ADP1:
    FWD: AGTCGAATTCCatgacaaccctgttaaaaac
    RVS: CGTCGGATCCttagctggctttgggtt

    PCR run:
    95ºC - 2 min
    95ºC - 20 sec
    54ºC - 10 sec
    70ºC - 30 sec
    Repeat steps 2-4 for 30 cycles
    70ºC - 5 mins
    hold at 12ºC

    Digests were performed on benE from E. Fergusonii, Rhodococcus strain 9, Rhodococcus strain 9-his, Acinetobacter baylyi ADP1 and Acinetobacter baylyi ADP1-his.

    Water bath samples at 37°C for 1 hour. Added 5ul rSAP to plasmid to prevent re-ligation. PCR cleanup was performed on samples using the QIAquick PCR and Gel Cleanup Kit.

    Ligation reactions:

    Incubate at 16°C overnight.

    50ul CaCl2 competent cells + 5ul plasmid DNA (pTTQ18 control, pTTQ18::Acinetobacter baylyi ADP1 benE, pTTQ18::Acinetobacter baylyi ADP1-his benE, pTTQ18::Rhodococcus strain 9 benE, pTTQ18::Rhodococcus strain 9-his benE and pTTQ18::E. Fergusonii benE)
    Incubate on ice 15 mins.
    Heat shock at 42°C for 45 seconds.
    Add 1ml LB to each tube.
    Shake in 37°C room for 5 mins.
    Spin at 1700g for 1 min.
    Pour off most supernatant (leave around 100ul).
    Resuspend in the remaining supernatant
    Plate onto agar plates containing selective media (100ul/ml Amp)

    Overnight cultures
    Overnight cultures were set up for each of the transformation samples in 100ug/ml Amp M9 media. Samples were left overnight on shaking platform in 37°C room.

    Plasmid Extraction
    Plasmids were extracted from the overnight cultures of the transformations using the QIAprep Spin Miniprep Kit (suggested protocol was followed).

    Working safely

    • Ensure all PPE (gloves, lab coat, goggles, enclosed shoes, hair tied back) is worn.
    • Ensure work area is wiped down with 70% ethanol.
    • Ensure all materials are prepared, collected and have been autoclaved.
    • Ensure all utensils are within reach.
    • Label all materials and cultures with name of contained, date, experimenter name, extra information.
    • Work close to the Bunsen burner (using blue flame) in the convection current zone. Use the blue flame setting to flame metal loops, neck of glass bottles/containers/tubes 2-3 times.
    • Safely handle and dispose of hazardous materials in the correct manner according to Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).
    • Wipe down bench with 70% ethanol when finished with experiments.
    • Discard of bacteria-containing media and contaminated materials appropriately (e.g. soak in bleach, autoclave).


      Luria Broth (LB) (800ml) (Negative and positive control media)
    1. LB media: 4g NaCl + 4g Yeast extract + 8g Tryptone + 800ml Milli-Q water.
    2. Stir well and auto clave.
      (5X) M9 salts minimal media (100ml)
    1. 5.25g M9 salts (by AMRESCO) + 100ml Milli-Q water.
    2. Stir well and auto clave.
      (15g/L) Benzoate (10ml)
    1. 0.15g sodium benzoate salts + 10ml Milli-Q water.
    2. Filter solution through 0.2µm filter syringe.
      (2M) Benzoate
    1. 2.882g sodium benzoate salts + 10ml Milli-q water.
    2. Filter solution through 0.2µm filter syringe.
      (2M) Catechol
    1. 2.202g catechol salt + 10ml Milli-q water.
    2. Filter solution through 0.2µm filter syringe.
      (3M) Catechol
    1. 990mg catechol salts + 3ml Milli-Q water.
    2. Filter sterilise with 0.2µm filter syringe.
      M9 minimal salts + (15g/L) Benzoate (500ml) growth curves
    1. 100ml stock (5X) M9 salts media + 5ml sodium benzoate (15g/L concentration) + 1ml (1M) MgSO4 + 500ul (20mM) CaCl2 + 393.5ml Milli-q water.
      10mM/100mM/1M Benzoate growth curves media (100ml total volumes):
    1. M9 + glucose: 20µl M9 (5X) stock solution + 2ml (20%) glucose + 200µl (1M) MgSO4 + 100µl (0.1M) CaCl2 + 97.68ml Milli-q water.
    2. M9 + (10mM) sodium benzoate: 20ml M9 (5X) stock solution + 0.5ml (2M) benzoate + 200µl (1M) MgSO4 + 100µl (0.1M) CaCl2 + 99.18ml Milli-q water.
    3. M9 + (100mM) sodium benzoate: 20ml M9 (5X) stock solution + 5ml (2M) benzoate + 200µl (1M) MgSO4 + 100ul (0.1M) CaCl2 + 94.68ml Milli-q water.
    4. M9 + (1M) sodium benzoate: 20ml M9 (5X) stock solution + 50ml (2M) benzoate + 200µl (1M) MgSO4 + 100ul (0.1M) CaCl2 + 49.68ml Milli-q water.
      10mM/100mM/1M Catechol growth curves media (20ml total volumes):
    1. M9 + glucose (50ml): 10ml M9 (5X) stock solution + 1ml (20%) glucose + 100µl (1M) MgSO4 + 50µl (0.1M) CaCl2 + 48.84ml Milli-q water.
    2. M9 + (10mM) catechol: 4ml M9 (5X) stock solution +100ul (2M) catechol + 40µl (1M) MgSO4 + 20µl (0.1M) CaCl2 + 15.84ml Milli-q water.
    3. M9 + (100mM) catechol: 4ml M9 (5X) stock solution + 1ml (2M) catechol + 40µl (1M) MgSO4 + 20µl (0.1M) CaCl2 + 14.94ml Milli-q water.
    4. M9 + (1M) catechol: 4ml M9 (5X) stock solution + 10ml (2M) catechol + 40µl (1M) MgSO4 + 20µl (0.1M) CaCl2 + 5.94ml Milli-q water.
      Negative/Positive control media for Rhodococcus strains 9/33 & ADP1
    1. M9 (1X) (100ml total) =20ml M9 (5X) + 200µl (1M) MgSO4 + 100µl (0.1M) CaCl2 + 79.7ml H2O.
    2. M9 + 0.5% succinate (1.5ml total) =75µl (10%) succinate + 1.425ml M9 (1X).
    3. M9 + 0.5% glucose (1.5ml total) =15µl (50%) glucose + 1.485ml M9 (1X).

    Overnight cultures

      Rhodococcus strains 9
    1. Place 5ml of LB media into two 10ml falcon tubes.
    2. Aseptically inoculate two nutrient agar plates with Rhodococcus strains 9 from -80°C frozen stocks.
    3. Aseptically inoculate the two falcon tubes with Rhodococcus strain 9 picked from single colonies on plates or from frozen stocks.
    4. Incubate cultures in 28°C shaker at 200-250RPM overnight.
      Rhodococcus strains 33
    1. Place 5ml of LB media into two 10ml falcon tubes.
    2. Aseptically inoculate two nutrient agar plates with Rhodococcus strains 33 from -80°C frozen stocks.
    3. Aseptically inoculate the two falcon tubes with Rhodococcus strain 33 picked from single colonies on plates or from frozen stocks.
    4. Incubate cultures in 28°C shaker at 200-250RPM overnight.
      Acinetobacter baylyi ADP1
    1. Fill one 10ml falcon tube with 5ml of Luria Broth (LB).
    2. Aseptically collect a single colony from ADP1 nutrient agar stock plate.
    3. Inoculate into 10ml falcon tube containing 5ml LB.
    4. Leave overnight in 37°C room on shaker.
      Escherichia coli (BW25113)
    1. Aseptically collect a small amount of E. coli (BW25113) from -80°C frozen stocks.
    2. Inoculate into 10ml falcon tube containing 5ml LB.
    3. Leave overnight in 37'C room on shaker.
      Escherichia coli (BL21)
    1. Aseptically collect a small amount of E. coli (Bl21) from -80°C frozen stocks or a single colony from nutrient agar stock plates.
    2. Inoculate into 10ml falcon tube containing 5ml LB.
    3. Leave overnight in 37'C room on shaker.
      Bacillus subtilis (168)
    1. Fill one 10ml falcon tube with 5ml of Luria Broth (LB).
    2. Aseptically collect a single colony of B. subtilis (168) from stock nutrient agar plate.
    3. Inoculate into 10ml falcon tube containing 5ml LB.
    4. Leave overnight in 37°C room on shaker.
      Synechocystis (PCC 6803)
    1. Working in a biosafety cabinet.
    2. Inoculate 50ml BG-11 media in a 250ml Erlenmeyer flask with 1ml Synechocystis pre-made stock culture.
    3. Leave for 6 days in 24°C room on shaker.

    Microbial growth assays

      Growth curves of Rhodococcus strain 9, Rhodococcus strain 33, E. coli and Acinetobacter baylyi ADP1 in (150mg/L) Benzoate
    1. Added 50ml LB media to eight 125ml flasks.
    2. Added 50ml M9+ benzoate media to eight 125ml flasks.
    3. Inoculated 2 flasks of LB and 2 flasks of M9+ benzoate with 50µl of Rhodococcus strain 9, Rhodococcus strain 33, E. coli and ADP1 (1:1000 dilution).
    4. Rhodococcus strains 9 and 33 were placed in a 24'C room on a 100RPM shaker.
    5. E. coli and ADP1 were placed in a 37'C room on a 200RPM shaker.
    6. Absorbances at 600nm were measured hourly for each inoculated growth flask using a spectrophotometer (LB media and M9+Sodium Benzoate media used as blanks).
      Growth curves of B. subtilis (168) and E. coli (BW25113) in 10mM/100mM Benzoate
    1. Added 50ml M9+glucose media to two 250ml flasks.
    2. Added 50ml M9+ (10mM) benzoate media to four 250ml flasks.
    3. Added 50ml M9+ (100mM) benzoate media to four 250ml flasks.
    4. Inoculated 2 flasks of M9+ (10mM) sodium benzoate media and 2 flasks of M9+ (100mM) sodium benzoate media each with 500µl of B. subtilis (168) and E. coli (BW25113) (1:100 dilution).
    5. B. subtilis (168) and E. coli (BW25113) flasks were placed in 37'C room on a 200RPM shaker.
    6. Absorbances at 600nm were measured hourly for each inoculated growth flask using a spectrophotometer (M9+Sodium Benzoate media used as blank).
      Growth curves of Synechocystis (PCC 6803) in 10mM/100mM Benzoate
    1. In two flasks place 50ml BG-11 only media.
    2. In two flasks place 50ml BG-11 + 10mM Benzoate.
    3. In two flasks place 50ml BG-11 + 100mM Benzoate.
    4. Inoculate each flask with 1:100 dilution of Synechocystis (4.5ml).
    5. Take measurements at OD730 twice per day.
    6. Monitor growth for 2-3weeks.
      Growth curves of E. coli BL21, E. coli BW25113, B. subtilis, Acinetobacter baylyi ADP1 in 10mM/100mM/1M Catechol (Microtiter plate)
    1. Place 100µl of M9+glucose into A1-10, B1-10, C1-10, D1-10.
    2. Place 100µl of 2M Catechol into A3-4, B3-4, C3-4, D3-4.
    3. Serial dilute 100ul from A/B/C/D-3/4 into A/B/C/D-5-10.
    4. Place 100µl of 10mM M9 + Catechol into E1-2 and F1-2, E7-8 and F7-8.
    5. Place 100µl of 100mM M9 + Catechol into E3-4 and F3-4, E9-10 and F9-10.
    6. Place 100µl of 1M M9 + Catechol into E5-6 and F5-6, E11-12 and F11-12.
    7. Inoculate 1µl of E. coli BL21 into row A, E. coli BW25113 into row B, B. subtilis 168 into row C and Acinetobacter baylyi ADP1 into row D into respective wells.
    8. Monitor absorbance at 37'C for 41hrs in plate reader.
      Growth curves of Rhodococcus strain 9, Rhodococcus strain 33, E. coli and Acinetobacter baylyi ADP1 in Benzoate (Microtiter plate)
    1. Place 50µL of M9(1X) minimal media into columns 2-10.
    2. Place100µl positive control media (M9 + 0.5% succinate, M9 + 0.5% glucose) into column 12.
    3. Place 100µl 3M Benzoate into column 1, then serial dilute up to column 10.
    4. Add negative control media (M9 + 0.5% succinate, M9 + 0.5% glucose) to column 11.
    5. Add 50µl cells to columns 1-10 and column 12.
    6. Monitor absorbance at 37'C for 41hrs in plate reader.
      E. coli BW25113 knockout strains (+ inserted benABCD/E) growth curves in 125/62.5/31.25/15.625mM benzoate (microtitre plate)
    1. Strains= 1. E.coli BW25113 (WT), 2. E.coli BW25113 (Δydco) keoi:75E12 (Kanamycin resistance), 3. E.coli BW25113 PTTQ18 (Ampicillin resistance), 4. E.coli BW25113 (Δydco) + E.ferg benE PTTQ18 (Ampicillin resistance), 5. E.coli BW25113 + A1 (Ampicillin resistance), 6. E.coli BW25113 (Δydco) + Rhod 9 benE PTTQ18 (Ampicillin resistance), 7. E.coli BW25113 + R1 (Ampicillin resistance).
    2. Overnights of each strain in LB= 5ml LB + single colonies picked from selective plates.
    3. Grow cells to 0.2AU.
    4. Add 0.1mM IPTG (0.5ul of 1M IPTG) to 5ml culture.
    5. Bring cells to 0.1AU.
    6. Dilute cells to 1:100 IN LB= 19.8ml LB + 200ul culture.
    7. Add 0.1mM IPTG to 1:100 dilution.
    8. PLATE:
      50ul LB into columns 2,3,4,6,7,8,10,11,12.
      100ul 250mM benzoate into columns 1,5,9.
      Serial dilute benzoate across plate.
      Row 8= LB into columns 1,2,3; LB + strains into columns 4,5,6,7,8,9,10.
      Add 50ul cells into each row (except H1/H2/H3).

    MIC assays

      E. coli BW25113 MIC in Benzoate and Catechol
    1. Place 50ul LB into columns 2-10.
    2. Place 50ul (+) control LB into column 12.
    3. Place 100ul (-) control LB into column 11.
    4. Place 100ul (2M) Benzoate into A1/B1/C1/D1.
    5. Place 100ul (2M) Catechol into E1/F1/G1/H1.
    6. Place 50ul cells into columns 1-10 and column 12.
    7. Cover with breath-easy membrane.
    8. Incubate at 38'C for 20 hrs.

      E. coli BW25113 knockout strains (+ inserted benABCD/E) MIC in 125/62.5/31.25/15.625mM benzoate (microtitre plate)
    1. Strains= 1. E.coli BW25113 (WT), 2. E.coli BW25113 (Δydco) keoi:75E12 (Kanamycin resistance), 3. E.coli BW25113 PTTQ18 (Ampicillin resistance), 4. E.coli BW25113 (Δydco) + E.ferg benE PTTQ18 (Ampicillin resistance), 5. E.coli BW25113 + A1 (Ampicillin resistance), 6. E.coli BW25113 (Δydco) + Rhod 9 benE PTTQ18 (Ampicillin resistance), 7. E.coli BW25113 + R1 (Ampicillin resistance).
    2. Overnights of each strain in LB= 5ml LB + single colonies picked from selective plates.
    3. Grow cells to 0.2AU.
    4. Add 0.1mM IPTG (0.5ul of 1M IPTG) to 5ml culture.
    5. Bring cells to 0.1AU.
    6. Dilute cells to 1:100 IN LB= 19.8ml LB + 200ul culture.
    7. Add 0.1mM IPTG to 1:100 dilution.
    8. PLATE:
      50ul LB into columns 2,3,4,6,7,8,10,11,12.
      100ul 250mM benzoate into columns 1,5,9.
      Serial dilute benzoate across plate.
      Row 8= LB into columns 1,2,3; LB + strains into columns 4,5,6,7,8,9,10.
      Add 50ul cells into each row (except H1/H2/H3).

    DNA extraction

    Acinetobacter baylyi ADP1 and Rhodococcus wratislaviensis strain 9 DNA was extracted from live cells. Cell cultures were grown overnight in 5mL LB. 2x1.5mL of cell culture was taken from ADP1 and Strain 9 to give a total of 4 cell cultures. DNA was extracted from each of these cultures using the DNeasy Ultraclean Microbial Kit:

  • 1.8mL of cell culture was centrifuged for 30sec @ 10,000g
  • Supernatant was removed and cell pellet was resuspended with powerbead solution
  • Solution was transferred to powerbead tube and 50uL of SL solution was added
  • Tubes were secured to vortex at max speed for 10min
  • Tubes were centrifuged for 30sec at 10,000g
  • Supernatant was removed
  • DNA concentrations were measured using a nanodrop system and concentrations were calculated at:

    Strain 9 sample 1: 231.2ng/µL, Strain 9 sample 2: 268ng/µL, ADP1 sample 1: 235.8ng/µL, ADP1 sample 2: 186.4ng/µL


    To amplify the target benABCD gene, primers were designed to allow DNA polymerase binding.


  • R. strain 9 fwd: CTGATCTAGAtatgactgaaaccctgtac rvs: ATCGGCATGCcgagatctgtgggcag
  • E.fergusonii fwd: gtcaGGATCCtatgcaaaaaactct rvs: atgtTCTAGAttaccccagatcgc
  • A. bayli ADP1 fwd: CTAGGGATCCTatgccacgtattcccgtc rvs: ACTGTCTAGACtcatccctgatcgcctcc

    gDNA used:

  • E. Fergusonii: 30ng/uL,
  • R. strain 9: 10ng/uL, this was gDNA that had been extracted and diluted to 10ng/uL

    PCR mix:

    Constituent ADP1 St.9 E.Ferg(1uL) E.Ferg(control) E.Ferg(0.5uL)
    5xBuffer 10uL 10uL 10uL 10uL 10uL
    Q5 high GC buffer 10uL 10uL 10uL 10uL 10uL
    dNTPs 2uL 2uL 2uL 2uL 2uL
    Fwd Primer 2uL 2uL 2uL 2uL 2uL
    Rvs Primer 2uL 2uL 2uL 2uL 2uL
    Q5 polyermase 0.5uL 0.5uL 0.5uL 0.5uL 0.5uL
    gDNA 1uL 1uL 1uL 0uL 0.5uL
    mQ 22uL 22uL 22uL 23uL 22.5uL
    Total Volume 50uL 50uL 50uL 50uL 50uL

    The PCR was run with the following protocols:

  • 95ºC for 2min
  • 95ºC for 20sec x35
  • 53ºC for 10sec x35
  • 72ºC for 1min52sec x35
  • 72ºC for 5min
  • 12ºC ∞

    A gel was prepared by mixing 10mL of 1% agrose with 2uL of DyeRed. This was poured into a gel mould and allowed to solidify.

    Gel (well) loading:

  • 1st lane: 4µL of E. ferg (1µL) mixed with 2µL of dye
  • 2nd lane: 4uL of E. Ferg (0.5µL) mixed with 2uL of dye
  • 3rd lane: 4uL of E. Ferg (control) mixed with 2uL of dye
  • 4th lane: 4uL of St. 9 mixed with 2uL of dye
  • 5th lane: 1µL 1KB+ ladder

    The Gel was run for 20min at 80V.

    DNA purification

    In order to purify the PCR products, a DNA purification was performed.

    PCR products were mixed with:

  • E.fergosonii- 60µl of PCR product (with loading buffer) combined with 300µl of PB buffer
  • R. strain 9- 80µl of PCR product (with loading buffer) combined with 400µl of PB buffer
  • A. bayli ADP1- 25µl of PCR product (with loading buffer) combined with 125µl of PB buffer

    These samples were centrifuged for 1min @ 13.3g

    Supernatant was discarded and the pellet was re-suspended in 750µl of PB buffer and placed into centrifuge column and centrifuged repeated. Supernatant discarded. 30µL of heated Elution buffer was placed in the centrifuge column and DNA was eluted.

    Digestion and ligation

    A digest was done on PCR products of A. bayli ADP1 and R. Strain 9

    Contents R. srain 9 insert(1A) PTTQ18(1B) A. baylyi ADP1 insert(2A) PTTQ18(2B)
    XbaI 0.5uL 0.5uL 0.5uL 0.5uL
    SphI 0.5uL 0.5uL 0uL 0uL
    BamHI 0uL 0uL 0.5uL 0.5uL
    Cutsmart 2uL 2uL 2uL 2uL
    DNA 5uL 0uL 3uL 0uL
    PTTQ18 0uL 10uL 0uL 10uL
    MQ 12uL 7uL 14uL 7uL


  • Plasmid (PTTQ18): 49.3ng/uL
  • R. strain 9: 113.4ng/uL
  • A. baylyi ADP1: 314 ng/uL

    This digest was allowed to run for 2hrs in 37degree bath. Following this, 37mL of Rsap was added to the vector samples and allowed to sit in the 37degree bath for 20min. The B samples were then run on a gel and a gel extraction was performed on the corresponding band.

    Concentrations following gel extraction:

  • 1B: 4ng/uL
  • 2B: 9.3ng/ul

    The A samples were cleaned up with the ZYMO DNA clean and concentrator kit. The concentrations were:

  • 1A: 61.5ng/uL 1.83
  • 2A: 74ug/uL 1.89 Ligation reaction

    An overnight ligation reaction was set up with the following concentrations:

    Contents St.9 ADP1
    DNA insert 5.6uL(1A) 4.6uL(1B)
    Plasmid 7uL(2A) 5.4(2B)uL
    Ligase 2uL 2uL
    Buffer 2uL 2uL
    MQ 3.4 6uL


    The PTTQ18 plasmid with ligated benABCD cluster from Rhod.9 and ADP1 was transformed into the E.coli strain GB09. GB09 was made competent by suspending GB09 sored in glycerol at -80 degrees into 2xmicrocentrifuge tubes with 1.4ml CaCl2 (cold) in each tube. This was allowed to sit for 20min ice. The cells were centrifuged at 10,000g for 1min and the supernatant was discarded. This process was repeated so the cells were washed with CaCl2 3 times. The competent cells were then suspended in 1.4mL LB media and 4uL of the cloned vector from St.9 and ADP1 was added into each tube respectively. This was allowed to sit on ice for 20minutes and then heat shocked in a 42degree water bath for 60seconds. The cells were then spread on agar plates with 15µl antibiotic (Ampicillin), 3µl IPTG, 45µl XGal per 30mL of agar.

    The plates were grown overnight and following day a colony PCR was performed to check if the digestion and ligation reactions correctly incorporated the benABCD cluster from Rhod.9 and ADP1 into PTTQ18.

    Colony PCR

    A colony PCR was used on the transformants that were made on the 29/09/2020. Promising colonies were selected (3 for ADPI and 8 for Rhod9) based on blue/white selection (Xgal).The PCR master mix was made up with:M13 fwd 6.6ul, M13 rvs 6.6ul, Buffer, 52.8ul, Mytech (polymerase) 6.6ul and MQ 185.8ml. The PCR reaction was set up with Mastermix plus a swab of colony or MQ for negative control and benABCD for postive control.

    The PCR reaction was set for:

  • 95C for 5min
  • 95C for 10sec x30
  • 55C for 10sec x30
  • 72C for 2min x30
  • 72C for 20min

    Following PCR, the PCR products were run through a 1% agrose gel using DyeRed.