Team:Nanjing high school/Fundraising

非模块化方式使用layui Entprenuership



Objectives: Fundraising is a very powerful way that non-profit organizations can employ to obtain money for operations. We start this activity mainly because we expect to raise sufficient money for some pay expenses such as the renting fee for the meeting room, the cost of laboratory paraphernalia, etc. while significantly enhancing public awareness of our project. Since all the members of our team are high-school students, who don’t have a strong financial basis, fundraising is of paramount importance to the development of our project.


Process: Traditionally, fundraising activity is mainly defined as an indoor activity like charity parties, street sales, and so on. However, for some reason, we eventually decided to initiate our fundraising activity through online platforms. The first reason is the severe COVID-19 pandemic throughout the world; we hoped to reduce the face to face contact to the minimum. Plus, in China, e-Commerce is proved to be more and more prevalent and profitable!



The first online platform we choose is Wei Dian, a very famous online sales application in China. In the beginning, we designed the commodities we wanted to sell and used our star-up capital to make purchases from stores. Our merchandise included Teddy Bears with our team logo on their clothes, designed T-shirts, notebooks with our team logo, and metal USB Drives. Then, we set up the price of our commodities and posed their pictures on this app. The result confirmed the superiority of online sales because up to 10 people ordered immediately after the release!


The second one we choose is bilibili, an extremely popular Digital Video Live-show Software. It has lots of intriguing videos and movies, which attracted myriads of young users to frequently browse the website. This is a huge advantage for the sales of our commodities because our major target consumers are just youngsters, who are so interested in high-tech and have strong curiosities. We firstly put our goods in golden eggs (just like blind boxes) and then advertised them via the webcast of this application. The maximum popularity (calculated by the standard of bilibili) of our channel is up to 1,500!



For the sponsorship part, we contact to more than 30 local business which is relevant to our project. Finally, we signed an agreement with a textile dyeing company. This industry is always be considered one of the main sources of pollution in the water body. However, with the improvement of technology, the level of pollution is decreased to a lower level than before. Because both of us are currently dedicated to the solution for different sectors, we decide to cooperate to rehearse public awareness and understanding of water pollution. The company also invests us 5000 RMB to boost the process of our research and the development of the product.



The money was used to rent a more complex lab with decent machines with a comfortable environment. We also bought more sets of raw materials to gather more repeats of data. Also, the promotion on social media brings both of us for 30% more followers than before. In conclusion, the sponsorship successfully helps the peace of the project and the general reputation for both of us.




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