
We are extremely appreciative to those who offered support to the 2020 Ohio State iGEM team. The insight we received helped to shape our project in a way that confers a greater benefit to the world of synthetic biology. Thank you for your help!
Dr. Dan Mandell
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Assisted us throughout our project by meeting with us over zoom to discuss our wetlab goals, education and engagement, regulations, and math. He also connected us with other experts in the field to gain more insight.
Dr. Pam Silver
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Met with us to discuss our project, specifically the Human Practices aspect to discuss education and engagement.
Dr. George Church
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Met with us to discuss our project and provided insight on how we can help iGEM teams with navigating the regulatory process for their projects, how we can better reach the public, and how biocontainment may be perceived from both a GMO and non-GMO viewpoint.
Dr. Lexi Rovner
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Assisted us throughout our project by meeting with us over zoom to discuss our wetlab goals and regulations.
Sir Richard Roberts
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Met with us to discuss the importance of GMOs and the necessity of outreach to get these accepted.
Professor Patti Zettler
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Met with us to discuss FDA regulations and how we should go about rewriting them in a productive way.
Dr. Chris Myers
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Met with us to provide insight on the potential improvements to the biocontainment section of SynBioHub.
Sam Malloy
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Met with us to provide insight on our math modeling progress and the equations/strategies we should look into.
Dr. Rob Warden-Rothman
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Met with us to discuss possible E. coli metabolic pathways that could be used to create a functional kill switch.
Dr. Caleb Bashor
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Met with us to discuss mathematical modeling of a kill switch and variables to consider when constructing our models.
Jet Mante
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Met with us to provide insight on the potential improvements to the biocontainment section of SynBioHub and assisted with walking us through the coding and Plugin design.
Alexis Casas
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Met with us to prove insight on the potential improvements to the iGEM registry.
Our Advisors
Dr. Brian Ahmer
PI: Offered us lab space (before labs were shut down), met with us weekly to provide insight on our project
Dr. Anice Sabag-Daigle
PI: Met with us weekly to provide insight on the wetlab aspect of our project, gave us a nice Geneious tutorial to design our kill switch plasmids
Erin Connors
Graduate Student Advisor: Met with us weekly to provide insight on the wetlab aspect of our project
Andrew Schwieters
Graduate Student Advisor: Met with us weekly to provide insight on the wetlab aspect of our project
Allison Howell
Student Advisor: Assisted us with directing our project to fit medal criteria and offered us advice on organizing our project based on previous experience competing in iGEM
Jacob Riina
Student Advisor: Assisted us with directing the wetlab aspect of our project and offered us assistance with navigating the iGEM registry
Our Team Members
Ankit Annapareddy
Annie Bete
Drylab supervisor, math modeling, database, and wiki
Peter Burback
Wetlab and human practices
Lizzie Chung
Human practices supervisor, wetlab, and math modeling
Jacob Smith
Team supervisor, wetlab, human practices, database, and wiki
Lindsey Shimoda
Human practices, math modeling, kill switch flowchart
Megan Rinehart
Wetlab, database, and human practices
Nate Meyer
Wetlab and math modeling
Satvik Kethireddy
Wetlab supervisor

Contact Us

Instagram: @igem.osu

Our Sponsors

The Ohio State University College of Medicine

The Ohio State University Infectious Diseases Institute