As the first team leader, Crystal Liu is responsible for planning the team's experiments and Human Practices, speaking to other teams and iGEM officials, and hosting the team's weekly meetings. Crystal is aided by the wet lab leader, Monique Wang, and the dry lab leader, Olivia Feng.
Most members were involved in topic selection and pre-experiment research. Crystal determined the purchase list with the team PIs. The team's advisor, Cris Yuancheng Ding, and the primary PI, Dr. Shiyuan Li, were responsible for constructing the plasmids.
Every team member participated in the team's experiments for at least one week. The detailed distribution is as follows:
Notably, Olive Li brought forward our current hair-dyeing protocol. Mingjiu, Monique, Olivia, Oscar, among others, did pre-experiments such as measuring the standard curve, bleaching hair, or producing the pigments in test tubes. Crystal was responsible for the rounds of shake flask experiments with the help of Chang and Oscar. Chenyu and Chang did many rounds of hair dye assays. Kevin and Jeff carried out Gibson Assembly under the instruction of Jianzhao Yang. Our PIs helped troubleshoot many of our problems.
Our model was constructed by Ken Zhu, with assistance of our instructors. Ken was responsible for data processing, programming, and presenting our model in our wiki and video. Ken, Minhao, and Crystal carried out experiments for this model.
Our promotion video was filmed by Ivy, Olivia, Monique, Oscar, and Crystal. The presentation was made and narrated by Monique, Crystal, Ken, and Oscar (in order of appearance in the videos). Crystal edited both videos. Oscar, Chang, Kevin, Jeff, Mingjiu, and Crystal wrote information about the parts, and Mingjiu was responsible for uploading them. Olivia, aided by Chuwen, designed our team wiki's index page. Crystal wrote most of the contents on the wiki, and she was joined by Monique, Olivia, Ken, Jeff, Oscar, and Chang.
In Human Practices, Crystal was responsible for designing the online questionnaire with Monique, Kevin, and Chenyu's help. Jeff, Chang, Ivy, and Oscar carried out our interviews. Jeff, Oscar, and Olivia wrote the Business Plan with the help of our advisor Cris Ding.
Olivia was responsible for constructing and maintaining the team's WeChat public account. The team members took turns writing and editing, and Olivia and Crystal reviewed the articles before they were published. Olivia and Chang were responsible for the maintenance of our bilibili account and publishing videos. Olivia designed the team's logo, T-shirt, memo, and other products.
We would like to thank our PIs Shiyuan Li and Jiaheng Li, instructor Jianzhao Yang, and advisor Cris Yuancheng Ding. Our PIs and instructor helped us troubleshoot and answered our questions about experiments, HP, public engagement, etc. Cris Ding provided us with numerous opportunities and ideas in Human Practices and public engagement. We would also like to thank Bingjing Cheng for guidance during experiments, Weixu Wang for his instruction on our model, and Jiaoyun Ma and Man Liu for their help with coding our wiki.
Sincere thanks are extended to our sponsors. Our PIs come from Blupha, which also provided us with the laboratory, training, and troubleshooting throughout the project. SnapGene offered licenses for every team member and made designing the parts much easier, and Mathworks provided us with licenses for MATLAB, which we used for our models. Shimadzu lent us an HPLC machine, and its employees kindly helped us measure the accurate molecular weight and concentration of our products.