Team:UPF Barcelona/Parts


In this page you will find the parts that the 2020 UPF_Barcelona team has developed to make Hormonic a reality.

Basic parts

By definition, basic parts are functional units of DNA that cannot be subdivided into smaller components parts. In Hormonic’s context, the generated parts are protein domains with the final functionality of reporting fluorescence. That means that generated parts are coding sequences that cannot admit a scar if they want to keep their functionality, and that is why they are considered basic parts.


Coding sequence for the Intein Mediated T3 biosensor that reports the hormone concentration with sfGFP. (IMT3_sfGFP)


Coding sequence for the Intein Mediated T3 biosensor that reports the hormone concentration with eGFP. Preliminar version of the IMT3_sfGFP..


This part encodes for the sfGFP with an ASV tag added to increase the protein degradation rate, thus allowing for faster system responses. To see the effect of the ASV tag in the sfGFP degradation, it's characterization can be found on the Improvement page.

Composite parts

In any case, protein domains themselves cannot do anything, as they need of complex machinery to be previously transcribed and translated. For that, promoters, ribosome binding sites and terminators are needed, each of them conforming other basic parts too. Then, as the transcriptional unit is formed by several basic parts, Hormonic also needed the use of composites.


Transcriptional unit for the intein mediated T3 sensor with sfGFP reporter with a dynamic range of: 10-7 to 10-4 M of T3.


Transcriptional unit for the intein mediated T3 sensor with sfGFP. Preliminar fersion of the IMT3_sfGFP.


This composite part produces sfGFP when a large enough concentration of lactone (AHL) is present in the medium.


This composite part produces lactone (AHL) in presence of arabinose and in absence of glucose.