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         <p>Chronic Inflammatory Diseases (CIDs) are a source of great mental and physical distress to whoever suffers from <br>
         <p>Chronic Inflammatory Diseases (CIDs) are a source of great mental and physical distress to whoever suffers from them, and continue to be of great <br>
them, and continue to be of great cost to society. Living with a CID, your well-being is at the mercy of your flare-ups <br>
cost to society. Living with a CID, your well-being is at the mercy of your flare-ups and remissions – inconsistent and unpredictable good days followed by <br>
and remissions – inconsistent and unpredictable good days followed by bad days. Sufferers are left needing frequent <br>
bad days. Sufferers are left needing frequent hospital check-ups, and are thus always reminded of their condition despite not looking sick to others. This <br>
hospital check-ups, and are thus always reminded of their condition despite not looking sick to others. This dichotomy <br>
dichotomy is another source of distress for sufferers of CIDs, as the gap between being sick and looking healthy is one they’ll most often have to deal with <br>
is another source of distress for sufferers of CIDs, as the gap between being sick and looking healthy is one they’ll most <br>
for their entire lives.</p>
often have to deal with for their entire lives.</p>
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Revision as of 08:30, 16 July 2020

UCopenhagen iGEM 2020 Official Page

Chronic Inflammatory Diseases (CIDs) are a source of great mental and physical distress to whoever suffers from them, and continue to be of great
cost to society. Living with a CID, your well-being is at the mercy of your flare-ups and remissions – inconsistent and unpredictable good days followed by
bad days. Sufferers are left needing frequent hospital check-ups, and are thus always reminded of their condition despite not looking sick to others. This
dichotomy is another source of distress for sufferers of CIDs, as the gap between being sick and looking healthy is one they’ll most often have to deal with
for their entire lives.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Curabitur iaculis neque et eros aliquet, dapibus aliquam felis condimentum.
Aliquam est enim, consequat a enim id, consequat sagittis odio. Donec iaculis
orci sodales luctus sagittis. Maecenas ullamcorper felis sed neque euismod, ac tempor dolor malesuada.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Curabitur iaculis neque et eros aliquet, dapibus aliquam felis condimentum.
Aliquam est enim, consequat a enim id, consequat sagittis odio. Donec iaculis
orci sodales luctus sagittis. Maecenas ullamcorper felis sed neque euismod, ac tempor dolor malesuada.

About us

We are 9 undergrad and grad students representing University

of Denmark. With out project CIDOSIS, we aim to improve

the lifes of people with Chronic Inflammatory Diseases


University of Copenhagen

Thorvaldsensvej 40, Frederiksberg C
