Difference between revisions of "Team:QHFZ-China"

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      <div id="background2"></div>
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     <div id="title">
     <div id="title">
       <h1><em id="title1">Super-Serum</em><em id="title2"> for </em><br><em id="title3">Engineered Bacteria</em></h1>
       <h1><em id="title1">Super-Serum</em><em id="title2"> for </em><br><em id="title3">Engineered Bacteria</em></h1>
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     <div id="team-description">
     <div id="team-description">
       <h1>OUR TEAM</h1>
       <h1>OUR TEAM</h1>
         &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;QHFZ-China is a progressive iGEM team assembled by students from Tsinghua University High School who are interested in synthetic biology . Despite the differences in age and characteristics, we share the love for biology and the iGEM competition. Together, we seek the ideal of contributing to our society and expressing the truths of science. With the help of partnerships, team work, active participation, and passion, we believe that we will overcome challenges in our project and within ourselves to enjoy the iGEM tournament. <b style="color: yellow;">You can connect us via email (igemqhfzchina <i>AT</i> gmail <i>DOT</i> com) or Facebook.</b>
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       <h1>OUR PROJECT</h1>
       <h1>OUR PROJECT</h1>
      &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In the iGEM competition, there are many teams that designed engineered bacteria with various functions. To optimize the storage environments of these bacteria and help them elaborate their functions in daily lives, we used lyophilization to attain room temperature storage. Transferring the TDPs (Tardigrade disordered protein) offer the engineered bacteria better protectants and guarantee the survival rate of them. Through these applications, we developed a new storage method not only for the daily usages of people, but also for future iGEM teams to store and apply their engineering bacteria in different practices.
     <div id="separater-2"></div>
     <div id="separater-2"></div>
     <div id="sponsers">
    <!-- 以下是奖项 -->
    <div class="award">
        <div class="image">
        <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2020/0/02/T--QHFZ-China--main_all.png" alt="">         
            GOLD Medal<br>
            Best New Composite Part (Nomination)<br>
            Best Part Collection(Nomination)
    <!-- 以下是赞助 -->
     <div id="sponsors">
       <a class="sponsers-link" href="www.mathworks.com" id="mathworks"><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2020/1/1f/T--QHFZ-China--mathworks.png" alt="mathworks"></a>
       <a class="sponsors-link" href="https://www.mathworks.com" id="mathworks" target="_Blank"><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2020/1/1f/T--QHFZ-China--mathworks.png" alt="mathworks"></a>
       <a class="sponsers-link" href="www.geneious.com" id="geneious"><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2020/6/67/T--QHFZ-China--geneious.png" alt="geneious"></a>
       <a class="sponsors-link" href="https://www.geneious.com" id="geneious" target="_Blank"><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2020/6/67/T--QHFZ-China--geneious.png" alt="geneious"></a>
       <a class="sponsers-link" href="www.snapgene.com" id="snapgene"><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2020/4/43/T--QHFZ-China--snapgene.png" alt="snapgene"></a>
       <a class="sponsors-link" href="https://www.snapgene.com" id="snapgene" target="_Blank"><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2020/4/43/T--QHFZ-China--snapgene.png" alt="snapgene"></a>
       <a class="sponsers-link" href="www.qhfz.edu.cn" id="tsinghua"><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2020/1/10/T--QHFZ-China--tsinghua.jpg" alt="tsinghua"></a>
       <a class="sponsors-link" href="http://www.qhfz.edu.cn" id="tsinghua" target="_Blank"><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2020/1/10/T--QHFZ-China--tsinghua.jpg" alt="tsinghua"></a>
       <a class="sponsers-link" href="???" id="zeno"><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2020/9/9e/T--QHFZ-China--zeno.jpg" alt="zeno"></a>
       <a class="sponsors-link" href="https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzI2MDYzNzE3MA==&mid=100000382&idx=1&sn=846a73f9464294d9a13eb88becfb2e71&chksm=6a67eae35d1063f590a71cdc82234a11ff77c116f28ec2a809e63c82b03d16bac9fe41924acd&mpshare=1&scene=1&srcid=1028Y6lu2yBbhHFbIsfaLmon&sharer_sharetime=1603842347682&sharer_shareid=9ab52608d26284723c47930bc32142bb&key=fe9a3435302fce659fb6e57197f58051b8bed0826563a142eb049467fc7e98cf542d49ce9abdb10a37a86676a16a25346545c09e5b8b5343c15bd31df2bb914aa4a491717cf461be0c8810a4e2ecec7eb3d93a73bd7f28e5a82584278d20fdd98de9f3c7b0560d7e5d3c2c2671d0e6a3d19781febe2c5224da715e7fc5f4af66&ascene=1&uin=MTExNzMyMDQ5OQ%3D%3D&devicetype=Windows+10+x64&version=6300002f&lang=zh_CN&exportkey=A6zy9oj4tjeXUUlCzYB7R7k%3D&pass_ticket=g4e9OqLU5NiTOjz%2FzgDW45YCOA%2FYTo01G%2B2WhcqPHBnyNRgZRQMDwCqZvprEaLac&wx_header=0" id="zeno" target="_Blank"><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2020/9/9e/T--QHFZ-China--zeno.jpg" alt="zeno"></a>
       <a class="sponsers-link" href="www.tidepharm.com" id="tide"><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2020/6/62/T--QHFZ-China--tide.jpg" alt="tide"></a>
       <a class="sponsors-link" href="http://www.tidepharm.com" id="tide" target="_Blank"><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2020/6/62/T--QHFZ-China--tide.jpg" alt="tide"></a>
       <a class="sponsers-link" href="www.youcareyk.com" id="youcare"><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2020/5/5a/T--QHFZ-China--youcare.jpg" alt="youcare"></a>
       <a class="sponsors-link" href="http://www.youcareyk.com" id="youcare" target="_Blank"><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2020/5/5a/T--QHFZ-China--youcare.jpg" alt="youcare"></a>

Latest revision as of 02:25, 8 December 2020

QHFZ-China Mainpage

Super-Serum for
Engineered Bacteria


    QHFZ-China is a progressive iGEM team assembled by students from Tsinghua University High School who are interested in synthetic biology . Despite the differences in age and characteristics, we share the love for biology and the iGEM competition. Together, we seek the ideal of contributing to our society and expressing the truths of science. With the help of partnerships, team work, active participation, and passion, we believe that we will overcome challenges in our project and within ourselves to enjoy the iGEM tournament. You can connect us via email (igemqhfzchina AT gmail DOT com) or Facebook.


    In the iGEM competition, there are many teams that designed engineered bacteria with various functions. To optimize the storage environments of these bacteria and help them elaborate their functions in daily lives, we used lyophilization to attain room temperature storage. Transferring the TDPs (Tardigrade disordered protein) offer the engineered bacteria better protectants and guarantee the survival rate of them. Through these applications, we developed a new storage method not only for the daily usages of people, but also for future iGEM teams to store and apply their engineering bacteria in different practices.


GOLD Medal
Best New Composite Part (Nomination)
Best Part Collection(Nomination)



mathworks geneious snapgene tsinghua zeno tide youcare