Difference between revisions of "Team:UCopenhagen/Attributions"

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  <h2> Wiki </h2>
  <h2> Wiki </h2>
Everyone on our team has written the wiki! Without the contributions from everybody the wiki would not have been what it is today. Still, we would like to attribute the main design and structure of our wiki to our wiki coordinators Aje and Victoria. They have pulled a heavy load, learning how to code in different languages so that we can all share our results in style!
Everyone on our team has written the wiki! Without the contributions from everybody the wiki would not have been what it is today. Still, we would like to attribute the main design and structure of our wiki to our wiki coordinators Aje, Victoria and Emil. They have pulled a heavy load, learning how to code in different languages so that we can all share our results in style!
  <h2> Human practice </h2>
  <h2> Human practice </h2>

Revision as of 20:11, 20 October 2020


Our accomplishments

how did we form our idea, is our iGEM team a course, when did we brainsotrm, when did we get into lab, what have we accomplished. "Use this page to attribute work done on your project. This includes the work done by each of the student members on your team and any work that was done by people outside of your team, including the host labs, advisors, instructors, and individuals not on the team roster. This requirement is not about literature references - these can and should be displayed throughout your wiki."

Our project on a timeline

At KU, iGEM is not a course, but an independent team project guided by PLEN department employees. We started our project XXX date. We brainstormed until finally choosing our project on XX date. Through a contiunous shuffeling between human practice research and interviews and scientific development and innovation throughout the summer... we have succeeded in completing our project to the best of our combined efforts.... Due to the pandemic we have worked almost half of the iGEM period solely online, meeting through zoom. We managed to get into lab on XXXX date, and worked hard from there to complete most of our planned experiments.....
Everything on our wiki is done by ourselves unless otherwise stated. The filming and editing of our promotion and presentation videos is done exclusively by our team, however we have included inputs from our advisors in regards to the storyline.


Everyone on our team has helped out in the lab, cloning yeast, making colonies, doing PCRs or DNA extraction????? However our two main lab coordinators Emil and David have been instrumental for the success of our experiments!

Project Management

We have had a non-hierachical team structure, thus everyone has been part of all main decision on the team, and our focus has been on a collected management of our project and shared responsibilities. That being said, our project coordinators Aje and Jan has allowed the team to flourish by taking on the hard responsibilities of deadlines and planning...


Everyone on our team has written the wiki! Without the contributions from everybody the wiki would not have been what it is today. Still, we would like to attribute the main design and structure of our wiki to our wiki coordinators Aje, Victoria and Emil. They have pulled a heavy load, learning how to code in different languages so that we can all share our results in style!

Human practice

everyone has been aprt of shaping the pathway for our human practice. The main work has been done by our HP coordinators Endre, Ignacio and Shivani...

Dry lab

Although the modelling goals have been formulated in a shared effort, the excecution of our modelling work has been carried out in great deal by our main dry lab coordinator Vit, with help in parts from Aje, Jan and David.

Funding & Entrepreneurship

Although many of us contributed in various ways to the funding efforts, we would like to attribute our success in part to the funding coordinators Victoria and Ignacio, who with help from the rest of the funding team, Vit and Endre, carried out majority of our funding applications. All four in addition to shivani also contributed to the entrepreneurship completed in the project.


Thanks to our coordinator Shivani for managing our social media and outreach. Blog-shivani, insta-Aje, twitter-Emil, LinkedIn-jan.

Project support and advice

Principal investigators

Sotirios Kampranis,

Associate Professor at PLEN, University of Copenhagen

As our primary PI, Sotirios has been a big part of our project. He has guided us through our brainstorming process with valuable input on applicability and viability. He has been a mentor in many aspects, but most prominantly in the design and experimental set-up of our project as well as team funding. His group at PLEN has provided us with workspace, consumables, training and guidance.

Karel Miettinen,

Postdoc at PLEN, University of Copenhagen

As our secondary PI, Karel has been very invested in our project. We have been in daily contact with him regarding all matters of scientific planning. He has provided us with immense scientific guiding and an uplifting spirit in the lab. He knows all there is to know about yeast, and his well of knowledge has helped the lab team advance throughout the project.

Advisers and instructors

Nanna Heinz,

Center coordinator at PLEN University of Copenhagen

Nanna has been our team mentor throughout the year. She has helped us establish trust in the team and define a strucutre in which we could all be an equal part of the team and project direction. She has been an important part of our daily iGEM life, guiding our idea process, setting up meeting-structures, and facilitating a healthy, independent team environment. She has offered her advice on a number of issues throughout the project and aided a great deal in our management of iGEM deadlines and deliverables.

Jon Fugl,

Ph.D at PLEN, University of Copenhagen and former iGEMer (InCell 2017)

Jon used his experience as an iGEMer to guide us during our idea development phase. He has provided us with valuable advice and support, even hosting a workshop for us on biobricks early on in our process.

Cecilie Cetti Hansen,

Ph.D at PLEN, University of Copenhagen and former iGEMer (UNIK 2014)

Cecilie is a former iGEM member has experience with mentoring in multiple aspects of an iGEM project. She has given us valuable advice on how to go about human practices, Wiki, and outreach.

Nattawat Leelahakorn,

Ph.D at PLEN, University of Copenhagen and former iGEMer (PharMARSy, 2018)

Nattawat has helped the lab team immensely with everything from troubleshooting, mastering new techniques and finding the right materials in lab. We are thankful that he was there to help us out even when we were working till late at night!


Master student at PLEN, University of Copenhagen and former iGEMer (Ovulaid, 2019)

Jonas has been instrumental in helping us navigate in the lab and has share his experience from last year to help us make 'new' mistakes.


Master student at PLEN, University of Copenhagen and former iGEMer (Ovulaid, 2019)

Iben gave us extensive advice on funding, management, human practices as well as outreach and sat in on a few meetings to help guide us. She has provided us with a lot of moral support!

General support at PLEN

everyone else at plen

Tilla Augusta Engelsted,

Laboratory Coordinator, PLEN

Tilla has been extremely helpful in giving the iGEM team safety tours and ensuring we had access to registers where we could order any lab materials we needed. She was also instrumental in giving us access to the lab so that the entire team could try some science in action whilst adhering to the restrictions due to Covid-19!


hjælp til konti og funding?
then write some text about everyone else at plen who has supported us
Thanks to Kirsten for help with project approval, Birger and the department for their believe in us, Annett for advice on public engagement and entrepreneurship, Claudia for early on wiki guidance... anyone else?

Human practice support

balbla - we would like to thank everyone in our hP - check out our integrated human practice. -Did anyone help us with understandin human practice? thank synthetics for helping us understand HP and how to incorporate it.


We would like to attribute our app idea to the work previously done by Ovulaid in 2019. They developed the groundwork for an app to analyze color intensity on an image. We utilize their principles and made our own version of the user interface to match our project

Funding & Entrepreneurship support


We would like to thank SUND Hub, the innovation and incubation hub for start-up coming out of the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, for allowing us to be part of their annual SUND Hub Incubator Program and giving us opportunities to meet people who can help us develop a business model and methods to target customers. We would especially like to thank Peter Løvschall and Anna Vestergård Jacobsen, who are currently heading the place. We would also like to thank Peter for putting us in touch with Nina Brocks, who is an innovation consultant at Region Hovedstaden. She understood our project and needs and helped us fill in the gaps by putting us in contact with Jakob Seidelin, about whom you can read more on here (link to IHP).


helped us understand....

Lab and modelling support

Markus DTU,

helped our understanding of modelling and dry lab. Workshop about characterization and standardization of parts.

Kurt mikkelsen,

Helped us with access to supercomputer for modeling rosetta data


thanks to all our sponsors here. they will be in a footer type manner. No writing required.

Icons made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com